Cancel Culture urw Strikes Again! … Again!


Nov 1, 2006
new alhambra
Edit: Please thank my autocorrect on my phone for the terrible title. I refuse to accept changes to the historical record however. We can’t coddle society!

link here if image not working:

I have poor signal where I am.

From a theater in Oklahoma. A few things:

Should conservatives; who are routinely “triggered” by popular cultural creations, be able to expect a safe space in which only their beliefs are prioritized? Are conservatives in general too much of a “snowflake” and need to just toughen up?

Are conservative safe spaces inherently contradictory with the 1st amendment?

Do too many conservatives live in a woke echo chamber where only their morals are upheld?

Should conservative feelings triumph over facts? Or should a secular, progressive society emphasize empiricism and healthy debate?

Should conservatives be able to expect trigger warnings outside theaters/concerts/etc., or does that place an unrealistic burden on creators and business owners?

Please discuss!
Important context: the reason they have to add the disclaimer about getting the timing wrong on the skip is (I assume) because this is the offending image:


It’s maybe 5 frames of a married couple having a “welcome home peck” and then cut away. Less than a second. literally a blink-and-you’ll-miss it kinda deal
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Hm, it is a movie meant for very young kids (in theaters, is there even an age limit if the kid is accompanied by a parent?) so I can see why this can be an issue. Not as much about influencing anyone, but shocking/making it an unpleasant experience for a pre-teen kid who is there for entirely different stuff.
Hm, it is a movie meant for very young kids (in theaters, is there even an age limit if the kid is accompanied by a parent?) so I can see why this can be an issue. Not as much about influencing anyone, but shocking/making it an unpleasant experience for a pre-teen kid who is there for entirely different stuff.

what in tarnation
I can't imagine how you think this would be a shocking experience for a pre-teen kid. Life is full of people giving these kinds of kisses to all sorts of other people.
what in tarnation

In the real world, a pre-teen doesn't react as an adult, and can be shocked instead of being drawn to examining what they have seen. When dealing with so young children, some knowledge is required, otherwise you can harm without wishing to, as in this case.

I can't imagine how you think this would be a shocking experience for a pre-teen kid. Life is full of people giving these kinds of kisses to all sorts of other people.

Most 5-6-7 year olds don't operate in a very large part of the world. Granted, with the internet this may be different, but it's very realistic to expect some shock to a few of them - with no gain to counterbalance the risk, imo.

Of course the above is if this is a kiss to the mouth. Obviously people kissing on the cheek to show affection is common in many places (haven't seen the movie :p )
Hm, it is a movie meant for very young kids (in theaters, is there even an age limit if the kid is accompanied by a parent?) so I can see why this can be an issue. Not as much about influencing anyone, but shocking/making it an unpleasant experience for a pre-teen kid who is there for entirely different stuff.

I’ll answer the age part first; in the US, there isn’t. Some theater chains privately enforce a rule that R rated movies can be attended by minors only if they’re with adults, but it’s not a law and is very rarely enforced by said theaters (they never stopped my friends and I from seeing the Matrix sequels in the early 2000s even though their sign said they would). Basically, kids can indeed attend Pixar animated films unsupervised.

Secondly, however, I must quote the eteemed Lexicus: “what in tarnation”
Cool, for the record, I don't own that theatre, so I suppose it's not a view local to just myself. With a little thought one can also notice how a view can exist with different substrata.
And with that, rather than deal with posts of the low value of "what in tarnation", I'll choose another thread to watch :yup:
Actual interaction with a child:
“Miss Sophie do you have a boyfriend?”

“No, I don’t like boys”

“Oh. So do you have a girlfriend then?”

“Yes I do.”

“Aw, are you gonna get maaaaaried?”
In the real world, a pre-teen doesn't react as an adult, and can be shocked instead of being drawn to examining what they have seen. When dealing with so young children, some knowledge is required, otherwise you can harm without wishing to, as in this case.

"Children will be traumatized by a married couple kissing decorously" is a helluva take bruh
In the real world, a pre-teen doesn't react as an adult, and can be shocked instead of being drawn to examining what they have seen. When dealing with so young children, some knowledge is required, otherwise you can harm without wishing to, as in this case.

Most 5-6-7 year olds don't operate in a very large part of the world. Granted, with the internet this may be different, but it's very realistic to expect some shock to a few of them - with no gain to counterbalance the risk, imo.

Of course the above is if this is a kiss to the mouth. Obviously people kissing on the cheek to show affection is common in many places (haven't seen the movie :p )
People have been kissing (on the lips) in Disney movies since Snow White back in the 1930s. Children see their parents kissing all the time. Think before you post.
All I know is that the scene would be on the cutting floor for the Chinese release.
Are cinemas aloud to skip/fast forward bits of films without the copyright holders permission? Stuff has been banned from China because they refused to cut a scene, and this may be. I always assumed it would make an unauthorised version.
Are cinemas aloud to skip/fast forward bits of films without the copyright holders permission?
They are a private company*. Though I don't fully know the background of the theater/cinema in question. If it were an independent theater (e.g. it's not a franchise like AMC Theaters, Reagle Cinemas, etc), I'd suspect they would face little or no consequences if they skip/fast forward. Where as the manager or general manager of a theater franchise would find themselves in trouble with corporate

*Depends if the theater in question is part of a franchise or not.

Stuff has been banned from China because they refused to cut a scene, and this may be. I always assumed it would make an unauthorized version.
As I said in my previous post; any export to China, and by extension Muslim countries (Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian countries), would have to have that scene on the cutting room floor or it will be banned from viewing. I only know of this when the last Star Wars film had two background lesbian extras kiss and that scene was deleted for export to Chinese and Muslim majority countries. Though I am curious on how Turkey handled it since they're a majority Muslim nation.....yet secular.
They are a private company*. Though I don't fully know the background of the theater/cinema in question. If it were an independent theater (e.g. it's not a franchise like AMC Theaters, Reagle Cinemas, etc), I'd suspect they would face little or no consequences if they skip/fast forward. Where as the manager or general manager of a theater franchise would find themselves in trouble with corporate

*Depends if the theater in question is part of a franchise or not.

As I said in my previous post; any export to China, and by extension Muslim countries (Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian countries), would have to have that scene on the cutting room floor or it will be banned from viewing. I only know of this when the last Star Wars film had two background lesbian extras kiss and that scene was deleted for export to Chinese and Muslim majority countries. Though I am curious on how Turkey handled it since they're a majority Muslim nation.....yet secular.
But it is a question of copyright law, and with the Berne Convention this is the same in the US and China. If cinemas can just skip bits then surely China would have done that instead of banning them. If they cannot, would this cinema be in breach of copyright and so sueable by Pixar?
All I know is that the scene would be on the cutting floor for the Chinese release.

lol this is an awesome take from an American..."china would cut this so it is so cool that americans want to cut this"
Not interested, "bruh". The point of a forum is to discuss, and by the millionth time something gets strawman'd it'd better not be accompanied by a few-words of a quip, otherwise it leads to just exiting the thread.
Citing you as literally saying "I can see how it would be an issue" is not a strawman. So when people then treat you as someone who sees it as an issue, claiming they're making straw out of your position seems like sour grapes.

Why would two women kissing in a CGI movie be an issue for children watching? What about it is different to a hetero couple kissing, which is something that turns up across kids' movies throughout cinema's history (like Mary pointed out)?
lol this is an awesome take from an American..."china would cut this so it is so cool that americans want to cut this"
I don't know if this is a "gotcha!" moment to score political points. I merely made an observation based on what happened in the past in recent years in terms of film exports to China and Muslim majority nations, as I said in my previous post, it happened with the latest Star Wars movie. No where did I expressed that "'s so cool that Americans want to cut this".
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