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CBob02 Jaguar Conquest


May 18, 2005
Too near The Temple of Jerry Jones
This game is Over. Post 2 is the story. Post 3 is the real world back story. Post 4 is the game info. Post 5 is the starting save. Post 6 and beyond are the nitty gritty of the game. Post 48 is the opening turnset.

Current Roster:

Norton II

First Lurker: AutomatedTeller

Known Lurkers:
Kool Keith
‘Well, Mr. Montezuma, we are here to address your concerns about the lack of respect you feel as a world leader and a military power. We have researched the problem and we are ready to offer our advice. This is Mr. - ’

‘Bernie, gladtomeetya, yeah, my last name is really Barnard, but everyone calls me Bernie. Say, Monty, oh, you don’t mind if I call you Monty,do you, thanks; well listen Monty, like I was saying, you guys have got yourselves an image problem. I mean, you guys are perceived as weak, a pushover, pansies, youknow? That’s not what you wanna be. Imean, you guys don’t even use bows and arrows in this here, whatyacallit, Jaguar Warrior of yours. Ya need to upgrade, get some Uzis and some of them, uh, Claymores, yeah, he’s a real good fighter that Claymore guy, must be the Irish in ‘em, right? Anyway, you need to get a new name, I mean PETA, a group which I have no personal use for, but they do get a lot of press, PETA will be all over you like stink on a full diaper if they hear your top of the line unit is named after an animal and you use animal skins as part of your uniform, youknowwhatImean? These people are just crackpots, but the press likes ‘em-‘

‘Next!’ said the man at the end of the table.

‘Sir, the issue is quiet simple. Your prized unit is perceived, quite frankly, as little more than a joke that triggers a ridiculously early bonus time for your people when they are too small to make use of it.’

‘Tell me something I don’t know,’ commanded the man at the end of the table.

‘Yes, well, sir, to be regarded as an equal, say to Rome or Greece, you must be better than Rome or Greece. This will not be easy.’

‘And you have a plan on how to do this?’ was snarled out.

‘Yes, I do. It is quick simple actually. Conquer the world.’

‘Conquer the world! Conquer the world? Oh, yeah, anyone can do that. It proves nothing.’

‘It proves something, sir, if you do that with your Jaguar Warriors as your only offensive attacking unit. Or is that too hard a task for you to do?’


‘Hmm. Using only the Jags. Need a lot of them, but they are cheap to make. Have to win quick, also. Don’t want to face tanks with stone knives.

‘Okay, you’ve got a deal. My Jaguar Warriors will conquer the world. Now find me some generals.’
I smarted off in a thread about taking over the world with just Jaguar Warrriors. I mostly meant it as a joke, but the idea intrigued AutomatedTeller to the point he PMed about starting a game with that idea. Well, what could I say?
This is designed to be a test of quantity over quality. We will try to conquer the world with Jaguar Warriors. It will be the only offensive unit. We can build defensive units (spear, pikes, muskets, etc) but they are only city dwellers and settler protectors. We won’t be building them to protect the Jags, just our cities and settlers. We can also build bombarding units (catapults, trebuchets, etc).

Civ III Conquests 1.22f
Level: Monarch
Opponents: random
Barbarians: raging
Land mass: Pangea
Water: 80%
Map size: standard
Age: 4 Billion
Climate: normal
Temperature: temperate
Normal victory conditions are ‘On’.

This is a conquest game, but it is not Always War. Given our goals, it will probably end up played as Always War, but the AW restrictions will not apply here. We can make peace with our neighbors and make gpt trades. In turn, that means we need to keep our reputation in good order.

The first turnset will be 20 turns and then will drop to 10 turns each. At some later point we may have to drop down to 5 turns when the turns get real long to play and log.

I am considering have each player play 20 turns from the starting save and then we post, compare our results and decide which start to play from.

Lurkers are always welcome.

Bingo Point
I like to win as much as the next person and I don’t believe in giving up. However, there may come a time in this game where it becomes obvious to all, including me, that we cannot win by conquering the world with hordes of Jaguar Warriors.

If we do come to that conclusion, we will end the game. I may start a new thread, from that last save, where the focus is to win some other way than conquest or domination. This would allow those who wanted a pointy-stick game a chance to depart with honor.


I know my schedule and have learned that I cannot keep the 24/72 pace that others can. Work, family, other interests and other SGs serve to limit the time I can give to any one game. I also encourage discussion, especially early discussion, of game plans and ideas. Since the goal is conquest, in the later game it is just a matter of killing units and capturing cities. Early game will be the time of greatest discussion.

So I will hold to a rather relaxed 48 hrs to post a get and 96 hours to play or give an update on the current game events. Skips and swaps are allowed and encouraged when needed. And if everyone is busy and the game sets for a bit (holidays, mostly) that is fine too.

This is not a training game, but could certainly be a wild game, with hordes of Jags swarming all over the map. Don’t let your difficulty level stop you from joining.

CommandoBob’s Semi-Standards
These things have helped me to focus my attention better on the game mechanics. I will be doing these things. I ask that anyone who wants to join be willing to do these their first two turnsets. The key is willing, not required.

Pre turn Strategy Post
This can be brief or elaborate, depending on the state of the game. We plan to win by conquest and we will have a lot of war, so mostly this would focus on plans for the current turn.

Military Strength
At the start and again at the end of a turnset, if we've had a lot of losses, just report what our current military strength is. This can be gotten from the military advisor or from CivAssist II. It would look like this:

03 Warriors
16 Knights
10 Mace

The breakdown of conscript/regular/veteran/elite is not really needed here. I tend to just order the units as the Military Advisor does, so the order of what units comes first tends to change through out a game.

City Builds
For each city we have, list their name, size, growth in turns and build in turns. It would look like this:

London (4) grows in 4, spear in 2.
Paris (6) zero growth, temple in 4.

City Build Recap
This is just a list of what builds are being built by which city. The list would contain the name of the build, the count of how many are being built, followed by the names of the cities building that item. It would look like this:

Temple [2] (Paris and Rome)
rSpear [1] (London)
vSpear [3] (Mecca, Trondheim and Athens)

At some point in time both these city lists lose their importance. For this game, we can ignore the City Build list when we get over twenty cities. I think the Recap would be good until we get around forty cities. After that they take more time than they are worth, especially since by the time we get to forty cities they will be making mostly fighting units anyway.

These lists do take extra time, but they have helped me to see things I might otherwise have missed, like building too many aqueducts or too few settlers. So I would ask that the players try these for two turnsets.

And of course, all of these can be combined into one post. I tend to review the cities and military and then develop some plans for the turns that are upcoming.

And just to say it again, these semi-standards are suggestions. They have helped me and they might help you. Do not let them stop you for signing up.

City Names
Please change them to something non-Aztec.

Unit Naming
I find it helpful to have workers and slaves named, since I try to focus a good deal of attention on worker moves and improvements. When these units are named it makes it easier to identify individual units. If I am cycling through the units (as I tend to do), I can mentally select Worker66 as a book mark for when I’ve cycled through all the units.

I really don’t care how the units are named: Worker01 = 01Worker = WorkerA = AWorker = WorkerSteve = SteveTheWorker = LurkerWorker; they all are fine by me. Slaves I would prefer to be prefixed with the word ‘Slave’. So Slave01 = SlaveA = SlaveDave = SlaveOfThunderfall are all good names.
CBob02 4000 BC


And the save is >>HERE<<.
I'm game. Conquering the world with a 1/1/2 unit!

Let's see if we can prove Ision wrong:
The Jaguar is a 1-1-2 warrior class unit costing 15-shields (available from the start). The Jag is a multi-faceted unit - barbarian fighting scout, pillager, and future swordsman. However, let me start by telling you what the Jaguar is not - it is not a cheap 'human wave' attack unit. A player that uses the unit in this fashion (even if successful) will have wasted precious shields, units and most importantly 'time'. The unit was never designed to build in mass as a primary attack force - this is simply not cost efficient.
Killercane won standard monarch in 1150 BC in PTW (i.e. 10s jags), although he used archers as well and undoubtedly had 80% water. I'll join, I don't believe I've won a game in the AA yet. Game parameters look fine (definitely need pangaea).
Welcome Phaedo, CivActuary and TimBentley! Even greetings to Aabraxan, as he looks on from the gallery. :D

Killercane won standard monarch in 1150 BC in PTW (i.e. 10s jags), although he used archers as well and undoubtedly had 80% water. I'll join, I don't believe I've won a game in the AA yet. Game parameters look fine (definitely need pangaea).
With 80% water, the land mass will be less, right? I tend to ignore the water/age/climate stuff, but that may not be too smart in this game.
lurker's comment: Have you considered how you're going to deal with the impact on production of defensive units? Once you get iron hooked up to a city, you'll lose the ability to build Jags, won't you? Then, assuming that you eventually get Feudalism, either you'll have to spend a lot of time hooking and unhooking iron OR cities will have to specialize, building either (a) Jags & spears or (b) pikes.
lurker's comment: Have you considered how you're going to deal with the impact on production of defensive units? Once you get iron hooked up to a city, you'll lose the ability to build Jags, won't you? Then, assuming that you eventually get Feudalism, either you'll have to spend a lot of time hooking and unhooking iron OR cities will have to specialize, building either (a) Jags & spears or (b) pikes.
No, not yet. :(

I figured we'd dive deep into the strategy after the team was filled out. I have a real fuzzy idea of how to proceed, but I know it needs team input. And I hadn't thought about finding Iron. :eek:
Once you get iron hooked up to a city, you'll lose the ability to build Jags, won't you?

i'm 90% sure you can build jags throughout the game.
Why do we need to hook up iron anyway? Lots of spears are just as good as pikes if we pick our terrain wisely.
i'm 90&#37; sure you can build jags throughout the game.

Any civ can build its UU, regardless of technology and resources, if it hasn't had it Golden Age yet. In this game, however, the GA will come very early, so iron can't be hooked up.

BTW, I'll take that open slot if everyone's OK with that. I did a solo jag conquest on a tiny map on regent a few months back--or would have if I hadn't inadvertently left conquest victory disabled. :blush: On a standard map, we'll have to find 'em fast and finish 'em fast. Enough jags might be able to handle pikes but won't be able to handle muskets. And hopefully, no civ will start on an island.

@CBob: I probably don't have to say this, but be sure that AI respawn is off.
@CBob: I probably don't have to say this, but be sure that AI respawn is off.
Uh, yeah, uh, sureitis! You betcha. You wouldn't expect me to forget that, would you? (Ok, now, where did I put that sign?)

And welcome to the game!
If that spot is reserved for me, I'm in - but I have a big availability problem. work is heavy right now and I have 2 SG's and the demo game :(

There is a purity to a game like this - build a granary, a bunch of cities, a bunch of barracks and a lot of jags. go kill. Rinse and repeat.

Why research anything? We start with everything we need (barracks, jags and granaries) except maybe spears - unless we need galleys. Researching anything just speeds up the tech pace and who wants to do that?

jags aren't wave attackers - what they are are stack attackers. pikes will be tough, but if we get greece or carthage, we gotta take them out.

We don't even need to build workers - we will take them from our opponents.
Now that sounds like an efficient strategy. We'll need all the unit support we can get I imagine as well. I guess speed is the key in this game eh?

Just for my 2 cents, I think we could do this at Emperor.:)
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