Can't clear select city production prompt


Jun 3, 2005
In transit
Situation: at war with pedro, conquer capitol, get a city in peace agreement, annex it, in your notification/actions queue (right side of the screen) you get a hammer/city select production notice. Immediately sell the city back to pedro for all his gpt.

Bug: the select production notice stays. But you no longer own the city, so you can't select production. Nor can you right click to dismiss it (as it's a mandatory action). Nor can you just end the turn (again, it's a mandatory action). I even tried to save the game and reload... it's still there. The only way I could get around this bug was to go back to an earlier save.

Solution: when you trade a city, all pending actions for that city should be cleared.


  • Pachacuti_0237 AD-0920.Civ5Save
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Same here. Annexed Ahraus, trade it back after finishing production but before selecting a new one, it gets stuck on "Choose Production" and it's impossible to end the turn. this is clearly a bug.

CIV5 BNW Patch (using some mods)


  • Ramesses II_0595
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I am playing a game as England.

I all the sudden got Boston from the Americans since they revolted, but I didn't really fancy a city in the middle of all the other American cities so gave it back to them.

Now I can't get the turn to end because the game still thinks I got Boston, so I have to produce something since the queue is empty.

How can I get past this?

Last auto save is 9 turns back :(
This bug has been reported. Only solution that comes to mind is to roll back to your last autosave, replay through to taking the city, and select production for that city before returning it.

Moderator Action: Merged with existing thread in Bug Reports.
I gained a city, annexed it, and before choosing production I gifted it to another civ. Now the game forcing me to choose production in that city and I have no 'next turn' button. Any advice.
This is a known bug. You have to go back to an earlier save, and this time choose production before you gift it.
Ok, so let me tell you how to ruin the game by giving gifts. I was given a city by the AI because she was losing the war.

On the same turn, I just gave it away to Bismark because

1) I was so powerful and he was so weak that I couldn't care less if he got it
2) I was close to a cultural victory, and if I kept it I wouldn't get the Bollywood achievement
3) It was so far away from my empire it would of been stupid to keep it
4) This one city is ruining the economy
5) This city is infected by hostile religion

So I could of razed it right? Well no because I was going to win next turn and I wouldn't get Bollywood achievement.

SO after that, I was continuing my turn like normally, and then I couldn't end my turn because choose production wouldn't go away because I just gave away the city that required production of something.

This bug ed up everything, casting me 40+ turns back in the past to the last Autosave because I was stupid enough to attempt the reload the game back up to see if the choose production thing would go away, but it didn't.

What I learned that game is don't with anything till I choose my production.
This bug has been previously reported. As you note, the solution is to delay selling the city to another AI until after you have selected production on your turn.

Moderator Action: Merged with existing thread.
If you trade a city to someone else after just acquiring it and still having the "Choose Production" message on-screen, the message will never disappear. This means that you can no longer end your turn and will have to reload.
Ethiopia offered Harar in a peace deal. Due to the city-tile-yield-not-added bug, I planned to either raze the city or sell it. I chose "Raze City" as my option but then immediately sold it back to Ethiopia before I made a production choice in the city. The game now will not allow me to end my turn because it thinks I still have a city that needs a production choice.

Saved game attached.
Cannot end turn because stuck asked to choose production on a city that is not mine. I liberated the city after it was gifted in a peace treaty.
Brave new world 6.1.7601

Moderator Action: Merged with existing thread.


  • Alexander_0222 AD-1560.Civ5Save
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I just want to add to my above post since it was merged with this one, that in my case the bug occurred due to liberating the city - not trading it away. I just want to mention it so that the developers can look at both situations. Thanks.
City offered to player as compensation for a peace deal-City accepted
-Raze city selected as method of progress with new city
Player immediately offers city just acquired as a gift to another leader in the game
Next turn not allowed because of "Choose Production" command for newly acquired city
Cannot "Choose Production" because city gifted, and Cannot proceed to "Next Turn" until Production chosen.

Catch 22 game lock unable to proceed with game

Files included for Turn 291 - Manual save of Game Condition, and Turn 290 Auto Save of previous Turn

Moderator Action: This bug has been previously reported. Merged with existing Bug Reports thread.


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Background: This problem was encountered in Civ5 with GnK and BNW and all DLC, in a game created using the mod "Gibraltar, Reef, and Krakatoa Fixes (v. 101)". This mod does not affect gameplay, only map creation, and so it should be possible to load the attached saves without this mod. In any case, I do not believe that the problem I am reporting is related to this mod, or any specific DLC, or even BNW or GnK. It should be possible to reproduce on any version of Civ5.

The Problem: If the player transfers control of a city with an empty production queue to another civilization then the player will be unable to end the turn. The game will require the player to "Assign Production" to that city, but will not allow the player to do so because the player does not control the city. <shift><enter> will not force the turn to end. Saving and reloading returns the game in a bugged state. The only option for continuing the game after this happens is to reload from a previous save and avoid repeating the mistake. (Well, strictly speaking one could also regain control of the city that turn, but this is almost always going to be impossible.)

Expected Behavior: The game should only require the player to "Assign Production" to cities that the player controls. If a city awaiting a production assignment ceases to be controlled by the player, then it should no longer be necessary for the player to assign production to that city in order to advance to the next turn.

Reproduction: To reproduce the problem exactly as I encountered it, load the save Cannot End Turn - Before Problem, contact China, and gift them the city Shanghai. (Shanghai revolted this turn. When an AI city of little strategic importance revolts, I like to annex it, sell off an expensive building, and then sell or gift it back to the original AI to help feed that AI's continued happiness problems. Because of this behavior I have encountered this bug several times.) After this action is taken it will not be possible to advance the game further.

It takes less than a minute to replicate the problem from that saved game, however the save Cannot End Turn - After Problem is provided in the unlikely case that anyone else has trouble replicating the problem from my first save.

Alternatively, it should be possible to replicate this problem from any saved game (in which the player has at least 1 non-Capital, non-Puppet city and contact with at least one AI). To do so, arrange for the production queue of that city to be empty (by completing the current production without any other items in the queue) and then trade or gift that city to an AI without first assigning new production. Assuming I am correct, there will be no way to advance the game past that point.

Avoidance: This problem is simple to avoid, if one remembers to do so. Assigning production to the city before the player transfers control of it will avoid the problem and allow play to proceed normally. It is easy to forget to do this, at least in my case, because I typically want to deal with this foreign city before moving on to domestic concerns. The "Assign Production" request does not remind me because some of my other cities could be awaiting production assignments.

Ideally this problem should be fixed even though it can be avoided, because:
a) the fact that the problem exists constitutes a logic error in the program code, and
b) the negative impact on the player if it does occur can potentially be considerable (in the form of time and turns lost by having to fall back to an autosave).

Closing: The saves attached were too large to attach directly, so they have been compressed with 7Zip. If for some reason I am wrong and these saves cannot be loaded and the problem cannot be replicated from some other save then let me know and I will generate a smaller save to demonstrate the problem.

Edit: I swear I searched for other reports of this problem before posting this thread, and did not find any. However, immediately after submitting this thread I saw another thread that, upon investigation, turned out to be a compliation thread of other reports of this same problem. That thread is Can't clear select city production prompt. My searches were for "end turn" related problems; I guess I should have searched for "production queue" problems as well. My apologies for the mistake.


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  • Cannot End Turn - After Problem.7z
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Before I had selected production. Now its hung on select production screen, and when I hit it flashes on the city which now belongs to Shaka. :confused:
This is an identified bug. You will have to rewind to a recent autosave and make sure you select production before trading the city.

Moderator Action: Merged with existing Bug Reports thread.
I traded away a city before I realized it needed me to set production. Now it's stuck on Choose Production and I can't end the turn. I tried trading for the city back, but Alexander won't give it up (even though he is razing it). Any ideas?
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