Can the Windows phone 7 support Amazon MP3

(we have a thread for these types of questions)
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That's a good xkcd, and illustrates one of the problems with the DMCA. As soon as that "Things Change" occurs, people naturally want to get their music back. And unless they're made of cash I think the vast majority of people would find it morally justifiable to recover their collection, by breaking the DCMA or just going back to the "Buy or Pirate" option and choosing the other direction, and thus become criminals. If it weren't illegal to break DRM in the States, we'd have far fewer criminals.

But fortunately with Amazon mp3, you don't have that quagmire, as their mp3s have no DRM. Thus, yes, you can use them with Windows Phone 7 and indeed and other phone that plays mp3s, which is pretty much any phone you can buy these days.
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