Capto Iugulum: 1920 - 1939

From the Confederation
To the World
CC Spain

Shall our two countries prosper together.

Confederation-Spain Free Trade Agreement

The Confederation of Continental States and the First Republic of the United Spanish Empire hereby agree:

1. To eliminate all tariffs on goods and services originating in each others' respective states.

2. To eliminate existing import quotas and not implement new import quotas, on goods and services originating in each others' respective states.

Spoiler :
Signed, the Plenipotentiaries of the Confederation of Continental States
Signed, the Prime Minister of Spain in the name of the Emperor
Signed, the Prime Minister of Spain in the name of the Emperor
The Surat Agreement

In the interest of a fresh start to relations between India and Spain, the two parties hereby agree to the following.

1. Spanish businesses will be given incentives to invest in India, including tax and tariff exemptions.

2. Spain will guarantee the territorial integrity and independence of India.

3. India and Spain will strive to coordinate their foreign policies for their mutual benefit.

Signed, Peshwa Jeetendra Narang, in the name of His Most Divine Majesty Khushwant Diwan of India
Signed, the Prime Minister of Spain in the name of the Emperor
Liberalism as Anarcho-Tyranny


The Doctrine of Liberalism, as is well known, affirms primarily that individual autonomy is the greatest social good, with government being charged to effect this autonomy as its primary end. This is what liberalism means by freedom, both positive and negative. Likewise in promoting this end t,he ideology of liberalism affirms subsidiary dogmas such as equality, tolerance, and non-discrimination that support and ultimately lead too greater personal autonomy. To many these principles superficially seem good, after-all when many hear words such as "non-discrimination" they are told by the liberal that this means liberation from arbitrariness and government tyranny. Yet as we will show, the ultimate outcome of liberal ideology is anything but such liberation, and rather liberal atomistic individualism leads instead, as presaged by Plato in his work on the democratic man, to tyranny, oppression, and the subversion of law and order. We call this, anarcho-tyranny.

Tyranny proceeds from liberalism, precisely because Liberal communities have no legitimate majorities since to the liberal, communities are merely collections of individual human wills, individualistically defined and atomised with no binding relations to others. The Liberal sees communities in this way because it ultimately seeks the maximum of individual autonomy, and thus cannot see community as binding on the agency of its members. Considering this, the logical outcomeis that two principles of government all right thinking men take for granted no longer apply: firstly consent of the governed, and second rule by majority. For if non-discrimination, tolerance and the individuals right to unfettered autonomy are affirmed as they are in liberalism, than the majority can have no claim to impose rules and order that bind members in its society. Likewise a liberal elite in honestly fulfilling its doctrine cannot hold themselves to the standard and judgement of the same majority, since ultimately it is the end of individual autonomy, and the liberation of the individual will that is their sole objective standard.

This is a profoundly troubling aspect of liberal ideology, and we would attest obviously true. Indeed its just a logical progression of liberal ideology in that since liberalism says that only the individual and his desires matter, liberalism denies as a consequence the legitimacy of the nation and its majority culture. But now we see also that liberalism denies the legitimacy of political majorities as well as of cultural majorities. Or, in other terms “A majority party can rule so long as it affirms there is no majority."

This is clearly evident in Uruguay and in Chile, where liberals are with all haste attempting to impose their ideology without any reference to majority rule, or to the consent of the governed. In the case of Uruguay, it is observed and proven fact that the liberal party rigged the vote and engaged in widespread electoral fraud in order to obtain and maintain its power, showing the greatest possible contempt for the will of the majority, and definitely showing that to the liberal the exaltation of individual will and the doctrines of liberalism is all that matters. In Chile too, the liberal party has effectively bought its way into office through the inflow of foreign liberal funds, subverting the process of the electoral polity. It too has rampantly engaged in the dismantling of the patrimony of the nations past, and of its binding communal institutions (which represent a binding contract of values) in a hamfisted pursuit of ideological ends, without respect of, or reference too, the will of the majority of Chileans.

These examples show that the ultimate trajectory of a liberal polity is towards an unrepresentative and tyrannical bureaucratic state. After all, since only the individual and his will matter, and all individual wills are of equal value, no majority of individual wills can be allowed to force its will on any minority of individual wills according to the liberal. Therefore any given society cannot be ruled on the basis of the consent of the majority, also known as the consent of the governed if liberalism is taken to its logical terminus. Thus to an honest liberal, society must be run by an unrepresentative instrumentality that is independent of the governed, in order to protect the equality of all individual wills, with consent of the governed and majority rule being dismissed.

This is ultimately gravely harmful for society, since it denies all those things which people need in order to live well. It subverts the concept of community and social order, since it denies that the community has claims to the conduct of its members (since liberalism upholds the individual will as paramount), it rejects absolutely any objective truth and moral order, referring only to a gnostic proposition of man being his own God, with morality proceeding entirely from his own auto-determined whim. This leads ultimately to mob-rule, and to the destruction of law and order (save in regards to dissenters against liberalism) as due punishments established in law to ensure the tranquillity of society are progressively lessened under liberalism, as the liberal state cannot deign the imposition of the communal will on the will of an individual (upholding individual autonomy as the greatest social good), namely the criminal being punished. It is thus no surprise that where liberalism reigns as in parts of the Confederation of Continental States, anarchist terror and blatant disorder are rampant, and the bonds which bind society are frayed and weak.

We see therefore that anarcho-tyranny is the systematic refusal to enforce the law in the most serious and essential matters, such as the protection of citizens from physical violence, combined with the assiduous enforcement of intrusive regulations in the most trivial and specious matters, such as the policing of people’s thoughts and feelings about minorities, or other protected groups. Manifestations of such policies include the suppression of non-proletarist ideology in proletarist states, and the censorship of Catholic works criticising Protestantism in certain liberal countries for fear of "offence".

Considering all this, it is clear that liberalism is firstly, undemocratic and tyrannical in its ultimate trajectory (being in the modern era radically removed from its original manifestation). It is clear also that it dismisses such basic concepts as majority rule and consent of the governed, with this disdain being clear in liberal actions in Latin America, and elsewhere. Likewise it is clear that liberalism destroys the bonds of the community, resulting in the degradation of law and order and the imposition of egregious laws in a vain bid to exalt individual autonomy over the common good. Observing the horrifying end that this modern ideological and spiritual decay will lead too, we thus consider it the duty of all right-thinking men and women to oppose liberal anarcho-tyranny in order not only to protect the objective goods they value, but also to protect the peace and serenity of society, and the liberty of all citizens of the commonweal.


~Professor Jose Vazquez, Doctor of Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Montevideo.
To World
From Russia

We wish to take this time to announce that, due to the breakdown of peace talks in America, in the coming years Russia will be drastically increasing our troop presence in the United States. We anticipate adding 2-3 million troops to the continued war on Proletarism. In order to facilitate this increase, Russia will be taking two actions in the coming years. First, we (in conjunction with the League of the Three Emperors) will be holding war games throughout our territory, in order to train our troops in the wide variety of terrain we anticipate fighting in in Florida, Jacksonia, and in the western part of the United States. The Kingdom of Italy has asked (and we have agreed) to participate in these war games, in hopes of gaining experience in quelling the growing Proletarist threat in their nation. Secondly, as we will be sending a large number of our troops abroad, we will bgin conscription this year, to draw up troops to defend our borders.

We are making this announcement in hopes that our actions will not be misconstrued by those nations on the world stage who see a threat in everything we do.

To Jacksonia, Florida
From Russia

You have refused the carrot. Now, prepare for the stick.
The United States gladly welcomes Russia's commitment to peace in North America, and supports her completely.
To World
From Russia

We wish to take this time to announce that, due to the breakdown of peace talks in America, in the coming years Russia will be drastically increasing our troop presence in the United States. We anticipate adding 2-3 million troops to the continued war on Proletarism. In order to facilitate this increase, Russia will be taking two actions in the coming years. First, we (in conjunction with the League of the Three Emperors) will be holding war games throughout our territory, in order to train our troops in the wide variety of terrain we anticipate fighting in in Florida, Jacksonia, and in the western part of the United States. The Kingdom of Italy has asked (and we have agreed) to participate in these war games, in hopes of gaining experience in quelling the growing Proletarist threat in their nation. Secondly, as we will be sending a large number of our troops abroad, we will bgin conscription this year, to draw up troops to defend our borders.

We are making this announcement in hopes that our actions will not be misconstrued by those nations on the world stage who see a threat in everything we do.

To: Russia
From: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

We are glad the Russians have announced this to the world. We hope that the wargames will be deep in Russian territory, so that there is no confusion near Russia's borders that could result in an incident. Nevertheless, with these heightened troop levels, we will be paying very close attention to events, and advise our allies to do the same and be prepared.

OOC: This is my final piece of diplo as the United Kingdom. I am turning the reigns over to spryllino, whom I've briefed as to the state of the Empire. I will be taking control of the Zulu now.
OOC: Confirming that I am Britain.

EDIT: PM box cleared! Fire away with the old orders (Circuit). Diplomacy welcome.
Further to that, I would like to state my definite wish (ideally on #nes - during what is the evening/small hours in Europe, since I'm English - but if you only do AIM and I didn't speak to you there as the Confederation, VM me your AIM, or if you don't do either PM me) to talk to Lucky, theDright, LoE, Nintz, Quisani, Azale, Nailix, J.K. Stockholme, Lokki242. If I haven't listed you I'm sure I'd still like to talk to you, but those are the people I will have definite things to talk about with.

Also, please add me to any social groups Britain was in.
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