Caveman 2 Cosmos (ideas/discussions thread)

Perhaps Bottleneck and Swarm should be (slightly) terrain dependent? Mountains and Forests should not be good swarm terrain, whereas Bottlenecking should not work so well in completely open terrain without rivers - with rivers, you can still get .
I thought about that and it makes sense except to overthink it disrupts the simplistic balance points and makes balance conditional rather than simply applicable, meaning to really get a comparison of 'value' would then mean taking stock of the % of qualifying tiles on the map for said bonus to apply. If that makes sense... It's more realistic that way, yes. I assume that the Bottleneck promos give the hero the insight to find an appropriate position for a bottleneck to apply no matter where they might find it because we are always looking at map tiles that are actually not all that zoomed in and highly realistic to begin with. Even if it's a small cave or river channel or rocky outcropping in an otherwise flat plain, there's almost always a way to set yourself up properly SOMEWHERE in a tile that represents a few hundred miles by a few hundred miles. The realism is certainly stretched by the simplicity of it. And yet then I get folks getting on me for being too worried about realism and not enough about basic game comprehendability.
At low unit levels, very much so.
But if you factor in that Might adds at best 10% STR per point to Heroes (Heroes are 10+ base STR), while it adds at worst 12% STR per point to stacks (the strongest normal Neanderthal unit is 7 STR, I think - and that is multiplied alongside the base STR via Merging, increasing the bonus rather nicely)... and then you also factor in Quality (another multiplier that affects stacks much more heavily than singular units), well, I'm not sure this +300% Bottleneck thing stays as impressive, not to mention that it only works against Merged stacks, but does nothing against strong singular units (say, bandits), so you can severely cripple an anti-stack Hero with a sneaky bandit gang attack, whereas the stack's bonuses are universal against any type of an enemy.
To sum up: at seriously high levels, I'd really doubt that Heroes are that much of a good choice, still. Just my opinion, of course.
Bottleneck doesn't work well against warlords or hunters and not too great against scouts or criminals and powerful solitary hunting animals.

BUT - you pointed out bandits so I wanted to clarify something you might not realize about units like those (ruffians) - they start at extremely high volumes as it is. They cannot merge nor split but that is not to say they are singular volume units. Most units aren't solo volume units - that's what makes Heroes so powerful with Bottleneck.

Take for example, you train a Rifleman. This is a Volume rank 5 (battalion) unit without any merges at all, whereas the Hero is volume 1. The Prehistoric units aren't as volume high due to them having more natural strength (quality) vs later more civilized people who lose that quality edge slowly and find it replaced by volume to compensate.

Thankfully as well, Heroes often can still earn an extra quality jump too now and then, which just makes the bottlenecking that much more powerful.

Again, nothing doesn't have a counter so one can never argue there's a perfect solution to solve all problems. Right now there kinda is and it's still a broken point I'm working on fixing but not gonna open that can of worms to this discussion lol.
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Regardless of everything said, this mod is AWESOME due to the fact that THERE ARE all these options to begin with, loool.
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HELP? I have an issue with Advanced game where in the build menu each turn(s) only basic things are showing up! New things I've researched including ships are not showing up. I am harvesting every rsource and nothing shows up except basic build. Any idea what this is?
HELP? I have an issue with Advanced game where in the build menu each turn(s) only basic things are showing up! New things I've researched including ships are not showing up. I am harvesting every rsource and nothing shows up except basic build. Any idea what this is?
Is the city connected to your trade network?
Yes, all connected together and no other civs on actual continent. Like a Medium island. I've done this before and ran into the same issue. Any info helps!?
Just interesting. If can be created some option to cap earth cities created by bots, with custom number entering before start? Maybe then they will not destroy each other so much and will not have so much technology difference between them? Because even with "tech helper" options weak civs go behind by several eras, when I in the middle of tech tree and other "smartest" civs something like 4-5 blocks behind me. I think they will not be able to destroy each other so much, if they will have more or less equal construct and tech capabilities. Late eras will be more fun if the number of living civilizations will be greater.
I would like to know, has anyone had success playing C2C in a lan party and not get any "out of sync" errors? Really love this mod. Tried this mod less than a year ago but it's unplayable when it comes to lan play unfortunately.
I would like to know, has anyone had success playing C2C in a lan party and not get any "out of sync" errors? Really love this mod. Tried this mod less than a year ago but it's unplayable when it comes to lan play unfortunately.
It used to be possible but it hasn't been maintained well enough in that regard. OOS errors are very hard to find and fix and very easy to introduce when programmers work on new ways to improve things particularly with more modern programming theories. I'm hoping within the next year or two my time will start opening up for getting back to modding and this is a priority for that because when I play, I usually like to play with my wife as a team. Work and trying to build a business while purchasing a home has stymied all progress for me unfortunately.
how do i change palaces again, in the one i am playing now, i see no palace btn??
??? You should be able to build a new palace in a non-capitol city, which would deactivate your old one once the new one is built and move your capitol to the city that built the new one. Is it not showing up as a possible building in your city screens? (If that's the case, I'd say you've definitely got an error.)
??? You should be able to build a new palace in a non-capitol city, which would deactivate your old one once the new one is built and move your capitol to the city that built the new one. Is it not showing up as a possible building in your city screens? (If that's the case, I'd say you've definitely got an error.)
Some wonders work as palaces (and make it redundant and impossible), and I'm not sure you don't need a tech for the palace to begin with (probably not).
AI still overuses sacrificing population

In my current game, the ai still massively overuses sacrificing population rush production. There are many cities that I can see that hover around 1 and 4 pop, going to 4 and then shrinking back to 2. The main ai capitals are all smaller than my capital (15 pop on 15% turns done on eternity/gigantic/nightmare).

Also, the ai never build walls and doesn't seem capable of fielding large armies anymore. I can see how al of this could be related to overusing pop sacrifice. This feature seriously needs to be turned down. I miss the times when the ai would be ahead of me way into the Renaissance era and field armies of 200 swordsmen. Even with size matters turned on, the ai should be able to field bigger armies. But by cannibalizing its cities is crippling it.
So Cao was meant to be slower religion to spread then :)
I think his rule of thumb was that religions without typical clergy spreads slower, or maybe it was religions without typical temples/churches... not sure what the rule was to be honest. Maybe it was that monotheism spreads fastest, polytheism medium and the rest the slowest...
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