Can't vote No in World Congress (Not a Bug)


Lifelong gamer
Sep 6, 2007
San Rafael, CA, USA
I just had my first World Congress voting session. Two resolutions offered, one being Favor something or Disfavor that something. In both cases, the only active buttons were the thumbs up. No possibility at all of saying No to BOTH versions.

Example: first resolution -- Hiring Mercenaries will cost +100% No/Yes or Hiring Mercenaries will cost -50% No/Yes

The ONLY functional buttons were the Yes buttons. What if I dislike BOTH versions? (I prefer that the costs remain as they are.) Where's the Abstain button?

Abstaining should be a significant option as the casting of a vote WILL cost the player a n absolute minimum of 10 Favor. (What if his current Favor account stands at less than ten?)

Not liking this World Congress voting system. Any way I can just turn the World Congress off entirely?
I don't think this is a bug. You have to pick one. I agree that you should be able to abstain, but probably not a bug
Whoever designed this part of the interface is an idiot. Everyone knows that when voting, a "thumbs up" means yes, affirmative, agreement, etc. And a "thumbs down" means no, negative, disagreement, etc. BUT HERE a thumbs up indicates "add Favor units for this resolution" and thumbs down means "take back some Favor units from the amount you have already allocated". Would have been better to just use simple Up and Down arrows.
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