for a game rating of "E" and having kids of my own, the drugs factor is just wrong. drugs are no joke and destroy real lives. this is a game and can be replayed - real life is played for keeps.
E for Ecstasy?
for a game rating of "E" and having kids of my own, the drugs factor is just wrong. drugs are no joke and destroy real lives. this is a game and can be replayed - real life is played for keeps.
Furthermore, that aspect of our culture (which causes people to overlook that a game blatantly prizes violent forms of victory over peaceful ones, but shudder at the idea of introducing "drugs") makes it likely that including drugs would amount to financial suicide on the part of the game developer.
I know they already have jails, but its not the same as PRISONS! Jails circumvent unhappiness, whereas PRISONS, in real life too, generate profits. Like I said before Prison population are used by corporations as cheap slave labor, so if modders could put that in the game then I could have a stronger police state to reflect modern-day America
I'll take your point seriously when your kid starts calling himself Pacal and demanding techs from you.For an immature mind where the boundaries of fantasy and appropriate behavior are not well defined, actively engaging in the drug trade on a weekly basis playing Civ sets the stage all too well for the behavior be carried out in real life.
Our country was spawned out of violence and we have reveled in it ever since. This type of desensitization lays much deeper seeds within a child than drug references could ever establish.
If anything, having drugs in a game with significant cultural / economic / social effects, would help stimulate a childs awareness of the issue.
Prisons do not generate profit. If they did, we would not have inmates released because of overcrowding. We would build more prisons.
What prisons actually do is increase crime by training more hardened criminals, and put an unproductive drain on the economy.
I'm not saying criminals shouldn't be removed from society, IMO, they should. But the modern american prison system does little to nothing towards rehabilitation, mostly only making the crime problem worse.
Want to solve crime? Solve poverty and lack of education and job skills.
Oh yeah I just remembered this game already has religions which I see as "Opium for masses". And if I recall correctly, some events are about religious wars aka crusades...