Can someone give me the random seed number for this save file


Sep 26, 2019
Hi all, I simply want the seed number for this particular save file. SeedBeast has been down for a long while, and CivAssist II doesn't properly help me find it either. Perhaps someone else's program works, and can give me it therefore. Thanks.


After somehow finding an old comment by Darski about where to find seeds in civ assist II:
Seed Number.png

If that's too small to read... 149289651.

Scientific Great Leaders are off for the save.
Remember that for the same map to reoccur, you also need to have all other settings identical, as well as all AI opponents the same and in the same order. (And even then it sometimes happened for me, that some of the AI starting locations got switched around?! There was a discussion about this a while ago, but it didn't lead to any definite conclusion of why this might be happening.)
I think so long as the number and order of Seafaring civs is the same, the start locations should be the same.
I have yet another question: can someone help me extract the .biq file from this save? All I want to do is properly switch up AI civ starting locations without switching up places myself. I got CivAssist II to work properly in the meantime, but I simply can't make Quintilius ConquestsEditor to work. By my knowledge it's the only way to extract .biq files from .sav files. There are some nonsense errors with Java when I installed the latest versions properly from the links in his thread. Very annoying, that's why I simply need someone to help me out. Thanks.
It sounds like you just want to replay this map with different starting locations, in which case you can regenerate it from the seed in the regular editor. From a blank file just generate a map, enter all the same settings, then change the player/civ assigned to starting locations as desired.

To your original question, c3sat is another option that works well on modern systems. It's a small command line tool with a handful of functions including extracting world settings.
From a blank file just generate a map, enter all the same settings, then change the player/civ assigned to starting locations as desired.

I don't use the editor to generate games. Changing the civs sounds like it will work for many pairs of civs. But, I feel a bit skeptical that this would if we changed a seafaring civ to a non-seafaring civ or vice versa.
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