Camera Shifting Away After Promoting a Unit


American Leader in Civ VI
Mar 1, 2010
OK, after 400+ hours of Civ V/G&K, all those hours start to meld together.....but I don't recall the camera being INCREDIBLY obnoxious and shifting away from a unit I just promoted but haven't even had the convenience of moving yet. The camera can already jerk you around a lot for no discernible reason, jumping between faraway units even though some close by ones need orders, but this makes it even worse, and I don't recall the game doing this in the past. It needs to be changed. I mean, why the hell would I not want to move that unit right after promoting it?

Oh, and realize this doesn't happen every time, but probably ~50% of the time, based on my observations. Either way, it shouldn't happen ever, unless you went and fortified the unit or whatever. But it will sometimes do this even if you're actively using the unit every turn.
I think this is the same issue reported by Antalia regarding auto-unit cycling. It does this almost every time I promote a unit or come out of the city screen and it does it at the start of every turn. I have auto-unit cycling off because I can do it myself much faster, it's easier on my computer, and it's very, very annoying. I hope this is a bug and not a permanent change.
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