• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Capto Iugulum: 1920 - 1939

Lange leve Revolutionen, the Workers' Commonwealth of Scandinavia is here.
@EQ: Since I intended for my education to be double my requirements, and the new manpower stats are half of what they were, will I take any negative repercussions for aligning the spending down to 60 instead of 80? I think it is only fair that spending be freely changed to reflect the new realities of manpower.
No penalties will be given for any education or other adjustments relating to the altered manpower stats.

@Arrow Gamer: Well, there's not really any "large navies" left, but I can think of a number of nations that could qualify for possibly building a large and powerful navy. Therefore, I'll focus on coastal powers that have diplomatic potential. First among these are Jacksonia (in OTL California) and Florida (in OTL Texas). If you yourself are American, these are the top two recommendations I can offer. They have good economic potential and definitely will have some chance to have diplomatic meaning. If an American successor state doesn't suit you, I could also recommend Kongo, which has a LOT on its plate diplomatically, but also a decent naval heritage and presence.
@Anyone who ever expresses interest in playing the Kongo Society Regime, I'll be glad to answer any questions you might have about the history of Scandinavian imperialism inside and outside of Africa, as well as how the colonies were (are?) run prior to the Revolution of the Proletariat's December Coup. For obvious reasons I may not be the best person to go to for advice about the actual process of running the nation traitorous separatist plutocrat dictatorship THAT IS INVALID, but I can and will provide background.
So the next update is a usual 1 year update?

My economy didn't grow at all yet eh?
I'd like to join again. Is Venezuela free? as things are, I think it might be the best choice I can make.
As a sibling nation to the Kongo, I am also a decent source for events since the turn of the century, and I am also less likely to be openly hostile. ;)
As a sibling nation to the Kongo, I am also a decent source for events since the turn of the century, and I am also less likely to be openly hostile. ;)

:huh: I think as the original Scandinavian player I kind of reserve the right to be able to instruct people on Scandinavian history. I rather resent the implication my IC position ought to influence any kind of OOC bias.
Certainly, I didn't say that you weren't a good source. I just said that my nation was less likely to be openly hostile to Kongo than the Workers' Commonwealth. I was discussing nations, not the players behind them. :)
Certainly, I didn't say that you weren't a good source. I just said that my nation was less likely to be openly hostile to Kongo than the Workers' Commonwealth. I was discussing nations, not the players behind them. :)

Seeing as the background given would be provided OOCly, I don't think the relationship between the Stockholm and Haraldsholm governments would come into question, but I take your point.

Either way though, those dirty Kongo Society traitors know full well that it's Christinestad, not this "Haraldsholm" rubbish. ;)
Japan affirms our alliance with Italy and Germany.


@EQ: Did you decide not to the list of possible random events to prepare for? It isn't a big problem to go back and reference, but I was just wondering.

Edit: Nevermind :rolleyes:
To the United Kingdom and Brazil
From the Confederation

We eagerly look forward to many more years of peace and friendship.

@Circuit: the Confederation is preferable. :)

@LoE, EQ: seeing as it is already a bit buried, I would like to draw your attention to my diplomacy requesting that both Scandinavian factions confirm their alliances with us.

@EQ: I wasn't worried about population in Germany in itself: what I was wondering is why Germany's birthrate, as it were, which was very low before respective to the manpower pool, is now on a par with everybody else's stats (or, alternatively, why was it low before?).
From: Workers' Commonmwealth
To: The Confederation
CC: Anyone Who It May Concern

We reaffirm our continued alliance with and intention to cooperate with the Franco-Burgundian Confederation, with all good faith towards the European peace and stability. We look forward to friendly relations with the Franco-Burgundian Confederation as Scandinavia has had in the past, though we continue to express our frustration at the Confederation's tacit recognition of the Kongo Society regime given its attempts to besmirch the name and integrity of the Workers' Commonwealth. Regardless, we remain committed to our alliance with the Franco-Burgundian Confederation, and hope that with the Confederation's alliance and the prevailing lucidity of European leaders, the Workers' Commonwealth may someday take its rightful place in the League of Continental Nations.

From: Workers' Commonwealth
To: Germany

Likewise we reaffirm our commitment to our compact with you. May the Baltic Alliance long bring peace and prosperity to its members.
The nation of Jacksonia hearby proposes the following proposal

The Treaty of Boston:
The United States and Jacksonia will enter a military alliance, excluding attacks on Florida. If the United States attacks Florida, Jacksonia will support Florida.

The United States of America will grant Jacksonia 100 EP. This will be used to improve the economy, and the loan wil relayed with 10% interest in five years, unless this contract is broken.

Each nation will grant a parcel of land in each of their capitals, on which an embassy shall be constructed.

Both Jacksonia and the U.S. will open their ports and airports to each other for refueling and trade and the two nations will commence trade with one another.

[X] Jacksonia
[] The United States
[X] Jacksonia
[] The United States

Check the box if you agree to this internationally binding treaty that will seal the fate of our nations and the lives of our peoples. More treaties should be agreed to this way. Requires so much less thought than a full-blown signature. Uses less ink too. :p

PS: You have now been initiated into the NESing community. Welcome!:)
To: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
From: Kongo

We reconfirm the state of our alliance.

@Arrow Gamer: Recommend that you take a look at the background for Jacksonia. Jacksonia is not exactly traditionally friendy with the United States. You are already allies with Florida and Japan.

To: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
From: Jacksonia

We reconfirm the state of our alliance.

OOC: You mean Kongo? :p


To both Scandinavias
From the Confederation

We look forward to many years of continued peaceful cooperation with our longest-standing alliy.
I already read that. I want to avoid a war and confirm friendship instead. And stop forging messages from me!
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