CardWars, my turn-based strategy


Oct 8, 2006
Kirovograd, Ukraine
Cards Wars is a free turn-based strategy, it's a fusion of Risk board game and card game War.
You can play the game here:

Please, share your comments.

Cards Wars

Every province is garrisoned with 1 - 7 playing cards. If you attack the neighbour, the battle goes on until one of the sides looses 50% of its garrison. The defeated army retreats. The player earns experience points for victorious battles, he can spend them to activate the powerups.

Drag-and-drop - attack or move;
Click - open the Arrangement window;
End Turn button is in the top-left screen corner;
Settings button is in the tor-rigfht screen corner.

There is a Hotseat multiplayer.

----------------------------------- Original message--------------------------------------------

Hi! It's been a log time since I was here :) for the last three monts I've been developing a strategy game and now I'm ready to show it to the public.

TBS CardWars v.


Game basics
Map consists of the provinces with garrisons of 1-7 cards. Attack enemies, win battles and conquer the entire world!

Gameplay video


  • Left click - select a province.
  • Right click on the adjacent province - attack it or move garrison there
  • Double click - cards arrangement mode
  • Right click - clear selection
  • Button in the top left corner - next turn
  • Wheel click - hide/show garrisons

Players: 2 - 9.
Multiplayer: Hotseat.

CardWars site

Download CardWars(1.8 Mb)
it does look nifty.

How is conflict resolved? Poker hands?
Hi! I'm sorry, I didn't have access to the internet.

Thank you for comments!

As for the battles, their outcome is calculated this way:
we have an attacker stack and a defender stack, e.g. [10, 9, 2] attack [7,6,5,6,7]

From the top of both stacks cards a taken, and then the higher card wins (if tie, the defender wins). Then, the defeated card vanishes, and the winner card looses 1 point and goes to the bottom of the stack. Battle stops when one stack looses 50% of its initial quantity.

In the given example the battle will go in such way:
[10, 9, 2] vs [7, 6, 5, 6, 7]
10 vs. 7 -> 10 wins and turns to 9

[9, 2, 9] vs. [6, 5, 6, 7]
9 vs. 6 -> 9 wins and turns to 8

[2, 9, 8] vs. [5, 6, 7]

2 vs. 5 -> 5 wins and turns to 4

[9, 8] vs. [6, 7, 4]
9 vs. 6 -> 9 wins and turns to 8.

As the defender stack lost 3 cards >= 5*50%, the attackers are victorious.
I have to ask, is this a game you've played in real life, or did you design this with the computer in mind?

Very cool looking, btw :goodjob:
I'll try to remember to download this when I get back to my own computer :)
:) thank you

In real life I played a card came called "p'yanitsa" (a drunk man). The deck is divided evenly among the players. Then they simultaneously open their top cards. The card with the highest vallue wins and its owner takes all the open cards to the bottom of his deck. This step continues until in game stays a single player - a winner.

Recently I googled out that the rules have much common to the rules of card game War.

But in order not to let the aces be the unbeatable cards, I added to my computer game concept of losing 1 point after victory, thus, Ace turns to King, then - to Queen, Jack, 10 and so on. Of course, this concept would be to difficult to implement in the table game :) but here it fits well and adds fun
I think it might be interesting to interject a little bit of combination building, as a kind of combined arms. E.g. poker hands such as pairs, flushes, runs increasing the "strength" of the cards in a territory above the simple rules of "War".
Looks cool I'll try it. Any chance for adding online support?
When I try to do the African pie it says
please select a smaller map size
but I can't it wont let me change.
Looks cool I'll try it. Any chance for adding online support?

Yes, there will definitely be multiplayer added :)

African pie scenario has 1280x1024 map size, and won't run on smaller screen resulution. When I get home from my vacation, I'll make another African Pie scenario for smaller screens (and Rise of Rome and other scenarios for bigger screens, too)
So is it my monitor size that is effecting it?
Yes, in this version I didn't include automatic screen resize function. Perhaps, it, or a minimap, as some testers advise, will be added in the following versions
Any idea on a date for online support?
Okay, I was just wandering. Just won my first game, after loosing a lot :goodjob:. It is a bit hard, maybe adding some easier differently as an option
It was the rome scenario, I played as Egypt. I had won a game on the easy map setting, but I didn't call that a win.
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