Cats vs Dogs

Cats or Dogs?

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Dogs are man's best friend, after all. They even serve to expand mankind's boundaries of knowledge. A cat would probably just sleep on your keyboard and make you miss the deadline for submitting those revisions.
I was exclusively a cat person for two decades of my adult life up until April 17th, 2008 when my best friend entered my life. Cats and dogs are both wonderful, just in different ways. I cannot now imagine my life without either dogs or cats in it.
I used to be a dog person, and bought into the stereotype of cats only eating, sleeping, and scratching furniture.

But then The Cat came. I'm now in favor of both. Cats can still be just as friendly and playful. And you don't have to take them outside while it's raining. Dogs are loyal and generally obedient. (And very active.)
I love dogs because they are fun, affectionate and they hurt me less often than cats.

The main problem I have with cats is that it is too easy for them to hurt you with their sharp claws and teeth. If a dog bites you during play, generally, no harm is done. If a cat scratches or bites you for any reason, blood will be drawn.

I also don't like how randomly aggressive cats can be. With a dog, you generally know it's going to attack you, but with cats, this isn't always the case. I understand that oftentimes when I've been attacked by a cat, that it was just 'playing', but a mauled arm isn't fun no matter what the context. And they can switch from play to extreme aggression at the drop of the hat with no warning. This isn't usually the case with a dog. (I'm only applying this argument to a dog or a cat that you own, not to a random dog or cat off the street as either can be dangerous)

I also feel there is a bit of a double standard concerning cat attacks. I had a neighbor with a cat that would run up to me from behind and attack my ankle, always drawing blood in the process. One day it approached my little sister purring and seemingly friendly. She reached down to pet it and it jumped up and latched onto her face. Animal control wouldn't do anything no matter how often this happened and we reported it.

I had a miniature Schnauser once and it escaped and bit a young girl (no blood was drawn). Her mom called animal control and they threatened to put it down if it happened again.:(

I know this is all anecdotal, but I really do feel cats get away with everything short of murder because they are small and can't kill someone the way a big dog can. But in my experience, they cause far more harm than dogs. They're just so tempermental and have some potent weaponry.
I'm not really a fan of either. I don't think I am actually allergic to dogs though, whereas I tend to get terrible headaches after spending time around cats. Cats also tend to be carriers of more parasites that can infect humans, at least one of which is highly correlate with mental illness.

I am more of a bird person.
I'm all in favour of things you can't get prosecuted for mistreating. Like plants and erm...
Dogs protect you.

I am convinced my dog is going to be like the one from those insurance commercials...

"You left me to hold down the fort but these guys showed up with this awesome bone. You guys are great!"

She loves people too darn much.
My neighbour's cat uses my garden as a toilet. And then I tread in it
Yeah, a playful, affectionate lap-cat is the best of both worlds IMO.
My cat ain't no lap cat. :lol: He'll thrust his claws into you if you try to make him one.
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