
Archmage of all Pixels
Apr 23, 2017
Łódź, Poland
@awesomejj101 made on Steam very useful mod. It makes capturing all civilian units possible. Now you can capture settlers (as settlers instead of workers), and also Great People (Unique Great People too), diplomatic and religious units, and spaceship parts!

I adapted it to the most popular overhauls (CBP/CSD, VPEE, MUCfVP), and @pineappledan's Israel civilization mod. All mentioned mods are optional.


Download Capture+++ (v5)
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I plan to make update that adds checks for each particular mod (VP, VPEE and MUCfVP). Im now slighlty busy with CSL finishing and adding civilizations compatibility to it. When I finish that I will update this mod for sure.

It adds value to the sql table for each civilian and its unique version pointing the unit type it will become after capuring. Just that.
Ahh, ok. I will change dependencies to reference too. Soon...
Released brand new version. Now compatible with: vanilla, CBP, CSD, EE, MUCfVP and Israel civilization from @pineappledan. No mod is required, they are optional now.
v2 with added one reference from MUCfVP. Sometimes mods loaded in wrong order. This may help.
Have you considered adding code from the original capture great people mod? It could convert particular units to bonuses as in promotion.

But it seems most people are satisfied with standard unit capture.
I think it's ok. Can you link original mod? Do you mean Capture+?
I think capturing fe GG is well better than some XP to one unit. Of course it can be exploitable by nasty humans, but...
Need to do a check.
Could you provide a screenshot? In VP you cannot create a citadel in enemy territory or adjacent to another citadel.
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