Circuit had 47 states/territories labeled in his map!
@Azale: Yes, but only 34 of them were states, which are what the stars marked. Therefore a 34 star flag.
Rhine-Rhone Pact
The Franco-Burgundian Confederation, the Kingdom of Occitania, and the Republic of the United Netherlands, in the spirit of friendship and cooperation, agree the following terms are binding among them, January 1, 1917:
1. In case of attack by any European power on any signatory, all other signatories will declare war on the attacker.
2. The signatories will discuss their actions which may raise international tension, and if a signatory deems military action necessary through discussion, the other signatories may act jointly with them at their discretion.
3. All water, land, or air based vehicles designed by any of the signatories will be shared among the others. All trading of designs outside the pact will require agreement and/or inclusion of the whole pact.
4. If any signatory wishes to discontinue their adherence to these binding articles, they must give two years notice to the other signatories of such an intention.
Signed by the plenipotentiaries of the Parliament of the Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Treaty of Valencia
Spain and the Confederation agree to a defensive alliance, to declare war on anyone who should invade either nation's territory under any pretext whatsoever, or anyone who should march into either nation's territory to aid rebels or dissidents within either nation's territory.
Signed by the Plenipotentiaries of the Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Cherbourg Accords
The Franco-Burgundian Confederation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland have agreed to certain terms:
1. Neither party will declare war on the other within a space of six years (lasting until 1920), except in case of a declaration of war by either party on a bound ally or protectorate of the other where the binding agreement or proclamation antedates these Accords, and before any such declaration the parties agree to meet and negotiate on the subject in good faith;
2. Trade will be encouraged between the Confederation and the United Kingdom in both parties will act to allow the easier export of coal from the Confederation to the United Kingdom and of oriental produce from the United Kingdom to the Confederation;
3. The United Kingdom will allow the Confederation general unlimited naval access, for warlike or peaceful purposes, to ports and facilities between Rangoon and Formosa, and the United Kingdom will give provisional permission for army divisions to accompany any naval forces except where there is reason not to;
4. This agreement will be renewed in six years unless either party positively has a complaint against the other.
Signed by the plenipotentiaries of the Parliament of the Confederation
on the same terms as on the Cherbourg Accords with regard to allies, &c. (1. Neither party will declare war on the other within a space of six years (lasting until 1920), except in case of a declaration of war by either party on a bound ally or protectorate of the other where the binding agreement or proclamation antedates these Accords, and before any such declaration the parties agree to meet and negotiate on the subject in good faith; ), but we will point out that we count under these terms our obligations as a member of the LCN, i.e. to preserve Europe from undue external intervention, and our newly established intention to protect the Federal Government of the USA. If a dispute arises there we will, of course, negotiate in good faith.
With the following aims, namely to institute and preserve ETERNAL PEACE on the European Continent, to exclude from continental affairs ALL WHO WOULD INTERFERE with rightfully continental matters, and furthermore to develop and improve HUMANITARIAN DEVELOPMENT within Continental Europe, and to RESOLVE PEACEFULLY whatsoever disputes may arise in the future, the undersigned FOUNDING MEMBERS, namely the Franco-Burgundian Confederation, the Empire of Scandinavia, the Kingdom of Brandenburg, the Kingdom of Austria, the Russian Empire, the Empire of Spain, the Republic of the Netherlands, the Commonwealth of Flanders, and the Italian Republic, whether they be themselves NEUTRAL or whether they be ALLIED, but in no cases whatsoever being at enmity with each other, agree that in the YEAR OF OUR LORD 1908, THE FOLLOWING TERMS SHALL BE HELD INVIOLATE HENCEFORTH:
1) All the below listed nations, as legal and legitimate INDEPENDENT CONTINENTAL EUROPEAN STATES, are hereby invited also to join this League, and may do so by appending their signature also to this charter.
The Papal States
The Roman Empire
Serbia as legitimately constituted under the Treaty of Odessa
2) If the United Kingdom of Great Britain is willing to demonstrate their commitment to lasting European peace by sumbitting the full resolution of the Italian question to the League's fair and peaceable arbitration, the United Kingdom is also invited to join the League. If the United Kingdom chooses to decline participation, the League will debate the matter in any case and decide on appropriate action in coming years under Term 6 and 7 of this Charter.
3) The nations that join this League shall meet in a GENERAL ASSEMBLY in a suitable place to be chosen later by mutual agreement.
4) The nations that join this League shall agree to work towards and uphold certain basic humanitarian principles, to be determined at future discussions; there shall be a Slavery Commission, a Commission for Refugees, and an International Court of Justice to arbitrate disputes, and the members shall assist the preexisting International Health Organisation and Calais Convention as long as Flanders in the League in the interests of HUMANITY and UNIVERSAL CONTINENTAL PEACE.
5) The nations that join this League shall agree to resolve all newfound territorial or other disputes through the arbitration of the other members of the League, or through private discussions, or through mutual agreement to refer the case to the International Court of Justice, and not through the use of violence. Until any given dispute is resolved by mutual consent, the disputants shall respect each other's territory as it stood prior to the dispute.
6) The nations that join this League shall agree that, in the case of intervention by any non-member in Continental European affairs, the League shall be entitled to vote to undertake action against the unwanted breach of the generally accepted European Peace.
7) Any member of the League who does not wish to violate his neutrality by participating in such an action as described in Term 6 will not be required to assist, and any associated declaration of war will be undertaken only by the members who choose to contribute troops to the action. Therefore no neutral nation will in any way break its neutrality by joining in this neutral League.
8) The League shall supplement, and not replace, existing alliances between the states of Europe, and existing alliances will still hold sway in all matters outside Continental Europe.
Signed by the Plenipotentiaries of the Franco-Burgundian Confederation
To the United Kingdom and Brazil
From the Confederation
According to the terms of the Cherbourg Accords, our agreements are up for presumed renewal this year (1920). We, having nothing but the strongest friendship with you and having no complaints, are willing to renew them. Are you also willing?
To the United Kingdom and Brazil
From the Confederation
According to the terms of the Cherbourg Accords, our agreements are up for presumed renewal this year (1920). We, having nothing but the strongest friendship with you and having no complaints, are willing to renew them. Are you also willing?