Capturable Great People


Jun 20, 2024

Lately it's been bothering me that some units teleport back to their home Civ when 'attacked'. I wanted to make it so that all units would be either killed or captured. This was my attempt:
UPDATE Units SET CanRetreatWhenCaptured = 0 WHERE CanRetreatWhenCaptured != 0 AND UnitType != 'UNIT_VAMPIRE';

INSERT INTO UnitCaptures (CapturedUnitType, BecomesUnitType)

I think some units worked ok, such as capturing rock bands and naturalists, and killing units such as Great Generals worked ok too. But, capturing great people did not work properly, their name and icon would be transferred, but their model would be changed to something else like a warrior or even a different kind of great person to what they were supposed to be, and they also would no longer have their charges/activatable effects.

Does anyone know why this is or how to fix it?

It may be that its just too complex to actually be able to capture great people which is a shame. I could just make them all destroyable by keeping the top line only, there's basically already a mod that does this but it doesn't take the vampire into account which I think should still be immortal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Did you ever make any progress on this? I've been trying to work on a similar mod with very little success. Seems like a lot of people would like to have a mod that does this, but it doesn't exist (or not anymore? I think one used to exist but was removed from Steam in 2019 apparently). Where did you find the table "UnitCaptures," by the way? I haven't found that anywhere that I've been looking.

There is a mod called "[DEPRECATED] All (Great) Men Are Mortal" on the workshop that does this and still works I think.
Thank you! I believe that mod allows you to kill great people, but I am actually only interested in capturing them.
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