Originally posted by sims2789
the United States will not invade Canada uless oil is found there, otherwise, we'll protect you.
Funny you say that, we buy 12-14% of our imported oil from Canada.
Originally posted by sims2789
the United States will not invade Canada uless oil is found there, otherwise, we'll protect you.
Modern Singapore's founder (Lee Kuan Yew) takes a lot of things seriously.Originally posted by Sobieski II
I like the fact that Singapore takes its sovereignty seriously. Canada would be well-advised to learn a bit from your nation of residence.
Originally posted by Sobieski II
15 000-18 000 regulars, and 15 000 reservists. That is not the issue as much as equipment and funding though.
Originally posted by thestonesfan
Iowa has a bigger army than that!
Originally posted by Xen
since your neaer theborder then I am, then in the name of kin (not king ), and country, invade!
Originally posted by thestonesfan
Well, I certainly hope Canada could depend on the US if the need arose. But, that really is no excuse to have nothing in the way of national defense.
Originally posted by thestonesfan
Are you kidding? Minnesota is half Canadian! And Northern Iowa is half Minnesotan! Statistically, that makes us 1/4 Canadian!
Originally posted by Sobieski II
I like the fact that Singapore takes its sovereignty seriously. Canada would be well-advised to learn a bit from your nation of residence.
Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
The Canadians have a military?! OK, own up. Who's been giving the Canadians guns?
Originally posted by thestonesfan
Iowa has a bigger army than that!
Originally posted by Ozz
We are'nt threatened like Singapore, we're also a NUCLEAR
power and have been since the 1950's. Nothing better for
cookin' up nukes than a CANDU reactor. You don't think the
US would fart around with N. Korea if not for their reactors.
Iraq HAD a big army in 91, big and crappy is only good if you
can swamp'em. A small properly equiped force is all we need,
if that ain't enough, nuke'em.
Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
Not with the Iowa, though.
Originally posted by Sobieski II
It is not about invasion, it is about exerting influence. Canada does not have to be invaded, for the effects of its military decay to be felt.
Besides, what if we want to prevent American fishing boats from stealing our resources? Now adays our navy enforces that. What if for some reason there is an extreme civil disturbance somewhere that requires a military presence. Should we let the Americans deal with it for us, or should we be able to do it ourselves? Would the Americans ever leave if we invited them in? Do they even want to come?
Originally posted by Aphex_Twin
So you propose aquiring nuclear battleships to fight illegal fishers? . Keep those money and build some schools instead.
You don't need ultra high-tech military apparatus for policeing duty. And the time of operations involving troop maneouvers and artilery barrages has set.Originally posted by Sobieski II
An adequate number of frigates and patrol boats should do it.
It would be nice to be able to completely get rid of the armed forces to pay for education, but that is not feasible. What happens if a wider spread FLQ sprung up in an otherwise peaceful Quebec, and starts taking out anglophones and francophone "sympathizers"? What if groups of vigilantes start to spring up in the west to take the place in the power vacuum left by the Canadian Forces? Would you make the RCMP fight all these battles? What if a significant terrorist threat arose that needed more than just police.