Can a Great General be stickied to a unit ?


Oct 16, 2002
I am used to move them independently... can they be stickied and unstickied someway or they have to act as they were a normal unit therefore always by their own ?

I would like to know this as well. Tried doing it yesterday and couldnt figure it out. According to the Civilopeadia I think it can technically be done, but doesnt say how.
Great Generals are their own units. They act as a "Civilian" unit so they can stack with another military unit, but not with a worker, settler or another great person.

They are not attached to an unit, but instead give a +25% combat bonus to all units within a 2 tile radius of the Great General (a total of 19 tiles).
I use the generals as free golden age triggers.So far I havent needed them to turn the tides against AI opponents.I hear the citadel thing is good tho.
I would have preferred an option to stick and unstick them to a unit.

Sometimes it is tactically useful to move them during battles but sometimes it is boring to keep on moving them following units.

BTW could you confirm their effects are not cumulative ? I mean 2 of them near the same tiles do not produce +50% , correct ?

Well, BjornLars, you try to make it sound like a fantastic feature that generals can't be moved simultaneously with another unit but has be be moved separately, which is a hassle.

Is it also a great innovation that you have to move each individual land unit plus escorts manually each turn in an invasion fleet?
So do I. There should be an option to stick a military unit with a civilian unit. Not only generals, but also settles or workers. It'd save A LOT of micrmanagement.

I agree, even if Settlers usually runs for few tiles only per game and rarely Workers have a 24X7 escort.

Told that, I totally agree with you.
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