Can't view my actual Science per turn rate?


Dec 20, 2006
I've noticed the +__/Turn green text next to my Science slider is not the actual rate at which I research techs (judging by how much more progress my current research went up from the previous turn)
first of all, why is it incorrect or not the actual total? and is there a way I can figure out my total science/turn?
I've noticed the +__/Turn green text next to my Science slider is not the actual rate at which I research techs (judging by how much more progress my current research went up from the previous turn)
first of all, why is it incorrect or not the actual total? and is there a way I can figure out my total science/turn?

The +__/Turn green text IS the number of beakers you get per turn, but your actual rate at which you research techs is higher becuase of hidden bonuses. You get bonuses for stuff like have optional prerequisites and a bonus for each AI you know that already has the tech, and stuff like that.
That :science: value is your raw science output. Your actual output is based on additional factors like how many civs you know who have the tech you're researching and which prerequisite techs you have.

Check out Technology Research Explained for more information on the formula applied to the raw output to determine the final # of :science: applied to the tech.
I've always wondered why they designed the game to work this way, like how your science output is somehow cheaper because you know other civs who have the tech and all these other factors. it seems to make things so much more complicated overall.

I guess it's supposed to somehow reflect a real-world scenario whereby it's somehow easier to "discover" technology when your neighbors already know it and you know your neighbors? by that logic then why didn't they adjust a million other things to be more realistic?

but my point is that this hidden calculation is not necessary - just have each tech cost X amount for everyone, and if your civ is producing 50 beakers per turn, those 50 beakers are applied to whatever tech you are currently researching every turn. any thoughts?
It is more of a game balance issue than for realism. That said it can make some somewhat even trades be pretty unfair(writing with 3 prereqs and 10 other civs know it vs sailing which 1 other civ know, who get the most beakers out of that?).
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