Canada's military ceasing to exist

It should be obvious to anyone that the United States would be the first to come to the defense of Canada should that nation be threatened. At very least, it should be obvious that we would never allow a foreign power on our doorstep. I see no need for a Canadian Military. Maybe a tax cut is in order.
However, there will be a long lag time before personnel levels, and military capability catches up with funding increases

What if instead of having the military as an expense, make it an income? Start making movies like hollywood (the movies don't have to be military related) and have soldiers be actors (some don't even have to be good soldiers). That way, they can build the military and generate income at the same time;)
Originally posted by stratego
The US doesn't have a good reason to invade it

It is not about invasion, it is about exerting influence. Canada does not have to be invaded, for the effects of its military decay to be felt.

Besides, what if we want to prevent American fishing boats from stealing our resources? Now adays our navy enforces that. What if for some reason there is an extreme civil disturbance somewhere that requires a military presence. Should we let the Americans deal with it for us, or should we be able to do it ourselves? Would the Americans ever leave if we invited them in? Do they even want to come?
Originally posted by Sobieski II
15 000-18 000 regulars, and 15 000 reservists. That is not the issue as much as equipment and funding though.

You're kidding. :eek: Is that combat soldiers or the entire military? Canada's in worse shape than I thought.
In the 20th century Canada lost 117,000 men during all the wars(WW1, WW2, Vietnam(we lost some 5000), and Korea). So our size isn't all that small of a number.

I think the only manpower problem Canada has is the PITIFUL pay. Why fight when you can work at McDonalds and make more money? But I think part of this problem was solved earlier but it's still bad.

Our CF-18s were one of the few good things about the armed forces. During Bosnia Canada's CF-18s flew 10% of all the missions. That's a far bit for I think only 72 Canadian fighters(probably alot less) Especially when put up against all of the planes the US, Britian, Italy, Germany, and all the other countries that broght aircraft to that turkey shoot.
[qupte]some doves may like this idea, but Canada will not even be able to effectively exert control over its own territory. If they don't someone will[/quote]

the United States will not invade Canada uless oil is found there, otherwise, we'll protect you.
If we subsidize a country's defense, why shouldn't we have input on what they do domestically?

Canada has a vast proven oil feild in Alberta. Also lots offshore oil off Nova Scoita and Newfounland. The Artic regions are speacluted to hold alot of oil.
@Constantine- Shhh, don't let Bush find out about that

And as for the size of our military: (approximately 2001)
army 22,000; navy 9,500; air force 15,000; others 25,000
Originally posted by Sobieski II
15 000-18 000 regulars, and 15 000 reservists. That is not the issue as much as equipment and funding though.
Shocking. That's even smaller than tiny Singapore's, with 50000 or so regulars and perhaps 300000++ reservists. :eek:
And with you SuperBeaverInc living in Calgary, anyone say first stop for the oil train j/k:P
Originally posted by XIII
Shocking. That's even smaller than tiny Singapore's, with 50000 or so regulars and perhaps 300000++ reservists. :eek:

Just curious: did you serve?
Originally posted by rmsharpe
Just curious: did you serve?
I'm Malaysian. :p

Singaporean male citizens though serve 2 and 1/2 years as active troops, and then another 10 - 15 years as reservists. ;)
Originally posted by Speedo

You're kidding. :eek: Is that combat soldiers or the entire military? Canada's in worse shape than I thought.

The regular military has 60 000 people, while the regular plus reserves is 100 000. That is the equivalent of America having 1 000 000 man military.

There are of course civilians that work for the military, but that is military personnel of the army, navy, and air force.

15 000 combat SOLDIERS, I should add
Originally posted by sims2789
[qupte]some doves may like this idea, but Canada will not even be able to effectively exert control over its own territory. If they don't someone will

the United States will not invade Canada uless oil is found there, otherwise, we'll protect you.

It is not as simple as the American's invading. It does give a tool for America to push us around and make us acquiesce to their position more. This is not even the biggest concern though, as the Americans are our friends. It takes away from the legitimacy of the Canadian army. If the military cannot exert control over parts of the country, private militias might, or even more likely, corporate security armies. Do the people of Canada really want mining companies exerting their physical influence over regions?

In a something will always come and fill the void. In the Canadian power vacuum, something will fill the void, and the question is whether that is actually desirable over the Canadian military.

As for the Americans, I doubt they would want to spend too much energy defending Canada without getting a MUCH larger stake in it. Can you blame them?
As for the Americans, I doubt they would want to spend too much energy defending Canada without getting a MUCH larger stake in it. Can you blame them?

If Canada get taken over by a group unfriendly to the US, the US northern border would be exposed. That would be bad.
Originally posted by XIII
I'm Malaysian. :p

Singaporean male citizens though serve 2 and 1/2 years as active troops, and then another 10 - 15 years as reservists. ;)

I knew they had mandatory service, but I didn't know you were Malayan rather than Singaporean. But if you are a foreigner that becomes a citizen, do you still have to serve?
Originally posted by rmsharpe
I knew they had mandatory service, but I didn't know you were Malayan rather than Singaporean. But if you are a foreigner that becomes a citizen, do you still have to serve?
No. Esp for those 'over-the-hill' ones like me - they wouldn't want me anyways. :D

The children of permanent residents (like me) will have to serve though, like citizens. ;)
I like the fact that Singapore takes its sovereignty seriously. Canada would be well-advised to learn a bit from your nation of residence.
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