Castle Quest


Nov 29, 2005
Riverdale, MD
So, I have just completed the castle quest, and I have the option of choosing between CG1 for all melee units and +3 relations with all leaders...

Any thoughts on which is better in the long term?
I recommend the +3 relations. What are CG1 melee units going for count for come riflemen and grenadiers? Besides, +3 with all leaders is huge; I can't imagine getting that much use out of CG1 melee units.
Given that since you've built enough castles, you probably don't have much longer to use melee units and that bows are natural defenders I would go with the second option. +3 relations could mean the difference between Pleased and Friendly.
City Garrison isn't a promotion of choice for melee units, and they'll be nearing obsolescence by that point anyway. I'd go for the relations boost.
I can't believe that is the reward for the castle quest!!! I had this offered to me in my game last night, and I ignored it thinking "who cares about castles". I figured the walls / castles would be too much of a waste of hammers. Boy, I was wrong. That +3 relations would have put me friendly with 5 civs, pleased with 3, and the remaining 2 would be annoyed even though I'd declared war repetitively on them! I hope I get this quest in my next game.
Well if you build a bunch of melee units with free CG1 you can promote them to Riflemen and then with only 5 experience they'll be able to have CG3.

Might be too much of a hassle though.
Word, I went with the +3...glad to see I'm not alone in that! What really pushed me in that direction was my relative lack of melee units, and my relative abundance of defenders. Indeed, it put me on pleased or friendly terms with everyone except Boudica (who is being a total biatch in this game) and Hatty (who is repeatedly being piled on, and I'm her only neighbor with a land border, so we've had
I had the great wall option, it was some espionage bonus right? Well i did it because i wanted to learn about espionage, it was great. I could easily see what most of the world was doing :D
I had the great wall option, it was some espionage bonus right? Well i did it because i wanted to learn about espionage, it was great. I could easily see what most of the world was doing :D
If you have the Great Wall, the third option in that quest is: Great Wall +25:espionage:
Does anyone know where I could find a list of quests and there completion bonuses?
Castles are available for building in about the same era as Macemen and Pikemen, right? If so, the CG might be a crucial advantage during an offensive. If you have a S.O.D.*, with some Maces and Pikes that captures a city from strong enemy, consider the advantage you'll have when they try using mounted and melee units to retake their city. You'll have best counters units augmented with city defense bonuses.

*every time I see those initials, I think of Scott Ian, Billy Milano and the guy from Nuclear Assualt.
Castles are available for building in about the same era as Macemen and Pikemen, right? If so, the CG might be a crucial advantage during an offensive. If you have a S.O.D.*, with some Maces and Pikes that captures a city from strong enemy, consider the advantage you'll have when they try using mounted and melee units to retake their city. You'll have best counters units augmented with city defense bonuses.

I agree. I did this quest in my game with Gilgamesh and took the CG1 promotion for my pikemen and macemen. Since Gilgamesh is protective all my troops had CG promotions :) at this time. It was particularly useful as I was conquering me neighbours as my attackers immediately gained the bonus when they entered the city. I had several forts protecting my border from pillagers and the promotion beefed up my pikemen and obsolete sword troops garrisoning these considerably.

Later it was useful when promoting troops to machine guns. I like having at least some of my machine guns with CG promotions and was planning to make a few crossbows specially to do that. This quest saved me the trouble.
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