Bump....when will the Civ2 downloads site be updated?


Perfectionist, CIVilized
Dec 12, 2002
Hey All,

I cannot understand why a Civ2 scenario submitted over 2 months ago still hasn't made it for the Civ2 scenario downloads page. I know that I am not the only one who has submitted a Civ2 scenario in this period. I can understand that Thunderfall wants to bundle new scenarios for the download page, but 2 months is too long IMHO.

I know Civ3 is important stuff because it is in and all that. I just get a bit annoyed that Civ3 reviews or offers from Amazon.com leaves no room for what Civfanatics also should be about.....

Thank you.
Ditto. Civ2 on CivFanatics is quickly dying. The community needs some help from the Mods.
Originally posted by Harry Tuttle
Civ2 on CivFanatics is quickly dying. The community needs some help from the Mods.

It's a bit sad that it's true :(
What can we do to save our precious civ2 community or prevent it from dying?
I dunno, but the moderators must wake up. I haven't seen anything new for civ2 on the mainpage in months..
This was a glorious civ2 community once! We must relive it! Who are the moderators here?
Sorry about the lack of Civ2 updates, guys. :( I will try my best to revive the Civ2 section.

As you know, recently I resumed posting weekly announcement of new Civ3 files on the main page. I will do the same for Civ2 files.

I will announce new Civ2 files on Saturdays (Civ3 announcements are on Wednesdays).
What shall the Mods for Civ 2 do to help revive the section?

We have the GOTM going, the demogame has died, and no one has sent me anything else.

I'm trying to make sure the HOF gets updated still, but I haven't gotten any of the files sent to me from the old HOF admin.

If there is anything newsworthy that is going on, let me know.

Whatever I can do to help the Civ 2 section stay alive works for me.
Originally posted by Duke of Marlbrough
What shall the Mods for Civ 2 do to help revive the section?

We have the GOTM going, the demogame has died, and no one has sent me anything else.

I'm trying to make sure the HOF gets updated still, but I haven't gotten any of the files sent to me from the old HOF admin.

If there is anything newsworthy that is going on, let me know.

Whatever I can do to help the Civ 2 section stay alive works for me.

Might I suggest that you become the new editor of Civ2 scenario reviews? It is completely dead since Alcib left after that heated exchange regarding starting the PBEM forum.

I sent a review of a scenario called Martian Dawn to TF a while back and its not part of the recent update. Maybe we can have a sticky thread about who wants reviews on their scenarios and who wants to do the reviewing.

newcomers who may not know of our fallen prodigy.

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