Canadian Federal Election coming on September 20.

Centre Leftism safe again. These types of parties are having a good run recently, Norway, California, Canada. Next Germany.
I guess his minority outreach program worked.
That happened years before Justin went into politics. I get why people find it disgusting now.

I can think of politicians who have done worse things.

I'm happy that Elizabeth May has kept her seat. The actual Green leader will be defeated, and please let May return as leader.

It's amusing that Lisa Raitt is only good for a quick comment on Trudeau's win. She's an ex-Reformacon MP who took her riding for granted last time, to the point that she was defeated by Adam van Koeverden. She whined and sulked about that - being beaten by a mere multiple Olympic medalist in kayaking. But what she failed to acknowledge is that while she took her riding for granted, he didn't. He worked for his win last time, and it's nice to see him in the lead again.
Was making a joke Valka....
Was making a joke Valka....
You were. But there are many people here who don't consider it a joke.

Dunno if you follow warpus' travel threads, but he mentioned buying a hat in Vietnam that he's not sure about wearing in public, lest anyone accuse him of cultural appropriation (or worse). This is how far things have gone here, when people have to worry about wearing an article of clothing they bought as a souvenir from a trip.

I have a photo of my boyfriend and me (taken in the '90s) of us in our SF convention costumes (we were reprising them for a Halloween party). He was covered head to toe in black body makeup, and I don't remember how he changed his hair from sandy blond to white. People nowadays would accuse him of being racist, and would not be likely to listen to any explanation that he was actually dressed as a character from Andre Norton's Forerunner series.

My grandmother took the picture. I guess she found him easier to take dressed like that than in an ordinary 15th-16th century German merchant's outfit that he usually wore to SCA meetings and feasts.
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So good news relatively?

Left might be doing well internationally, neck and neck in UK, Labour leading in Australia.

Coronavirus basically right being idiotic? Or the mask is off for swing voters.
So, another minority government for the Liberals... makes sense since they have so many minorities in their fold. I actually like minority governments... some of the best advances have been made during minority governments. I must say I was impressed at how hard the Liberals on the ground in my area were working... the other parties just seemed apathetic.
Man clicking around seats. So many seats where Libs + NDP are way more than Conservatives + PPC, where conservatives are leading. Not even including Greens, which would add even more. A few will be flipped via mail-in ballots, but a lot of failures of tactical voting, First Past The Post is moronic.

So far only seeing a couple of seats where the PPC might have cut off the Conservatives. Continues to seem heavily tilted against the Left.
Centre Leftism safe again. These types of parties are having a good run recently, Norway, California, Canada. Next Germany.

Dunno if I would smoothly describe the Canadian Libs as purely centre left. They've got a chunk of soft progressive support, but they've also managed to stake out a chunk terrain further to the right than that, while the union movement and social democratic politics, typically a marker of the centre left, are quite bound up with the NDP as well.

Canada is a bit quirky in that it's one of the very few places where a centrist liberal party became a dominant party of government instead of becoming a marginalised business lobby group like in Germany or straight up nationalist conservatives like in Australia and Japan. Instead, they've managed to prevent the conservatives from monopolising business/capitalist interests, and keep enough of a progressive/left element to prevent the unionist party from gaining further ground.

Still, the NDP did make gains at the expense of the Libs, so that's good.
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NDP wins.
Dunno if I would smoothly describe the Canadian Libs as purely centre left. They've got a chunk of soft progressive support, but they've also managed to stake out a chunk terrain further to the right than that, while the union movement and social democratic politics, typically a marker of the centre left, are quite bound up with the NDP as well.

Canada is a bit quirky in that it's one of the very few places where a centrist liberal party became a dominant party of government instead of becoming a marginalised business lobby group like in Germany or straight up nationalist conservatives like in Australia and Japan. Instead, they've managed to prevent the conservatives from monopolising business/capitalist interests, and keep enough of a progressive/left element to prevent the unionist party from gaining further ground.

Or becoming an odd rump that always helps the Tories like the Lib Dems in the UK.

Anyway, all parlance I've seen puts the Liberals in the centre-left category, with the main objection I've seen are the extremist Leftists who say everything that isn't them is right-wing. Social progressivism is fairly high salience, and their other positions are squishy, but still left of centre.

People don't really mean socialism/communism = Left these days, which changes the divide.

In terms of global politics, they would be a solidly left party.
Yeah I don't think you can claim to be a straight up centre left party when the unions are frequently aligned with another left party which is itself pulling 20% of the vote and when you have a whole ass faction (the Blue Grits or Blue Liberals) for business libs and austerity hawks. It is a much more centrist tent than most socdem and labour parties.
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This election was a monumental waste of time and resources, and further evidence of Trudeau's arrogance and poor judgement.
One election follower seems to think Liberals are on track for about 160 seats once mail-in ballots push them over the edge in some seats Currently at 158, was at 155 when he made the prediction, so a few more. Could be a bit over depending again on the mail-in ballots. So just short of the majority threshold of 170.

But that means he only needs either the Bloc or the NDP, not both which was what some expectations a little while ago said.
Yeah, I did the math, and O'Toole needs both the BQ and NDP to cooperate in a non-confidence vote, if they're so inclined. And at this point, I don't think any of the parties would be inclined.

The Bloc will vote for anything that benefits Quebec, while the NDP tend to take these things on an issue-by-issue basis, regardless of which region benefits.

So good news relatively?
For the country, yes. For Albertans who hate, loathe, and despise our provincial government? HELL, yes. We were absolutely dreading the combination of O'Toole federally and Kenney provincially, as both were (and still are) Harperites who may pretend to give a damn about anyone who isn't wealthy and/or connected to corporate interests, but their policies and actions say otherwise.

This election was a monumental waste of time and resources, and further evidence of Trudeau's arrogance and poor judgement.
Did he really say that he'd be willing to put us through another election in 18 months? He's skating on really thin ice at this point. I can't fathom there not being a backroom clique getting ready to take him out if things don't turn around soon.

On a purely shallow note: I thought Sophie's outfit was nice. Chartreuse green suits her.
Dunno if I would smoothly describe the Canadian Libs as purely centre left. They've got a chunk of soft progressive support, but they've also managed to stake out a chunk terrain further to the right than that, while the union movement and social democratic politics, typically a marker of the centre left, are quite bound up with the NDP as well.

Canada is a bit quirky in that it's one of the very few places where a centrist liberal party became a dominant party of government instead of becoming a marginalised business lobby group like in Germany or straight up nationalist conservatives like in Australia and Japan. Instead, they've managed to prevent the conservatives from monopolising business/capitalist interests, and keep enough of a progressive/left element to prevent the unionist party from gaining further ground.

Still, the NDP did make gains at the expense of the Libs, so that's good.

For purists lefties maybe but they're social liberals which these days means left.

Traditional left can't win anywhere pretty much in the Anglo-Saxon world. So they need that centre left/centrists to coalition with.

Best asset they've got is the various centre right parties becoming more and more hard right.
I heard that when Trudeau went to file for candidacy in his riding he wrote "Costume" where it asks for preferred party.
Since all the parties said providing Indigenous lands with clean drinking water was a priority for them, surely they will all vote yes for a bill enforcing such a thing at the earliest opportunity.

Hey, why are you laughing?
I mean I'd be surprised if any political party could win something one thousand years in the past.
What is the correct term to refer to the countries dominated by the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons/English/British?
What is the correct term to refer to the countries dominated by the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons/English/British?
I mean, the Anglo-Saxons were defeated and assimilated by the Normans close to a millenia ago, so regardless of any semantics of what we could call countries now, it's still inaccurate to call things "Anglo-Saxon". I wasn't exactly getting technical about it, I was making a bit of a joke :D
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