Celts seem to have great starting positions


Aug 2, 2006
Anyone else noticed this, the celts always seem to have a great starting position?
I've only played the Celts a few times, so haven't really noticed..however, I have noticed that when playing Roosevelt, or Genghis Khan, I always start in a completely crappy location..Always have to regenerate the map a few times to get away from the Ice/Tundra crap starts.
one time, i was Cyrus, the celts had like 4 resources in their starting square.
Financial leaders (I know Brennus is not one of them) get extra sweet starts on ice age maps.. food on land is scarce but i've once seen Korea start with 5 seafood on capitals fc. That game had 5 financial leaders and they all started on coast.. my agricultural egypt had one wheat resource, inland.
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