Canadian Federal Election coming on September 20.

I mean, I think it would be pretty funny if the CBC ran their evening news like a Twitch stream where you could see comments in realtime. That's effectively equivalent to what you're asking for - public comments on news media as part of the media.
Kindly don't 'splain my posts to me, as it's evident that you really don't understand what I'm talking about. I want to be able to comment on articles and opinion pieces. Period. It doesn't have to be in realtime. It just has to be allowed, and preferably comments not shut down too soon. It's really frustrating to check back on an article where I posted a comment, find that someone asked me a question, and I can't answer that person because comments were closed an hour later.
Kindly don't 'splain my posts to me, as it's evident that you really don't understand what I'm talking about. I want to be able to comment on articles and opinion pieces. Period. It doesn't have to be in realtime. It just has to be allowed, and preferably comments not shut down too soon. It's really frustrating to check back on an article where I posted a comment, find that someone asked me a question, and I can't answer that person because comments were closed an hour later.

You want to be able to comment, while also controlling other's ability to comment?
You want to be able to comment, while also controlling other's ability to comment?
Again, WHOOSH!

Yes, I want to comment on Why is that so damn hard for you and Zelig to understand? used to have comments open for 7 days. Then they changed it to 3 days. Then it was 24 hours. Sometimes they close comments after just a few hours, or even 1 hour. As I said, it's really frustrating to not be able to have a proper exchange of information if someone replies to me.

As for "controlling"... it's really rude to put words on someone else's keyboard, the way the two of you are doing. Stop telling me what I mean. I know what I mean. It's obvious that you either really don't, or you're just being argumentative for reasons only you understand.
Yes, I want to comment on Why is that so damn hard for you and Zelig to understand?

Because it really has nothing to do with censorship. It's just "a thing Valka wants".

The CBC won't host my video commentary on the evening news, and that's similarly not censorship.

There are lots of places on the internet to comment on news articles - you can use reddit for free, you can host a blog for free, you can use a browser extension that adds comments to any web page for free. The CBC has no obligation to host your comments.
Because it really has nothing to do with censorship. It's just "a thing Valka wants".

The CBC won't host my video commentary on the evening news, and that's similarly not censorship.

There are lots of places on the internet to comment on news articles - you can use reddit for free, you can host a blog for free, you can use a browser extension that adds comments to any web page for free. The CBC has no obligation to host your comments.

Just please stop with claiming you know what I mean and what I want. I've explained it numerous times and you are determined to put words on my keyboard.

We're done. I have no more patience for people who are not posting for the purpose of a good-faith discussion and are simply determined to attribute views and motives to me that I have stated I don't have.
So how about Singh saying at the last second he's willing to form a government with O'Toole instead of Trudeau? Very cool and awesome.
So how about Singh saying at the last second he's willing to form a government with O'Toole instead of Trudeau? Very cool and awesome.

I suspect Singh will try to support whoever comes in first for as long as possible. There are more things the Liberals and Singh can agree on than the Conservatives and Singh. The reality, though is I really don't think this parliament will last more than a year, unless someone gets a majority, and I'd give that a less than 10% chance.

I stand by my previous guess on results.
What would they even agree to govern on? So dumb.

First, I doubt that O'Toole will win, therefore moot point.
Second, if O'Toole does win a minority, I doubt that he, or his party, will be anxious to have another election soon, and therefore open to work with the NDP on points they can agree on.

Just please stop with claiming you know what I mean and what I want. I've explained it numerous times and you are determined to put words on my keyboard.

We're done. I have no more patience for people who are not posting for the purpose of a good-faith discussion and are simply determined to attribute views and motives to me that I have stated I don't have.

I've just reread all of the posts in this context a half-dozen, and can't see anything I've attributed to you other than what you've said. Please reread them yourself.

You've said that you want the CBC to host your comments, and that them doing otherwise is censorship:

"I want to be able to comment on articles and opinion pieces."
"Yeah, [not having comments] is [censorship], since they're denying people the ability to have their own say about whatever the article or opinion piece is."

There isn't a single post of mine where I've attributed any other views or motives to you, or even speculated on any other views or motives you might have.

You, on the other hand, keep doing the exact thing you're complaining about times:

"So... not in favor of letting anyone have a public say in anything?"
"I suppose you think that's why comments should be stifled, censored, muzzled, and a whole lot of other synonyms."
"[...] it's evident that you really don't understand what I'm talking about."
"Why is that so damn hard for you and Zelig to understand?"

Which are wildly bad-faith interpretations of things I said, or simple insults where you're claiming that I'm the problem because I "don't understand".
First, I doubt that O'Toole will win, therefore moot point.
Second, if O'Toole does win a minority, I doubt that he, or his party, will be anxious to have another election soon, and therefore open to work with the NDP on points they can agree on.

No, but what point would they work on? The NDP is a Left Party. What issue could they want, that the conservatives would be willing to budge on, that the Liberals wouldn't sooner provide. Even a Liberal + Bloc + NDP + Green majority (if that was required for majority) seems more stable than a Conservative + NDP alliance. It's not like the election is a personal anti Trudeau election, which has driven odd alliances in other countries, like in Israel with Bibi.
No, but what point would they work on? The NDP is a Left Party. What issue could they want, that the conservatives would be willing to budge on, that the Liberals wouldn't sooner provide. Even a Liberal + Bloc + NDP + Green majority (if that was required for majority) seems more stable than a Conservative + NDP alliance. It's not like the election is a personal anti Trudeau election, which has driven odd alliances in other countries, like in Israel with Bibi.
A Liberal/Bloc/NDP coalition almost happened during Harper's time. It might even have worked, if Harper hadn't decided to prorogue Parliament (I lost all respect for the Governor-General over that; she should not have allowed him to do that).

As for this not being an anti-Trudeau election... that's exactly what it is, for the Reformacons and fringe right-wing parties.
Just voted, easy walk and no line, had a mask and kept the disposable golf pencil, my address hasn't changed in about 6 elections so my DL with photo was all I needed with my voter card.

My incumbent MP retired so we will have a new MP tomorrow, not sure my pick will win it though. Overall looks like nothing much will change, though polls can be off of course. Still, I'm not going to stay up to watch this one I'll just read about it tomorrow.
So how about Singh saying at the last second he's willing to form a government with O'Toole instead of Trudeau? Very cool and awesome.

Can't seem to find any recent article clarifying the context and specifics of the statement at a glance. Specific wording matters a lot here, the difference between being willing to work with and support an O'toole government if O'toole gets to form one and being willing to form a coalition with O'toole to oust Trudeau if he has the most seat is huge.
Results are in!


I haven't watched any returns yet. The polls just closed here. I spent the day sleeping, fighting with the TV remote (somehow got lost in menu hell and couldn't get back to the actual program I was trying to watch), reading a Harry Potter fanfic, and have just finished eating a tin of mackerel - much to Maddy's disappointment, I didn't share. Maddy was sick last night, so I'm being careful with her food today.

There's a dimwit arguing with me on FB about someone she thinks would be wonderful to vote for in the municipal elections, but trying to convince her to read the candidate's damn FB page to see that the candidate supports the opposite of what she claims to support is going nowhere.

I'm nervous about the election, and have been avoiding the news today. But it's almost 8 pm, so I might as well get it over with.

Hm. Early results are encouraging. The Liberals have nearly twice as many seats, no polls reporting from Alberta or BC yet. Alberta will go conservative, of course, but BC is usually a mix.

If anyone wants to watch the livestream on (not sure if non-Canadians can access this), here's the link to the page: News Top Headlines – Evening_1617_314378

Well, CBC has just called it: Liberal win, though we don't yet know if it's going to be a minority or majority.

I think it's a bit premature to call it, as it's too early for any of the Alberta or BC polling stations to declare anyone definitively elected.
Well, CBC has just called it: Liberal win, though we don't yet know if it's going to be a minority or majority.

I think it's a bit premature to call it, as it's too early for any of the Alberta or BC polling stations to declare anyone definitively elected.
I guess his minority outreach program worked.
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