[NFP] Byzantium & Gaul Developer Livestream Discussion

Laurana Kanan

Don’t underestimate who I am.
Super Moderator
Apr 10, 2014
Near the Greatest Snow on Earth
As previously, @bite or another mod will need to lock this until then.



Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/firaxisgames

Youtube Stream: TBD

Facebook Stream:
Twitter Stream: https://twitter.com/CivGame/status/1308825006122491905
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Moderator Action: reopening as the stream is in 2 hours
Nice of them not to just label Pete as Cannon Fodder.
Is anyone else primarily going to watch just to see if Antioch is a Byzantine city, or is that just me?
Is anyone else primarily going to watch just to see if Antioch is a Byzantine city, or is that just me?

... ... ... ... maybe ... ... ... (and any other city surprises).
Is anyone else primarily going to watch just to see if Antioch is a Byzantine city, or is that just me?

Maybe they will just cut to the chase and show Venice's Suze bonus.
I'm home and I'll watch for sure.
The streams are up
let me know if you spot any new cities or geographical features during the stream
slight delay on the stream (tech issues from the discord sounds)
Of course it is my fault the stream has not started for not being asleep in bed
It has gone live
Oppidum comes at Ironworking.
Iron Working for the unique industrial zone
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