1505AD - Instead of scientists, this time we chose to starve down the Persian hordes in Tyre and Gordium under the burden of many tax collectors. The accountants were talking in terms of a 'self funding' war.
This brings gpt to 832 and will enable stealing a tech every five turns or so. We currently have 2386 gp, but since the Sci Method steal, SGL rushed ToE to Hoovers is about to be enacted, we realise we need a factory city to start a prebuild for Hoovers. A factory is rushed in Umma for 860 gp. This will slow our attempt on stealing Sci Methos by a turn, but will speed our lock on Hoover.
The map shows the entire world's supply of silk. Taking the five visible cities will give Portugal control of this valuable commodity. At Tyre there is no barracks, and a lot of wounded troops. However, we note that on the eastern mountain, there is a lone pikeman, no doubt preparing to pillage our road access to the capital. The 7/13 cav army destroys the pike at a cost of 3hp, and the rifle guarding the iron advances to claim the position. Our one healthy cav in Tyre attacks an exposed immortal winning for 1hp. It fortifies on the mountain.
North of Gordium, there is a single immortal, then a SOD of 2 musket, two pikes, a spear and 11 imortals. We have many healthy units down there, and so decide to have some fun with the exposed units:
Crusader kills MI
The cannon advance and take a total of three hp off the muskets
2 Cavs kill 2 pikes -2hp each
cav kills musket -2hp
crusader kills musket -1hp
crusader dies vs spear (redlined)
2 crusaders kill two immortals
rifle kills one immortal
9/14 cav army kills one immortal at loss of 7 hp!
Our military is still weak compared to Aztecs, but average to Maya and strong everyone else.
On the IT, Persia has now picked up military tradition as we were attacked by a cav.
1510AD - Kill one spear outside Tyre. We kill the cavalry outside gordium, but otherwise retreat to the city to recoup. The Persians land 3 immortals near Madrid (defended by a lone rifle and not on the railnet yet. Four cavs are dispatched to its aid. Will arrive in two.
We realise that we still need medicine before we can steal Sci Method, so an embargo against the Persians and medicine from the Americans for Furs, wines, electricity, world map and 509gp. The Aztecs and Maya outright refuse a trade emabrgo, so we know who is fueling their rapid tech catchup! Medicine to Maya yields Ironclads, 24 gold and World map. For some reason the Maya are refusing to pay gpt for anything. I am sure the AMericans have recently paid such.
Barracks rushed in Tyre.
IT - Two immortals die, but the sole survivor captures Madrid. Gordium holds off the assault, but two exposed crusaders are killed. They are out of date units anyway, i guess, still it was a little careless leaving them exposed.
1515AD - Tyre is safe and all units fully healed. Gordium, however, is surrounded. To the east are 4 immortals, a musket and a pike. NE are four immortals, N are 4 immortals, 2 muskets and a pike, NW is one wounded immortal. We kill a musket, a pike and six immortals, with all units finishing their move inside gordium.
Our two fully healed cav armies charge out of Tyre, kill 4 muskets and take Persepolis. We are now second in score, behind only the Aztecs. Madrid is returned to the glorious Portugese empire.
IT - Aztecs demand wines. We cave, they have infantry, plus I do not have esponiage, and so cannot steal while at war.
1520AD - war weariness starts kicking in. We have 3377gp, but for a careful steal from the Aztecs it is 3544, so we hold off for one more turn. Reinforcements arrive at Gordium. Two cav armies take Sardis. We clean up exposed units, including two cavs by Persepols.
1525AD - We steal Sci Method from the Aztecs for 3544 gold. Now to gain ascendency. Anthony of Padua rushes ToE in Niagra Falls. Science set to Atomic Theory, then Electronics.
We push out of Persepolis with an army and an elite cav and take Samaria. Persia now has six cities. Persia must be gassed, there is a spear showing in Arbela. This campaign will not stop until Persia has joined the Portugese state!
On the IT
1530AD - We suddenly realise that Hoover requires a city by a river, so a factory is rushed in Oporto, to start Hoover next turn. AT to Aztecs for Replaceable Parts, 92gp and World Map. We have rubber! (The Greeks can breathe easier, for now). Scientific Method and Replaceable parts gets communism 231 gp and world map from America. We see that Badajoz has better shield output than Oporto, so we rush a factiry at that river city as well.
Henry believes that Persia now faces enough forces as it has had reinforcements from 11 galleons. We take Arbela. Only three silks remain in Persian hands (theirs, and presumably trades to Aztecs and Maya). Pasargadae is outside our reach until next turn, so the preparations are made. It only costs 30gp each to upgrade our 92 rifles to infantry, so this process commences.
Hoover due in 30 from Badajoz.
1535AD - Pasargadae is taken, and silk lux outside immediate city radius isconnected by frigate bombardment. We now control the silks.
1540AD - We take Hamadan with cavs this time at a loss of two, to save armies for further assaults. ANtioch falls to two cav armies. Now we can still reach the remaining two Persian cities! Bactra falls to our cavalry attack for the loss of one. Persia is a 1CC, but we are out of units this turn. They live one more turn.