Carrion (April 8th, 2006)


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal

Here's a Carrion of the tomb kings. Enjoy :)

Here's some civilopedia info from the games workshop website:
According to inscriptions, King Nekhef claimed to be the first ruler to use Carrion in his army of eternity. These creatures lived in the mountains to the east of Nehekhara and also the deserts to the west. Their broad wings were said to darken the sky, spreading the shadow of doom upon those dying in the desert. After a great battle, with the slain strewn over the stricken field, the Carrion descended and blotted out the light of the sun. Thus it was in ancient Nehekhara that the Carrion was seen as a sacred beast that bore the spirits of slain warriors to the sky to fight in endless battles against the daemons of darkness. This belief led to the priests burying many corpses of Carrion in the necropoli of each Tomb King from the time of Nekhef I onwards. As the revered birds eventually died out, only those that were entombed remained. At the will of the Liche Priests they once again take to the skies, their horrifying forms spreading fear amongst those who feel the chill of their shadow.

Here are the files:
Carrion (~928 kb)

Here are animation previews:

Attached is a civilopedia preview.


  • CarrionCivilop.gif
    20.7 KB · Views: 403
It's sad to see his death animation since he's gorgeous. Top notch again aaglo. :goodjob:
aaglo, these birds are amazing, definately have to shamelessly steal that technique.

I think I like this even better than your uber-recent Harpy.
Sweet! That may even be better for the great Eagles in the LotM than what we're presently using.
orthanc is right, this even trumps the harpy. I mean these wings are so wonderfully constructed and decorated, quite a beautiful sight. More power to the aaglo!! These can all be included in a medieval fantasies scenario.
'the' aaglo, almost makes him sound more like a force (like gravity) than an individual.

Ah, tis a good time for Civ 3 modding.
Roman Legion, for like the Ten Millionth Time, use the Edit button. Don't Double Post.
The original is a little fleshier/featherier, but who cares? Bear-riffic!
LOL! I used this unit with the spells and, walla! Its sweat!! lol thx again aaglo
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