Can anyone confirm this??


Sep 15, 2010
I found this review of civ v:

The reviewer, despite giving it a 9.75 rating, mentions this in his conclusions on the right hand side: "One horrible mistake in diplomacy is the only blemish on the interface. Everything else is perfect."

Specifically (in the full review) he's apparently referring to this:

"...but it's a pain in the rear to fully take advantage of because the interface lacks a good way to track your incoming and outgoing resources and gold. Every time I want to sell off some cotton to Montezuma, for instance, I have to manually count how many I'm collecting myself, how much I'm getting in trade from other nations, and how many I'm already trading away. Stupid. ..."

Can anyone confirm this detail? Or is it just something he missed somewhere? :confused:
Hard to tell, remember the reviewers are using the review version of the game its not the final final version. So there is always a chance it was one of the things they were tweaking for the release.
On page 26 of the manual it has screenshots of what looks to be a helpful Diplomatic Overview screen that includes Deal History. So as for "manually counting" everything, including other deals being done, I doubt that'll be necessary if you know where the right overview screens are.
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