Bz9 - Ad Astra Per Sid

Yom said:
Also to keep in mind is the fact that we have sanitation. The South doesn't need hospitals yet (though it has great growth potential), while the Hospital can build them easily but can only grow 1-3 population points in the towns not on the coast.

:crazyeye: Uh...make that the North can build them easily.
Preturn: I trade Atomic Theory and 1050 gold for refining. We are only down Ironclads and Fascism now excepting the Persians who are still first.
I get the ROP as suggested by Yom.

Game plan: I think Yom's plan is a good one and will continue it. We have all important techs and may be even able to get First price by researching on our own.

Early: Build improvements. Make sure every city has a defender.
1170 AD: We successfully build Hoover.
1180 AD: Fail to carefully steal Combustion from Persia - Spy escapes.

Mid: Since it is more efficent in terms of worker turns to build a road with 1 or 2 units first, I do a massive roading project to get roads for the jungle, marsh clearing team

1200 AD: Steal combustion from Persia. Get enough cash for another steal from selling tech, but the second attempt fails.
Note that Persia has both flight and Mass Prod, but no Electronics.

IBT: Persia pulls the Mayans into the war vs us. We lose some Lux.

Attack and Raze the Mayan city in the South.

1230 AD: Steal Mass Production. Sell around techs and get enough cash to steal Mech Transport as well.

Note that Persia does not have Electronics yet, but they do have flight.

Pre-1250 IBT: Byzantine is pulled into the war vs us That will be a semi-real war!

1250 AD: I capture and Raze the choke town, the two towns in our interior. I also capture New Mach Chunk.
Another steal succeeds - We have flight.

New Mach Chunk has 2 Byzantine citizens and 4 of ours. I did not raze it. We may want to though.

The Byzantines waited until we had tanks to Attack.

Using just tech stealing we are the only civ in the modern age! This is unusual; Persia doesn't have Electronics, but the Mongols did... and they were at war.

We have 1153 gpt income from other civs. We can research modern techs in 20 turns and have 773 gpt income at 100% science. I kept us at 100% income though because as scientific civs enter the modern age they will have techs for us to steal. Maybe building up a big reservior of cash and the scientific civs are in the modern age, then we might consider our own research.

We are building Battlefield Medicine.

I would make peace with civs if you possibly can. We risk losing big gpt income by being at war. I think we should go for peace with the world when we can - we do better by not being at war.

I think we may be able to get our goal of a space ship win :D

Here is the Save
:goodjob: Magnificent turns, greebley. I wasn't expecting us to be in the Modern Age this quickly. With all our cities, we should be a researching machine soon. In fact, why not begin researching now? We should have Universities in all our core cities now, and libraries in most of our southern cities. I would research Computers to get Research Laboratories and then go straight for Space Flight.

As for the war against the Byzantines, I wouldn't pursue it any more than we already have. We want a space race win, not a military one. We shouldn't waste too many resources fighting them. I would mainly build military in the Northern cities (that have built all possible improvements) and use the military to be disbanded in the south. If we want to pursue the war further, I'd only take the 4 isolated cities in the Peninsula. Past that, the number of defending troops isn't worth it.
I would grab the rest of the land behind the choke. We can do this with present units. I agree we don't need the land but it would be nice not to have flip risk; our culture is not high. We can't make peace right away anyway.

I do completely agree to make peace as soon as we can. I would like to get out of all wars so we don't get dragged into them.

My thought on research was to wait until the scientific civs become modern. Otherwise we can put 15 turns into a tech and have some AI get it for free. Research is slow for us: We can steal a tech every 3 turns (if we succeed), but research takes 20. We really could use the internet.

Once the AI's have become modern and gotten their freebies and we have stolen them, then I think we will be ready to self research.
Good idea. On second thought, I retract my earlier statement. However, I do think that we should research miniaturization as quickly as possible with a prebuild in Salamanca or Cattaraugus (our top 2 shield producers). We won't win the space race without research capability. The SS parts are way to cheap for a Sid AI to take that risk.
Persia is probably within a few turns of becoming modern. I think we should steal whatever tech they get.

If they get Computers then lets research Miniturization at max - There is a good chance we will get it first and nabbing the internet will be a huge boon.

If they don't then I would save up some cash 7k or so and then do the trick of gifting an AI into the modern age. We can then trade or steal whatever tech they get and then sell it back. Ideal would be if we could get peace with everyone before doing this (though stealing could lead to war of course). Once a civ gets Computers we go for Miniturization again.

A free research lab in every city should make us more capable of doing self-research. Also remember to switch some specialists to scientists. Scientists in C3C are well worth it in corrupt towns (and one reason why I feel we should irrigate and not build mines near corrupt towns).
Eventually, yes we should irrigate everything in the corrupt towns. But after a courthouse, they can build libraries and universities (Edit:AND Hospitals. Especially with Hoover's. Only after all the research buildings have been built would I advocate completely irrigating the south. We haven't hit the 1/1 limit yet (this being a huge map) so those cities are still capable of building the improvements by themselves. For those that have finished their libraries (oh yeah, AND Hospitals) we should do complete irrigation.
Great job team. Don't forget you can gift the weaker scientific civs Germany, Russia, and Greece into the MA and steal/trade what they get.
Mark1031 said:
Great job team. Don't forget you can gift the weaker scientific civs Germany, Russia, and Greece into the MA and steal/trade what they get.
absolutely, let's remember to do this next turn :) it will also slow down the tech leaders as they will try to buy the little civ's tech's :) Persia will finally find something to do with all that money.

great turns greebley :goodjob:
BTW. Any concern about a UN loss/or undesired win? Maybe we should snag this or make sure we start a WW against whoever does. We should be the other contestent in a vote.
Actually, there should be 3 contestants (unless Persia builds the UN). Us (most population, I think), Persia (most land, not 100% sure), and the UN builder. We can easily start a prebuild somewhere for the UN. Our palace is worth 900 shields (maybe 1000), so it will last a long time.

Also, Libraries and Uni's won't do much to help the amount of corruption generated, but with courthouses, police stations and WLTK days we should be able to make the cities pretty helpful in researching.

BTW, I've heard reports that Police stations only reduce shield corruption (and the same for WLTK), is this true?
Ok, Steve. Hopefully it is a good busy and not a bad busy.

Greebley <= Just Played.
Arizona_Steve <= skipped
Mark1031 <= Up
Grahamiam <= On Deck

Betazed <- Skip for now, but there is hope

Mark, you get to use your gift and steal trick. :) If we are lucky, a civ like Germany may not have communism and facism - the both should have the 50% bonus to their value being govt techs. I would still have cash on hand for two steals. The prices might be astronomical even with 2 govt trades - Not sure on that, but I was suprised how much more I had to pay even with electronics on the side. First place tech costs are really impressive on a huge SID map.

Oh it ocurred to me that we can tell how close Persia is to the Modern age by seeing how much they will give us for Electronics. They have to be researching it - I think it is the only tech they can research.

[Edit: I haven't heard that Yom. AFAIK, courthouses and police stations work in the same manner. Not sure on WLTKD.]

Pre: Trade Mongols MechTrans for 320 +225 gpt

1255: Raze Nicomedia, Get leader. Leader becomes tank army.

1260: move some troops

IT: Peace with Maya. Pick up wines, ivory and 500 gp for Mech Trans.

1265: Gift Germany to ModAge. They get Computers and I trade Ironclads for Computers straight up ??? This is weird, they must really like me. Renew Gems with Greeks. Take Prilep and New Ceseara. Persia is now modern and gets fission. Could make peace and trade but I still want to slow them down. Careful steal nets fission. How to keep them from trading? Well I know we were going to go for peace but I would like to wait until we secure the internet. So I sign Germany and Myans (Other 2 modern civs) in against Persia. Also gift Germany everything but fission. Myans are getting a bit too big as well so let them go at Persia. Switch Sala to SETI due in 5. Switch Carta to UN, due in 12. Start Miniaturization @ 100% due in 20.

1270: Take last Byz city on our peninsula and make peace for worker and 500 gp.

1275: Railing. Mongols are Modern. Nineveh will complete UN in 8 we will in 10. Will need to sabotage.

1285 Clear jungle and rail

1290 Clear jungle and rail

IT: Sala completes SETI. Miniaturization in 12.

1295: Careful sabotage of UN production in Nineveh costs us 3400 but is successful. We should now get the UN in 6 turns.

1300: More rails. Somehow Incans got computers. They have a fair amount of cash to buy fission but I would holdout a couple of turns (or until they make peace with Persians) to secure the UN and to try and slow things down.
Well, I would do Sala as it pulls >100spt. You can do Bat. Med Prebuild. Could also just pick another strong shield city and start palace pre if you think that would be faster. I haven't started any prebuild though.
Greebley said:
[Edit: I haven't heard that Yom. AFAIK, courthouses and police stations work in the same manner. Not sure on WLTKD.]

I have noticed that police specialists seem to affect shields more than gold but they do have some effect on both.
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