C3C: The Rise and Rise of Portugal (Emperor)


Sep 25, 2003
OK, I have never actually won the epic game on emperor level before, but I have defeated it regularly on Monarch, and I have beaten the rise of rome and WWII conquests on emperor. It is definitely time to step up to the challenge. It is not that I haven't tried emperor before, but I seem to have a nack of getting myself into a bind and getting too far behind, or at least apparently so. In my last attempt I started next to flood plans, but discovered them to be a mixed blessing when my capital suffered repeated bouts of disease before spittin gthe first settler. In two successive turns the capital shrank from size 3 to 1. It was a tremendous uphill battle from then on.

I choose a large, continents 70% water, 4 billion years old world. I decided that due to the late map and contact trading, my best chance of success would be with a civ possessing expansionist and seafaring traits to maximise establishing contacts and hopefully get into a brokering situation, hence the Portugese.

The start:

No flood plains (based on last attempt that is probably a good thing), no river either, but at least a cattle and a bonus grassland. This will do to settle and we will see how we progress.
Not too much is known of early Portugal (because I have played on with insufficient saves to easy recreate it all, though I am now at a very interesting point). Historians were able to peice together that two additional scouts were added to the first and embarked on a comprehensive exploration of this landmass we found ourselves on. There is plenty of fertile ground to the west, jungle to the north, dessert ot the east and ocean to the south. We are also not alone. Our scouts bring word of other tribes - the Iroquoi, the Japanese, the Sumerians and the Spanish. These other tribes all share our starting continent. The race for land is on.

With some thought we are able to turn our start location into a 4 and a bit turn settler factory and spread the might of the Portugese empire across the land. Our neighbours, especially the Iroquoi have the same desires and aggressively expand into our border regions narrowly beating us to several key sites. Here is the situation at 1025BC:

(The Iroquoi team colour and ours are a little bit similar). As you can see, Portugal has claimed 10 city sites, but is a little hemmed in by the Iroquoi cities of Oil Springs and Cattaraugus. The most annoying thing is that the nearest horse resource is claimed by Cattaraugus. The Iroquoi must pay for stealing this Portigese resource!

Meanwhile, Prince Henry, also known as the Sandman, doesn't lose sight of the original purpose in selecting seafaring, and so work starts on the Portugese navy. The other tribes will be found! Lisbon is building a Curragh, because I found that I could run my settler factory at either 5 turns a settler, or 4 turns a settler if I didn't mind Lisbon shrinking. So I let it shrink to size 2 while trying to grab land in the face of Iroquoi settlers everywhere, and am building a unit to allow it to regrow.

Techwise we are trailing a little bit, but expect to be able to catch up when we can broker between continents. We currently have Iron Working, Writing, Horseback Riding and Ceremonial Burial, and have started a 50 turn Literature gambit. We were down at least Masonry and Mysticism. Since we are hemmed in, we know we will be going to war soon, and so decide that the Great Library would provide a useful means to stay in touch with the tech leaders while we war. So not many turns after this point a pre-build was started in Guimaraes. Historians note that this turns out to be an unsuccessful gambit, as it is known that Portugal was ultimately beaten to this wonder by two turns by the evil Iroquoi.

There is an unclear record of much of the rest of the BC period. But historians are agreed on the fact while due war preparations were made against the Iroquoi, with an assemblage of Swords and Catapults readying for an attack on Cattaraugus, the stupid Sumerians (rated weak militarily) made a demand that Henry did not wish to succumb to and declared war.

The expected war front was the border between Sagres and Umma, and true to form this turned out to be the case. Troops were rapidly redeployed to this front, delaying our inevitable confrontation with the Iroquoi. The location of Oil Springs continued to be a thorn in our side, forcing troops to go around the long way to avoid the Iroquoi territory. Just another reminder of who the true enemy was.

Due to the need to relocate forces, initial progress against the Sumerians was a little slow. By 280AD we have broken their back and taken Umma and Ur. Note also that we have found the Persians on an island all by themselves and falling behind techwise, and we have also found the other continent with Egypt, Inca, Maya, America and the Aztecs.
Henry is not pleased with the slow progression of the Sumerian war. Thinking in terms of an execution he demands the audience of his militray advisor to explain this. "Are we not destined to rule this world? How can we bring this about when progress against this barbaric tribe, the Sumerians, is so slow?" demands Henry.

The military advisor starts mumbling about Enkidu warriors defending with unusual strength, and some building called the Great Wall of Ur. Apparently this weak northern tribe has been in a golden age and poring out hordes of these determined defenders and hiding behind these extra strong walls. But the military advisor brings good news as well. We have destroyed this wall thing with the capture of their capital Ur. We have also spawned two great military leaders in the tesing battles that have ensued. The first has been turned into a mighty swordsman army. The second retired to our recently captured city of Umma and created a magnificent new building, the Forbidden Palace. Furthermore, now at 350AD we have captured Lagash and there are only six Sumerian cities eluding our grasp. Our new found productivity and the Sumerian's faltering supply of Enkidu mean total victory is just around the corner.

"Very well, your life shall be spared this time. Proceed with the battle until every last Sumerian town is in the possession of the mighty Portugese civilisation" ordered Henry.

Next Henry ordered in his science advisor. "Tell me how this special building of Guimares is progressing, is it finished yet? There are many other pressing demands on its shields." thundered Henry, thinking he may yet have an execution after all.

The science advisor instead launches into a long ramble about the clever inter-continental trading that has brought the mighty Portigese nation into the middle ages era, and virtual parity with the world's tech leaders.

Henry will not be sidetracked however, and insists on news of the Great Library.

The science advisor meekly admits that once again the evil Iroquoi have beaten the Portugese to an objective, with Guimares falling only 20 years (2 turns) short of completion. But he has a plan to save the great investment, and propel Portugal into an even stronger position vis a vis Sumeria. If Henry were to immediately procure the new knowledge of Feudalism, then not only would we have the might of Pikemen on our side, but the investment in the great library could be switched to Sun Tzu's at no loss!

This is done.
This new technology is then traded around to pick up Engineering, Republic and Monarchy, as well as a supply of horses. Immediately some horsemen are ordered up as a prebuild for knights!

The military campaign against the Sumerians continues. A second front is established north of Evora, to hasten progress on the jumgle cities. Monotheism is brought and traded for Gunpowder (we have saltpeter connected already), and research moves to Chivalry. As Sumerian cities fall the cities are forced to work as scientists on a starvation diet. This speeds the discovery of Chivalry by many turns.

On the other continent the Inca are destroyed. The Aztecs are becoming the most dominant force on the planet, with both the Maya and the Americans being strong. I gift Egypt some techs to increase the cost of wiping her out.

By 710AD the Sumerians have been reduced to the fishing village resort of Agarde. Chivalry comes in and is traded for Chemistry and theology plus a supply of horses from the Iroquoi. Yes, this does lock me into 20 turns of peace with the Iroquoi, however, I am still a despot, still have a Sumerian city left to take, and the military advisor still rates the Iroquoi army as stronger than ours. So I am figuring 20 turns enables finishing the Sumerians, revolting to Republic and massive military buildup (especially of knights).

However, this strategy partially backfires as the Iroquoi are able to rush finish the Knights Templar wonder in the border city of Allegheny. This means I will additionally be facing the power of Crusaders!

A fifty turn research gambit is started on printing press. As a tech that is low in priority for the AI research, this will be used to catch up on techs from the other continent while we concentrste our forces on the Iroqoui. The two hundred years expire and see in the destruction of the Sumerians at long last, and another great leader rises from the heat of battle to lead a knight army. Five turns of Anarchy are drawn as the Portugese switch to this new form of government, the republic, and plans are drawn up for the invasion of the Iroquoi.

It is decided that a multi pronged attack will be launched on the Iroquoi on the turn of declaring war. The two most important objectives are the blue force aiming at Cattaraugus to claim our own supply of the vital horses resource, and the red force aiming at Allegheny to take the Knights Templar wonder from the Iroquoi. Crusaders will fight on our side! Note also the two border towns of Tonawanda, with a black circle indicating the Iroquoi's only supply of saltpeter, and the black arrow into Oil Springs. Oil Springs is important only because it allows the Iroquoi the ability to counter attack deep within the core of the Portugese.

Note also that the Iroquoi's civilisation is not one joined conglomerate, but is split in two with the Japanese seperating a further five cities out to the far west of the continent, and the Iroquoi have also placed a fishing village to the east of the Portugese empire. The military advisor indicates that we have just reached parity with the Iroquoi army (we are average in comparison). Task force blue consists of eight Trebuchets, the knight army, one knight and eight medieval infantry. Task force red consists of four Trebuchets, the Sword army, 10 knights and 9 medieval infantry.

We wait three more turns to reinforce our positions with muskets and war is declared.
The initial advance is blue force moves to the plains east of Cattaraugus, red force advances to the tobacco north east of Allegheny and a minor force of one musket and six knights position themselves on the mountains north eats of Oil Springs. The counter is minor. A force of four Crusaders moves onto the mountain two tiles away from Rio Janeiro, and mainly defensive reinforcements are seen heading to the front lines.

The blue task force is victorious and Cattaraugus falls! Once more we can build knights. The red task force is victorious and Allegheny falls! The Knights Templar is ours, as is the Mausoleum of Mausollos. Now Crusaders will be built for us! (I am not actually sure why anyone would build the MoM - three content citizens in the city where it is built. An expensive way to get happy faces I think). Spurred on by the success to the west, the minor black force decides to have a go as well. Big time :smoke: Six knights die, the defenders are severely wounded but live to recover and fight another day. Another four knights would have secured the city. This way I just depleted my forces unnecessarily.

Cattaraugus and Allegheny are set to work as scientists building workers to starve them down as quick as possible and boost Printing Press research. Science is set to 30% to bring in Printing Press in 16. Henry looks at the situation and is pleased. The momentum of the battle is with the Portugese, and we have already greatly wounded the Iroquoi. The Japanese are still a substantial force though weak relative to us. Currently the Japanes split the Iroquoi civilisation in two, so as the Iroquoi try to drive reinforcements through Japanese territory it may force a war declaration. On the other hand, the Japanese could be brought into the war by the Iroquoi, and this would change the complexion of this war completely! So for the meaningless cost of the Chemistry technology, the Japanese join the fray against the Iroquois.

The Iroquoi attempt to mount a counter with a large force of muskets, medieval infantry and long bows, especially around Allegheny. But the strong red force decimates this counter, since the units are out in the open, and over the next couple of turns the counter slows to a trickle.

The assualt turns to the Iroquoi saltpeter source, for without this, the potency of the Iroquoi defence would crumble. Tonawanda is assaulted with the bulk of the blue force and reinforcements from the red force, and quickly falls. Thus securing a second saltpeter source for the Portugese. Henry sees that his able ally the Japanese have gunpowder, but no saltpeter, and that he has a safe border connection to the Japanese. Deciding that it is best that Japan can cause the maximum damage to the Iroquoi, Japan is sold saltpeter for 13 gpt.

Next the force double back to liberate Oil Springs, before taking Grand River. The advance moves to the Iroquoi capital of Salamanca. While the generals wait for the Trebuchets to arrive evidence of the Japanese assaulting Salamanca is seen in the rear. Though fortunately, the assault is unsuccessful. Finally the Trebuchets are in position, some 21 in total, and Salamanca is easily taken in the end in 1060AD.

1060AD is an amazing year in the history of the Portugese, because in Salamanca is the Great Library, long forgotten by Henry during this camapign to free the Iroquoi people from their current rulers and allow them to join the Portugese empire. Education and Metallurgy has been available for some time on the other continent, but Henry has avoided trading, relying on the printing press gambit to catch up. Suddenly, due to the acquisition of the GReat Library in Salamanca, the reliance on printing press is removed. Since the Portugese did not have education, it is immediately discovered due to the great library. This of course makes the great library obsolete, but this turn at least it continues to spit out late middle age techs including Music Theory, Astronomy, Navigation, Metallurgy and Military Tradition !Six mid to late middle ages techs - this has got to be one of the best hauls from the GL ever! In trade we pick up the world map of the other continent, but do not share ours!

On our continent the most technically advanced opponent is the Japanese who will have samurai and muskets. The Iroquoi are all but destroyed, Spain's only middle ages tech is feudalism, and they still lack the republic. Persia remains isolated on their island and have advanced to only monotheism of the middle ages techs. The other continent has no contacts on ours except Portugal itself, and does not know where we are, although with navigation they do now have the ability to find us.

Also, as can be seen below, the Aztecs remain in a threateningly strong position:

They will need to be dealt with soon.

However, given our strength within our own continent, Henry considers it best to maximise the advantage by keeping the continent isolated while the Portugese rapidly expand to control it. In 1080AD Henry decides that he needs funds to fuel the rapid upgrade of units to use the tech advantage. So as America is running third of the three main powers across on the other continent, they are chosen to recieve extra luxury goods and so get a boost against their competitors. Wines are accidentally gifted, then dyes are sold for about 100 gp and 10 gpt, and gems are sold for around 100 gp and another 15 gpt. The upgrades commence. Now the Iroquoi will face cavalry and cannons. Their end draws near!
It is now 1110AD, and the historical record is now completely up to date. Events can be noted as they occur. The Iroquoi are down to three cities. Only one of which is within easy reach of Henry, however, with Japan sitting between the other two cities to the west. Japan has picked up three Iroquoi cities. The other eight have fallen to the mighty Portugese. Unfortunately, three turns remain on the alliance against the Iroquoi with the Japanese, and six turns remian on the saltpeter deal with Japan. Henry is itiching to attack Japan ASAP, but may have to settle for the weak Spanish until the six turns are up.

The other continent remains the biggest concern. The Americans are up Banking, the Aztecs are up Physics and teh Aztecs remain the strongest civ with 28% of the world's pop. The power graph tells the tale:

The strategy is still to finish off our continent now then attack the Aztecs and try to get a dogpile with the Maya and Americans joining in. Henry could really use war breaking out now, just to slow the tech pace. It would be much better to attack the Aztecs with Cavalry versus muskets rather than rifles or infantry! We may have to instigate a war there...

Back on our continent, and our units have plenty of movement left to contemplate an attack of Maunch Chunk.

On second thoughts, we only have 6 cavalry in total that can attack this turn, so we may as well protect our force and delay the assault until success is guranteed. We move units into position and form another army, soon to be a cavalry army.

Banking is too valuable a tech to leave out there. We check on the Axtecs. They have banking now too, so Printing Press and 171 gp gets us banking. Over to Abe. Printing press and 82 gpt nets us Physics. Printing Press to the Maya for Icense and 6gp. They wouldn't accept any gpt, they must be over committed already, as I am sure this is below market price, but I wanted something for PP. Science switched to economics - I want Smiths.

1120AD - we now have a force of 6 cavalry and three knights facing a veteran musket in a size 4 city. It is worth the risk to strike to prevent the Japanese from grabbing Mauch Chunk. We note the Japanese have captured Akwesasne on the interturn, leaving the Iroquoi with two cities. The assault is ordered.

Vet cav defeats vet musket and promotes, vet cav defeats reg musket and the city is ours. Lisbon completes a cav and starts work on a settler to fill in some gaps. Luxury is lowered from 30% to 10% to maximise on the incense deal. Both Aztecs and America have magnetism. I doubt I can get to attack them before they have nationalism, now.

We assemble the cav army and six vet cavs to attempt a crossing of Japanese soil to attack the last Iroquoi city of Tyendenaga at the SW point of our continent. No doubt the Japanese will object, but we will try anyway.

1130AD - A Japanese galley trespasses through our northern territorial waters . We object andthey promise to move. We enter Japanese territory in the south, and prepare a massive invasion force in Niagra Falls.

1140AD - The Japanese do object an dwe are forced back to the start. Military Alliance expires this turn, saltpeter deal in three.

1160AD - The build up outside Japan continues. Japan makes peace with the OCC Iroquoi. One turn remains on the saltpeter deal. The other continent has met Persia, but still neither Spain, Japan nor Iroquoi.
1180AD - all deals have expired with Japan, it is time to strike. Our initial thought were a three pronged strike as follows:

The red force advances with cannon support on Kyoto in two turns to strike on the third, while a small cavalry force dispenses with Tokyo immediately on declaration of hostilities. Meanwhile the blue task force consisting of cannon and movement one troops advances in three turns on Osaka to strike on turn 4.

Before implementing this plan we decide to investigate Kyoto:

Five units of defense four and two trebuchets. Why wait for cannon and allow more defense to be rushed into place, cavalry can hit Kyoto in one. We will strike Kyoto on turn one, still hit Tokyo and th eblue plan is as before.

We are strong compared to the Japanese military, and they have 14 cities bundled together here, and one on an island next to a city of mine. It is time.
The cavalry army charges on Kyoto, and takes out the first musket at a loss of 4 hit points (0f 12), and runs out of movement. Of course, how stupid, th eforest requires two mvement points, so we cannot further assault Kyoto! Tokyo falls with the loss of one cav.

In the interturn (IT) the Japanese snatch a couple of workers and position force near Tokyo for an attempt to regain.

1190AD - The cav army again strikes Kyoto and takes out three defenders before resting. One cav is retreated, two more have vistories and Kyoto is ours. A carrack takes on a Japanese galley and:
We clean up the eight samurai and the medieval infantry for the loss of three cavs. On the IT they retake Tokyo, and I can not regain it that turn. My only consolation is another leader who is turned immediately into an army. This will be the second cavalry army.

1210AD - we have also lost our almost worthless island city of Guarda to a lone Long bow. BUt now the blue force is in position and ready to strike.

1220AD - we take Osaka. We retake Tokyo. But the morons the Spanish have decided to go to war. The fools. I left the knight army up against the Spanish border in case they got twitchy, and now they will pay!

1230AD - the massacre of the Spanish units creates another great leader, "Cabral", who turns into another army. lets see if the Spanish can handle a cavalry army! On the Japanese front the blue force heads north to Edo, and is poised to strike next turn. Meanwhile in the south, the cav army pushes through alone to Nara to test the waters, an ddefeats two defenders before being redlined and thinking the better course is to retreat.

1240AD - Edo survives one turn as I couldn'r quite redline all the defenders, and don't have enough units, we kill two, however, two left.

1250AD - Edo falls. Our armies advance on Nara and Kagoshima on the Japanese front. The Spanish have sent in a SOD of 9 units (pikes, MI and an archer) towards Bad tibira. This is reduced to the lone archer by our armies positioned there.

1255AD - Japan is clearly gassed as a single cavalry army takes Nara, and Kagoshima falls as well.

1260AD - America and Azrecs sign MPP. Drat! :cry: Hopefully this will expire in twenty. Troops heal or advance. Japan has been reduced to the following plus a small island to the east of the continent. A very backward Greece has been found, and Spain seems to be running out of its attackers. Other than the MPP, all is good.

1265AD - America's luxuries deals expires, and about time too! I was waiting for this so I would have leverage to bring America in on a war against Aztecs. Now I need to wait until the end of the MPP. Decide to use the luxuries to update my tech position. Get Magnetism and TOG from Maya for Banking, Dyes, Wines, 69 gpt and 877 gold. And yes, as expected, the Aztecs do have Nationalism.

1270AD - The Maya in their extreme cheek attempt to demand contact. If they declare war they are going to lose dyes, wines and 69gpt so I reject them, and of course it was just bluff. The Japanese cities of Nagoya and Satsuma falls, as does the first Spanish city, Santiago.
1275AD - We capture the Japanese city of Nagasaki, but we had to empty Satsuma to do so. We seem to be running out of troops to keep pushing the assualt, and yet we must go on. Victory is assured, as long as sufficient reinforcements can arrive.

1280AD - The Iroquoi ask for peace and are rejected. We will get on to you shortly...

1285AD - There is much war weariness. The Japanese city of St Regis falls. Luxury tax is raised to 30% to cope.

1290AD - The Spanish city of Toledo is captured by our cavalry army. Three pikes and one MI were destroyed, 3 slaves captured. My three opponents on this continent are now down to:
Spain - 5 cities
Japan - 7 cities (two are off on a near useless island
Iroquoi - 1 city still

In tech, I am even wih the Maya, down Nationalism to America, and down Nationalism and Democracy to the Aztecs. Economics is due in 3 at 10% research and many slave scientists in starvin cities.

1295AD - Washington completes Newton University and there is no new wonder messages. exellent, the Aztecs have just wasted many shields. Our cannons blast Izumo, redlining the two defenders. Izumo falls with no loss to a two cav, one crusader attack. The last Iroquoi city, Tyendenaga is assualted by a cavalry army, destroying two muskets before we run out of movement. But this reveals a spearman. Seizing the opportunity the cavalry standing guard in Nara departs his post and charges Tyendenaga and destroys the Iroquoi. Our world area is now equal with the Aztecs at 20%!

1305AD - Our knight army finally pushes too far and is destroyede in the Spanish counter attack, but, Economics comes in, and:

This is the first time I have had one of these (SGL, not the cavalry).
Meanwhile, the Japanese city of Centralia falls to a single cavalry army attack. There was only a musket and a samurai defending. The Japanese days are numbered.

Techwise, now the Maya also have Nationalism. My prebuild city of Umma, is only 9 turns off completing Smiths, so we shall save the SGL for ToE. Research set on steam. Steam in 32 at 30%. We will need to start buiklding libraries and unis to boost research.

1310AD - Akwesasne on the Japanese front falls to a single cavalry and a single crusader after the cannons red line the two defenders. On the Spanish front our cavalry army conquers Valencia.

1315AD - We take Isin from the Japanese and Murcia from the Spanish. Spain and Japan are both 3CCs.

1320AD - We take Kish from the Japanese, and they have been banished from our continent. Now they are a 2CC.

1325AD - War wearimess cranks up another notch. We decide to give Japan peace for Our old city of Guardia, world map and 6 gold (all they had). Japan is now a 1CC. Spain has only three weak cities left and should fall quickly. As this is on our continent we will contiue the war against them. We can lower lux tax to 10% as a result of the peace deal with Japan.

1330AD - Aztecs complete Magellans, and America completes Bach's. The Spanish City of Barcelona falls to our assault (2 to go).

1335AD - Saville falls, and Spain is a 1CC. We now have three cavalry armies heading for Madrid.

Finally in 1345AD:
Yes, cheers, GR8Madmax, I agree the win is looking quite likely from here. In terms of the win, I was considering either domination or space race as being reasonable shots from here. Space race has a nice movie at the end, and I could probably win it, assuming I pick up ToE and Hoovers, as I already have a larger land area than the next closest competitor, the Aztecs. A peaceful build stratgey from here would probably suffice. However, to me it seems like a consolation prize if you don't go and sock it to the other (bigger) continent. Thus a domination, or possibly, conquest, victory seems more desirable. I don't think you will trigger a domination win by taking Persia and Greece, so they will probably be ignored for now, unless I find they have an important resource (coal or rubber) that I lack domestically. So the interim strategy will be a consolidation period building rails and factories, so that I have the productive strength to wage a trans continental war. Followed by a limited initial campaign where I will try to get a dogpile against my opponent, and establish a beachhead. The prefferred opponent would be the Aztecs, because they are the strongest, and so most need knocking down a peg or two, but really any of the top three would do.

Some interesting stats as at 1345AD:

and the power graph:

So from a power perspective, it looks like we are already in a better position than the Aztecs, however, the military advisor insists that our army is weak in comparison. We probably need rifles to catch up...

Looking at his empire in 1345AD, in its first period of peace in several hundred years, Henry notes that the foreign powers liked to space cities widely, and that there is much room for additional cities. So the word rang out, "Go forth and multiply, my fellow Portigese, as you have earned it, and we shall build great builings in your honour." Smiths is due in 5 and steam in 13. I am assuming the AI is researching after communism, and/or espionage or democracy. Just for the record our patient SGL is 'Anthony of Padua'.

16 turns of peace remain with Japan, and the Americans and Aztecs still have their MPP.

1350AD - Egypt and America signed an MPP.

1370AD - Smiths comes in - gpt rises from 104 to 167. I still have a monopoly on Economics. Aztecs start Shakespeares. They must have researched free artistry. Aside from this, the only visible techs that I am down are nationalism and democracy. I don't need democracy unless I want to go for space. The big three all have nationalism, but no-one wants to part with it. I will try turning all sliders to zero.

Dyes, wines, economics, world map, 375 gp and 183gpt to Aztecs gets Nationalism. Economics to America for 32 gpt and world map, to Maya with 5gpt and Gems for Incense. Science is able to go back to 40% for steam in 9, and we can sack all specialists and still have +86gpt. It is a little painful fueling the Aztecs but they were by far the cheapest (at least 20gpt), and I am a long way off being ready for war against them.

In the IT, Japan comes begging for MPP and ROP - No way. I don't see any point to your prolonged existence!
I don't want to interfere with your strategy but just want to throw another option out there. Research Flight, establish an airfield in the big continent and airlift units over there. It might be faster and easier than sea/ocean transports plus you don't have to worry about them sinking your transport ships.

I'll go into lurking mode now and enjoy the game.
Yes, I agree that flight is a great way to safely, and rapidly get a lot of units to where they are needed. However, it should be noted that the only IA techs researched so far are: Nationalism, Communism and Facism. Flight is a loooong way off just yet. Still interesting things are transpiring in Henry's great council chambers.

Henry notes with great satisfaction that cities are wildly celebrating the good times. Two new settlers have been spawned and are off to fill in the AI's silly gaps. We have had a great peace for 30 years and have rushed many banks and libraries (steam still due in 8 due to loss of scientists).

The trade advisor speaks first and tells of the value of our plentiful 4 natural luxuries, and how their trade has reaped a fifth, so valuable luxury. "This is fuelling the people's contentment, sire. And what's more we can trade further and secure a sixth glorious luxury."

"And from whom will we so procure this item?" demanded Henry.

"Why our nearby island neighbour the Persians, of course" replied the trade advisor. "The Persians are backward and no threat to our great nation, for an outdated technology and a luxury in return we can access their silk monopoly, and revel in the happiness that shall flow forth."

The military advisor, who has been itching to rebuild the armies former glory, interjects, "What do you say? Pay for the silks. My lord we should take these silks, and so cut off this cheap supply of luxuries to our enemies on the other continent. Persia is weak, like Spain before their best defender is but a Pikeman. Our knight armies and our riflemen will cut these guys to shreds."

Henry interrupts, "What riflemen?"

The military advisor continues, "That very expensive technology, nationalism, that you acquired from the evil Aztec, allows us to upgrade our antiquated defenders to this new more powerful unit. Let's upgrade our defenders, build a mighty fleet of galleons, and take our glory to the Persians!"

The science advisor then pipes up, "Great speech for a military man, but we know that the very important technology of steam that will soon be in our grasp requires the use of a scarce, and currently unknown resource. If we do not have this resource, we may need to acquire it elsewhere, eg Greece. They have nothing else, perhaps the C3C gods have blessed them with this resource."

"If we must attack Greece to secure this resource, then so be it. Either way we need our fleet, and our armies now!" retorted the military advisor.

"Very well, the preparations shall commence," decided Henry. And so it was.

1380AD - Viseu is founded.

1395AD - Xerxes has gunpowder now. Japan still has 6 turns of life, I mean remaining on their peace treaty. Steam in two.

1400AD - The fishing Village, Sao Mamede founded, with a whale in eventual city radius. We have 25/25 land area/pop to Aztecs 20/28. Steam in 1. We boot a Japanese galley from our territory, but they won't declare.

1405AD - Steam comes in and we have coal, but the Hanging Gardens and the Knights Templar are obsolenced by this.

1415AD - Ourique founded. It appears that the Aztecs also have steam. They are a democracy and also have electricity. A very annoying small SOD has landed on the land between Guardia and the sole remianing Japanese city. At the moment I can not declare on the Japanese without attacking Persia. Persia are in my sights anyway. I now have three galleons and a frigate. Not really enough. I want ten before launching the assualt.

Unbelievable! In the interturn, the feeble Persians declare war on the mighty Portugese. They shall definitely pay!

1420AD - The Persian SOD manages to redline the sword army and kill the defending musket. However, the cavs and elite knight destroy the SOD of immortals and pikes, and the elite knight occupies this land square preventing further attacks.
The persians have declared war on us, and so brought about a faster timetable for their own destruction. Much war happiness abounds in the nation. We decide to review our approach on research, however, and switch to min on industrialisation. As powerful as this tech is, we need our cash now for the military build up.

1425AD - Our frigate destroys the invading Persian caravel. The Japanese peace treaty has expired. Our elite knight retreats out of Japanese territory, and we declare. Five cavs kill two pikes, one spear and two longbows with one promotion, and...

Now we can concentrate on the Persians. Our current military holdings are:

18 workers plus over 60 slaves
4 swordsmen (one elite, 3 in an army)
5 pikemen (need to be upgraded to rifles for 150gp each)
46 musketmen (need to be upgraded to rifles for 60gp each)
1 knight (elite)
15 rifles
28 cavalry (12 in four armies)
12 cannon plus 8 captured
1 frigate (1 want about 4)
3 galleons (I want about 10)
5 armies
1 MI
7 crusaders

We are wek against Aztec and Maya, strong against everyone else including America and Persia.

I guess the military advisor is happy!
I rush a frigate and a galleon. The fishing village of Goa is founded in the extreme west of the continent.

1430AD - 2 frigates, 5 galleons. Another Persian Caravel has shown up in our waters, but our frigate is injured and must make for port.

1440AD - 4 frigates, 7 galleons. Errr, make that two frigates. We spy a Persian Caravel off our shores, and attack with the fully healed frigate but lose doing 1 hp.

1450AD - 3 frigates, 9 galleons. I haven't seen much sign of Persia. They are in democracy, so this will hurt them much more than me.

1460AD - I now have the 10 galleons, but only three frigates, so I rush one more. Now move into position, load, and realise it is three turns across to Persia. As usual, I believe we need a multi-pronged battle plan to maximise our initial impact, and to gain momentum against Persia. They probably haven't had a war yet, and so I will be facing many immortals units.

The red circle indicates the only source of Persian iron, but is a mountain, and so cannot have cannon support. The blue force will land next to another major coastal objective. Persia has only 11 cities, so the loss of these two will be a big blow. We are still probably five turns from landing.

1490AD - We have finally sailed, but met greater resitance from Persia than expected. One frigate destroyed. Steal Industrialiastion safely from America for 3292. Trade Electricity from Maya for Industrialisation, furs, dyes, world map, 1gpt.

1495AD - First landings, this was forced by the naval response, and doesn't look good due to the amount of units Persia has that can immediately counterattack. Aztecs have started on ToE. Sci Method must be stolen next.

1500AD - The concerns were ill founded. In naval action we lose a frigate, but sink 4 of theirs. In the land battle, the blue team is 4 cannons, a cav army, 3 cavs, 5 crusaders and 4 rifles. The red team is 2 cav armies, the sword army, 4 cavs and 4 rifles.

Seige of Tyre -
First cav army kills two muskets for th eloss of 7 hp
Second cav army kills 3 muskets for the loss of 10 hp
Sword Army kills two immortals and takes Tyre, destroying at least one frigate in port.

On the eastern hill, four cav kill a spear and three immortals leaving 2 immortals. The other neighbouring hill has 8 immortals, 2 muskets, 2 pikes and a spear.

Seige of Gordium -
4 cannon knock only one hp off defending musket.
Cav army kills three muskets for five hp and takes Gordium!

On the IT - 3 immortals die at Tyre before killing one rifle, then retreating. Troops are seen moving to the capital and Gordium.
1505AD - Instead of scientists, this time we chose to starve down the Persian hordes in Tyre and Gordium under the burden of many tax collectors. The accountants were talking in terms of a 'self funding' war. :crazyeye: This brings gpt to 832 and will enable stealing a tech every five turns or so. We currently have 2386 gp, but since the Sci Method steal, SGL rushed ToE to Hoovers is about to be enacted, we realise we need a factory city to start a prebuild for Hoovers. A factory is rushed in Umma for 860 gp. This will slow our attempt on stealing Sci Methos by a turn, but will speed our lock on Hoover.

The map shows the entire world's supply of silk. Taking the five visible cities will give Portugal control of this valuable commodity. At Tyre there is no barracks, and a lot of wounded troops. However, we note that on the eastern mountain, there is a lone pikeman, no doubt preparing to pillage our road access to the capital. The 7/13 cav army destroys the pike at a cost of 3hp, and the rifle guarding the iron advances to claim the position. Our one healthy cav in Tyre attacks an exposed immortal winning for 1hp. It fortifies on the mountain.

North of Gordium, there is a single immortal, then a SOD of 2 musket, two pikes, a spear and 11 imortals. We have many healthy units down there, and so decide to have some fun with the exposed units:
Crusader kills MI
The cannon advance and take a total of three hp off the muskets
2 Cavs kill 2 pikes -2hp each
cav kills musket -2hp
crusader kills musket -1hp
crusader dies vs spear (redlined)
2 crusaders kill two immortals
rifle kills one immortal
9/14 cav army kills one immortal at loss of 7 hp!

Our military is still weak compared to Aztecs, but average to Maya and strong everyone else.

On the IT, Persia has now picked up military tradition as we were attacked by a cav.

1510AD - Kill one spear outside Tyre. We kill the cavalry outside gordium, but otherwise retreat to the city to recoup. The Persians land 3 immortals near Madrid (defended by a lone rifle and not on the railnet yet. Four cavs are dispatched to its aid. Will arrive in two.

We realise that we still need medicine before we can steal Sci Method, so an embargo against the Persians and medicine from the Americans for Furs, wines, electricity, world map and 509gp. The Aztecs and Maya outright refuse a trade emabrgo, so we know who is fueling their rapid tech catchup! Medicine to Maya yields Ironclads, 24 gold and World map. For some reason the Maya are refusing to pay gpt for anything. I am sure the AMericans have recently paid such.

Barracks rushed in Tyre.

IT - Two immortals die, but the sole survivor captures Madrid. Gordium holds off the assault, but two exposed crusaders are killed. They are out of date units anyway, i guess, still it was a little careless leaving them exposed.

1515AD - Tyre is safe and all units fully healed. Gordium, however, is surrounded. To the east are 4 immortals, a musket and a pike. NE are four immortals, N are 4 immortals, 2 muskets and a pike, NW is one wounded immortal. We kill a musket, a pike and six immortals, with all units finishing their move inside gordium.

Our two fully healed cav armies charge out of Tyre, kill 4 muskets and take Persepolis. We are now second in score, behind only the Aztecs. Madrid is returned to the glorious Portugese empire.

IT - Aztecs demand wines. We cave, they have infantry, plus I do not have esponiage, and so cannot steal while at war.

1520AD - war weariness starts kicking in. We have 3377gp, but for a careful steal from the Aztecs it is 3544, so we hold off for one more turn. Reinforcements arrive at Gordium. Two cav armies take Sardis. We clean up exposed units, including two cavs by Persepols.

1525AD - We steal Sci Method from the Aztecs for 3544 gold. Now to gain ascendency. Anthony of Padua rushes ToE in Niagra Falls. Science set to Atomic Theory, then Electronics.

We push out of Persepolis with an army and an elite cav and take Samaria. Persia now has six cities. Persia must be gassed, there is a spear showing in Arbela. This campaign will not stop until Persia has joined the Portugese state!

On the IT

1530AD - We suddenly realise that Hoover requires a city by a river, so a factory is rushed in Oporto, to start Hoover next turn. AT to Aztecs for Replaceable Parts, 92gp and World Map. We have rubber! (The Greeks can breathe easier, for now). Scientific Method and Replaceable parts gets communism 231 gp and world map from America. We see that Badajoz has better shield output than Oporto, so we rush a factiry at that river city as well.

Henry believes that Persia now faces enough forces as it has had reinforcements from 11 galleons. We take Arbela. Only three silks remain in Persian hands (theirs, and presumably trades to Aztecs and Maya). Pasargadae is outside our reach until next turn, so the preparations are made. It only costs 30gp each to upgrade our 92 rifles to infantry, so this process commences.

Hoover due in 30 from Badajoz.

1535AD - Pasargadae is taken, and silk lux outside immediate city radius isconnected by frigate bombardment. We now control the silks.

1540AD - We take Hamadan with cavs this time at a loss of two, to save armies for further assaults. ANtioch falls to two cav armies. Now we can still reach the remaining two Persian cities! Bactra falls to our cavalry attack for the loss of one. Persia is a 1CC, but we are out of units this turn. They live one more turn.
1545AD -

On area/population we are 30/37 to Aztecs 20/26.

Much micro managing of our empire ensues. Henry orders an infrastructure push. Many civil engineers are hired, as are a few police. Even corrupt areas will become useful. Science and lux tax are at 0, for 913gpt. The cash is being used to upgrade the troops. Infantry are cheap to upgrade, however, the cannons cost 120gp and so it is taking a few turns to upgrade all. Research is a min run on espionage. No civ has researced this, surprisingly.

Henry's long term plan is now to look at a late industrial age war on the Aztecs, bringing in the Americans and the Maya. Cavalry versus entrenched infantry positions doesn't appeal, especially as the Aztecs are rated stronger militarily still, and our access is remote. On the other hand, the Aztec territory is divided in two like the roquois' was. This definitely weakens their effectiveness. However, for the sheer mass of troops that we will need for this campaign, it is desireable that we have transports, and they are four techs away! Ideally we want flight, tanks and marines. Marines give the ability to knock out cities on the turn of declaration, and the Aztecs have 13 coastal cities, out of a total of 28 so they are vulnerable to sea based attack. Flight is good primarily to reinforce the attack (as GR8MadMax suggested) rapidly, and may be essential if were are to withstand the expected Aztec counterattack. And tanks, of course, are a great unit to overcome the advantage given to the defense by infantry, and swing it back in favour of offence.

Both America and the Maya would take a straight up MPP right now. It would probably be safe to do so as they have been at peace for a long time now, and a war would actually play into my hands anyway. This would also lessen the liklihood of the Aztecs being a bully, so I decide to take it. We sign with the Maya first, and then have to throw in wines to get America to agree to it.

The Aztecs are up democracy, fascism and sanitation. We are up Electronics, and Hoovers is due in 24 currently.

1555AD - The Aztecs have started building Hoover. I still have 22 turns to go. They will complete in 13!!! I think I have messed that one up!

1560AD - OK, here's our gambit to get it back. We put our Hoover investment into a hydro plant, and rush it. Nextwe boost science on espionage to 70%, due in 6, with 72gpt still. Umma is currently building the Universal suffrage. That is not needed, so we will use those shields on the Imtelligence Agency, plant a spy, and attempt to sabotage production. I am not convinced it will work though.

1565AD - Hoover is due in 20 now, espionage in 5.

1575AD - Trade Atomic Theory to America for Sanitation, spices, 64gpt. We are going to need the income. Espionage in three.

1585AD - Espionage completes. Umma switched to Intelligence Agency, losing 135 shields, but due in 1. Research on the corporation at a lone scientist. It appears that the Aztecs already have the corporation, so we will have to steal it. We prioritise the sabotage first, though.

On the IT -

1590AD - We plant a spy in Tenochtitlan for 126 gp successfully. We have 3094gp and 1085gpt. We check to see if we can saboutage Aztec Hoover production. Nope, not even immediately for 3381, carefully is 5071 and safely is 6762. We reinvestigate it for a further 251 gp. It is a size 17 city with factory and coal plant (and emperor bonus). We have 7 turns of grace left. It looks like we can go for a safe saboutage, but it is still a one off attempt!

We sell dyes to Lincoln for World map, 15gpt and 98gp, furs for a further 22gpt, and silks for 29gpt. We are now upto 1152gpt.

1595AD - We note that the costs of saboutage have risen by about 500 - 800 gp depending on type, we may have to settle for careful saboutage.

1615AD - Finally able to afford careful saboutage, for 8641gp, and:

Our Hoover is due in 10, and almost certain to complete in time now! We will now concentrate on catching up in tech. I am not certain if this sabotage was worth it or not, but it was great to see it successful!
Way to go, Sandman!:goodjob: Lovin this game!:D
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