
Dec 31, 2005
Granada, Andalucía, España, Europa
Have you ever felt the need to travel? Have you ever had the feeling that there was something else out there? That there were people that needed you? That you existed for something greater than what you can achieve in your homeland?

Then, it is clear that you might be a great recruit for a very, very special corps. One that few people know about. One that only the best can join.

The Multiverse Exploratory Corps.

And you will travel, along with several other members, in this ship, the MES, and hopefully you and your fellow CTs (Chrono-Travelers) will be able to travel through the Multiverse, fighting those who are perverting it for their own benefit, and aiding people everywhere.

Ready? Then, I bid you welcome to... - The MES/NES

This NES is not an actual NES, like many others you may see around the forum. This is an RPG NES, where each player will be able to create and control one character, working with other players to achieve your objectives and travel through the Multiverse, using your abilities to defeat those that face you, and just enjoying life as best as possible.

First things first, though: defining your character.

Defining Your Character
The following is an example of a character:
Spoiler :
Name: Samuel Arrisa/Milarqui
Origin: TL-3579, 1949, United Iberian Empire, Viriato Brigade, Sniper
STR=65, PER=70, END=65, CHA=50, INT=65, AGI=70, LCK=65
HP=150/197, MP=0/23, CP=18
Abilities: Sniper Lvl 2, Rope Usage Lvl 1, Stealthy Lvl 1
Disabilities: Solitary, Silent
Weapons: Sniper Rifle RESA 1937 (80), Hunting Knife
Armor: Steel Helmet, Leather Vest, Cloth Pants, Leather Boots
Other Items: 30m long rope, 3 Grenades
Injuries: None

Now, it's the turn to explain what each thing means:
Spoiler :
  • Name: how you are known to the other players.
  • Origin: it states which timeline you come from, the year you were pulled from, and your origin within that timeline.
  • Primary Stats: the seven primary stats are defined by the players. Each player has 450 points to divide between the seven stats. The stats can also increase with time and use.
    • Strength (STR): measures a PC's ability to use brute force in his dealings across space-time. For example, lifting a weight or throwing a punch.
    • Perception (PER): measures a PC's ability to use his senses to interact with his/her surroundings. For example, pointing a gun at an objective or smelling some kind of perfume.
    • Endurance (END): measures a PC's health and ability to resist illnesses and/or poisonings. It directly affects your HPs.
    • Charisma (CHA): measures a PC's ability to interact with other people through speech, as well as convincing other people of your opinion or to obey you.
    • Intelligence (INT): measures a PC's ability to use his/her mind to understand the world that surrounds them, as well as to use it for other intellectual things.
    • Agility (AGI): measures a PC's ability to move fast, as well as his/her reflexes and his/her jumping ability.
    • Luck (LCK): measures a PC's luck, which affects things that may be random.
  • Secondary Stats: these three stats depend on the Primary Stats. They grow as the PS grow, although some abilities may provide bonuses or maluses to them.
    • Health (HP): pretty much what it says on the tin. The smaller this number is, the nearer to death the character is. It can be recovered by resting, eating and being healed. Its maximum is equal to 100+END+STR/2.
    • Mana (MP): only for those that use magic. Meditating, resting and other methods are how it is recovered. Its maximum is equal to 10+INT/5.
    • Chronopoints (CP): a Chrono-Traveler's travels through the multiverse make them particularly able to affect probabilities, due to the chronitons they produce naturally as they travel between universes. In-game, one Chronopoint can be used to re-throw a failed throw. Time and incredible actions are the way to recover it. Its maximum is equal to 5+LCK/5.
  • Abilities: it indicates things your character is able to do, which translates into bonuses when actions are carried out by the characters. The higher the level, the higher the bonuses are. Experience is acquired by being successful in using the abilities. In the example, Sniper Lvl 2 means that the character receives a +10 bonus when shooting at a long distance; Rope Usage Lvl 1 gives a +5 bonus when using a rope, and Stealthy Lvl 1 gives a +5 bonus when trying to sneak away.
  • Disabilities: just like the abilities are things that give your character things to do, the disabilities are things that hinder your character and make things more difficult for him. These are not leveled, although failing in certain circumstances may "upgrade" the disabilities or add new ones. In the example, Solitary means that the character does not like to be with too many people at the same time (malus to interacting with a team), while Silent means that the character does not like to speak unless necessary (malus to speaking with other people).
  • Weapons: from the start, and unless the player decides something else, a character will have one long-range weapon and one melée weapon. If a weapon requires ammunition of some kind (bullets, arrows, energy charges...) then the ammo quantity appears between parenthesis () next to the weapon. A character may only carry 4 weapons at the same time, although he may own more than 4, as the ship will be able to keep everything not taken to the mission. Weapons may also be acquired in the future.
  • Armor: the protection the character wears. It will protect characters from attacks, although the protection will depend on what the enemy uses to fight you. The character will only be able to carry what armor they wear.
  • Other Items: these are other items that do not count as weapons or armor, and which you can carry with you in a backpack or in your armor's pockets. You may carry up to 8 different items.
  • Injuries: what injuries your character has. They may make some actions more difficult to manage (for example, an injury to the leg would make it harder to run) and they can also provoke loss of health until treated.
When making a character, you need, apart from defining the Primary Stats, to give him a name, an origin, 3 abilities, 2 disabilities, up to two weapons, some armor and 2 items. I'll make sure that the abilities and disabilities do not get too overpowered at the beginning.

The Actions, Or How To Deal With A Problem
Spoiler :
In this game, an Action is what the characters do that requires a die throw. For example, eating, speaking among you in friendly manners or walking should not require a throw unless completely necessary. However, other actions, like shooting a weapon, throwing something far away or trying to convince someone to accept your point of view is considered an Action.

To determine the success or failure of an Action, I'll throw two ten-sided dice, so as to obtain a result over 100. This result is then compared to ATR, a number that depends on the stats used in the Action and the bonuses/maluses from abilities, disabilities and injuries. The levels of success/failure are these, depending on what you get on the throw:
  • 0 = Perfect Success: You not only achieve what you wanted, but it succeeds beyond all expectations. Maybe it goes a bit overboard, though.
  • 1 to 20% of ATR = Big Success: You achieve what you wanted, and a little extra to boot.
  • 21% to 50% of ATR = Success: You achieve what you wanted, no more, no less.
  • 51% to 100% of ATR = Just Success: You nearly achieve what you wanted, but not completely like you wanted.
  • ATR+1 to ATR+50% of DIF = Just Failure: You do not achieve what you wanted, but you still get something out of it.
  • ATR+51% of DIF to ATR+80% of DIF = Failure: You do not achieve what you wanted, no more, no less.
  • ATR+81% of DIF to 99 = Big Failure: Not only you do not achieve what you wanted, but you accidentally do something that runs against what you wanted to do.
  • 100 = Perfect Failure: Not only you do not achieve what you wanted, but it all goes catastrophically wrong.
For example, say that you want to throw a grenade away, and no abilities are affected by this. Thus, ATR will be equal to STR, as you only need strength to achieve what you wanted. In the example, STR=65, so you would need to get a 65 to throw that grenade away. However, if you got something between 1 and 13, then not only would you succeed, but the resulting explosion might kill some enemies, while getting something between 66 and 83 will mean the grenade might explode too near, thus injuring you.
A second example: you want to throw a grenade into a trench, with your off-hand, and you have Throwing Lvl 1 Ability (this means you are far more capable at throwing with accuracy). Since you have to combine strength and precision, then base ATR would be equal to the lowest of STR and PER, thus ATR=65. When doing things with your off-hand, you get a -20 malus, and as you have Throwing Lvl 1 you get a +5 bonus, so ATR is 50.

Each Action provides experience points for an ability. The higher the success, the higher the number (1, 3, 5 and 10 for JS, S, BS and PS). Maximum level is 5, with each level providing a +5 bonus, and to reach one level you need 50 experience points times the level (thus, 50 points to reach Level 1, 100 points to reach Level 2 after Level 1...)

The MES, Or How To Travel Between Timelines
At the beginning of the game, the characters will appear inside of the MES, a ship capable of traveling between alternate timelines. The players will use it as a base in every TL (TimeLine) they arrive to. However, they will not gain control of the ship until they have been successful in their first mission.

The ship has the following stats:
Spoiler :
Hull Points: 100/100
Power: 15, 100%
ATL Drive: 100%, 10/15, 10
Propulsion Drive: 75%, 30, 50/100
Weapons: 1 Missile Launcher I (16), 2 Laser Beam I (95%, 70%)
Shields: Ion Shield I (50%), Countermeasures I (20%)
Rooms: Pilot Cabin, 2 Bunk Rooms, Meeting Room, 8 Rooms, Kitchen, Mechanic Workshop
Shuttles: Shuttle 1 (100%), Shuttle 2 (80%)
Storage Space: 85.2/100 m3
Stored: 100 kg of food, 100 l of water, 20 l of beer, 20 l of vodka, 10 l of gin, 20 statues, 5 cloth baskets
Armory: 3 E-Guns, 2 E-Rifles, 100 E-Cells, 1 Sniper Rifle, 30 Sniper Bullets, 3 Steel Swords, 1 Axe

Again, the explanation:
Spoiler :
  • Hull Points: determines how far away the ship is from destruction. If they reach 0, the is destroyed. Heavy losses of HP may open holes in it, further reducing the ship's integrity. Initially, the maximum HP is 100: this number can be increased by using better materials in reparing or replacing the hull.
  • Power: this is what provides the energy for the main systems. First number is the power production when at top status, and the second indicates the status. If the second number is not 100%, then the actual power is reduced to that percentage of the top power. Power can be increased by installing better components or buying a new plant. Initially, Power will be 15.
  • ATL Drive: this is the drive that allows the MES to travel between timelines. The first number (100%) indicates its state, and the lower the number is, the lower the chance of arriving to the intended place. The second number (10/15) indicates how many more travels can be done before eating up all the fuel. The third number indicates how much power it requires. Initially, the maximum number of “jumps” is 10, and it requires 10 power to work.
  • Propulsion Drive: this is the drive that allows the MES to travel within a timeline. The three numbers are: state, top speed and fuel. Initially, top speed is 25, and fuel is 100.
  • Weapons: there are three kinds of weapons: Missile Launchers, which shoot missiles (highly destructive against the hull, although it requires a supply of missiles), Laser Beams (which can hit hull and inner parts with great power) and Ion Ball Shooters (which can disable systems and cause small damage). Initially, you get 2 of the three basic weapons (ML I, LB I and IBS I).
  • Shields: shields can help protect the ship against many external threats. Countermeasures protects against missiles, Ion Shields against ionic attacks and Reflectors against laser beams. The percentage determines how much it can keep protecting the ship. Initially, you can only get one of the shields.
  • Rooms: the parts of the ship you have with you. New rooms can be built by the players or bought at the Hub. Initially, the ship has the Pilot Cabin (from where the ship is directed), 2 Bunk Dorms (for everyone to sleep in) and a Meeting Room (to plan and eat). The Armory, Storage and rooms for the Drives,
  • Shuttles: when you don't want to land with the, you can use these to touch land and look less threatening. You can give them names, if you want. Also, each Shuttle has a “health” meter: if it reaches 0%, the shuttle becomes inoperative or explodes.
  • Storage: storage is measured in cubic metres. Initially, space is 50 cubic metres. 1 kilogram of Food occupies 0.5 dm3, 1 litre of a drink (water, alcohol...) occupies 1 dm3, and other objects use up a different volume depending on their size. You need 1 kg of food and 2 l of drinks to get through the day at the top.
  • Armory: where all weapons not being used by the characters are kept. Initially it will be empty, but as you get money you will be able to buy weapons from either the Hub or any of the many alternate Earths you will be able to visit.

Also, the ship requires that the following positions are occupied:
  • Captain: leads the ship, makes the important decisions and represents the ship when meeting others. Recommended: high CHA.
  • Pilot: directs the ship from the Pilot Cabin, makes sure that it moves in the appropriate direction. Recommended: high AGI and PER.
  • Mechanic: makes sure that the ship is on tip-top shape. He can also work on improving the ship's systems, creating new weapons or building new rooms (of course, for most of this he would require materials and a workshop). Recommended: high INT and PER.
  • Security Officer: controls the Armory to make sure that weapons are correctly stored and no one attempts to steal them. Also leads the teams if an armed response is needed. Recommended: high PER, good knowledge of weaponry use.
The other players can take subsidiary positions, such as Second Pilot, Security Goon or Comm Officer, and, as new rooms are added, other options will be opened.

How A Turn Happens
Every turn, I'll state how many actions each character can make. Then, each player will state what his character will do. I will then determine the success of each action, write a short update and change stats to reflect the changes. Hopefully, we will be able to do at least one update every day or every two days.
AC means "Ammo Clip", as in how much ammo you can spend before having to recharge. CPS means "Cost Per Shot", as in how much money you have to spend to get one bullet (so, 1 Pistol clip would cost $7.5, and 1 SMG clip would be $9).
Weapon Ammo Damage AC CPS Cost Other
Pistol 9mm 1d10 15 0.5 1,200
Shotgun 2.75'' 1d10+2 8 0.5 1,300
SMG 9mm 1d10+1 30 0.3 1,500
Rifle 7.92mm 1d10+2 40 1.5 1,500
Rifle Grenades N/A 2d10 1 20
Sniper Rifle 15mm 2d10 5 5 4,800
E-Gun E-cell 1d10+1 20 0 2,000
E-Rifle E-cell 1d10+4 10 0 3,000
RPG Ex-Grenade 6d10 5 50 6,000
Grenade Launcher Grenade N/A N/A 2,500
Beanbag 1d10/5 1 $15 N/A Crowd control
Explosive 2d10 1 $20 N/A
Illumination N/A 1 $25 N/A Illuminates
Net N/A 1 $40 N/A Throws a net
Smoke N/A 1 $15 N/A Produces smoke

Melée Weapon Damage Cost
Axe ST/10+5 40
Blade ST/10 30
Club ST/10 20
Knife ST/20+5 15

Grenade Damage Cost Other
Chaff N/A 20 1d10 on robots, inutilizes electronics
Concussion 2d10 10 No shrapnel
Fragmentation 3d10 20 Shrapnel
Incendiary 2d10+5 50 Causes fire
Smoke N/A 30 Smoke curtain
Stun N/A 20 Flashbang

Ship Weapon Level Damage CPS Cost Energy Other
Ion Ball Shooter I 1d10/2 N/A 6,000 2 Disconnects system during 20s
II 1d10 N/A 12,000 4 Disconnects system during 40s
II 3d10/2 N/A 18,000 6 Disconnects system during 60s
Laser Beam I 1d10 N/A 10,000 1 Shoots a laser
II 2d10 N/A 12,500 3
III 3d10 N/A 15,000 5
Missile Launcher I 2d10 100 10,000 1 Shoots 1 Missile
II 3d10 150 12,000 1
III 4d10 200 14,000 1

Ship Defenses Level Cost Energy Other
Countermeasures I 10,000 1 Blocks missiles
II 12,000 1
III 14,000 1
Ion Shield I 8,000 2 Protects from Ion Balls
II 12,000 4
II 16,000 6
Reflector I 6,000 1 Deflects lasers
II 8,000 3
III 15,000 5
Captain: Nicholas Carson Strongnovitch
Second In Command: Severus Hark
Security Officer: Severus Hark
Pilot: Jade Byrne
Mechanic: Arco Nerras
Medic: The Hermit of Morpeth
Hull Points: 100/100
Power: 15, 100%
ATL Drive: 100%, 15/15, 10
Propulsion Drive: 100%, 25, 100/100
Weapons: 1 Missile Launcher I (10)/1 Laser Beam I/1 Ion Ball Shooter (100%)
Shields: Countermeasures I/Ion Shield I/Reflectors I (100%)
Rooms: Pilot Cabin, 2 Bunk Rooms, Meeting Room
Shuttles: Shuttle 1 (100%), Shuttle 2 (100%)
Storage Space: 0.1998/100 m3
Stored: 88 kg of food, 100 l of water, 49.6 l of beer
Cash: $0

Christos Palaiologos/christos200
Spoiler :
Origin: TL-2345, ?, Neo-Byzantine Empire, Imperial Brigade, Sniper and Kung Fu expert
STR=65, PER=70, END=65, CHA=50, INT=65, AGI=70, LCK=65
HP=197/197, MP=0/23, CP=18
Abilities: Sniper Lvl 1, Rope Usage Lvl 1, Kung Fu Lvl 1
Disabilities: Solitary, Silent
Weapons: Sniper Rifle (4*5), Axe
Armor: Steel Helmet, Leather Vest, Cloth Pants, Leather Boots
Other Items: 30m long rope, 3 Grenades
Injuries: None

Commissar Severus Hark/Grandkhan
Spoiler :
Origin: TL-40000, 40999, Parthion IV, Calixis Sector, the Imperium, Schola Progenium Commissar
STR: 55, PER: 60, END: 50, CHA: 95, INT: 95, AGI: 50, LCK: 45
HP=177/177, MP=0/29, CP=14
Abilities: Command Lvl 1, Rhetoric Lvl 1, Pistol Usage Lvl1
Disabilities: Fanatic (Emperor of Mankind), Xenophobe (Non-human)
Weapons: Garm Pattern Boltpistol (4*10+9), Mark XI Hell's Teeth Pattern Chainsword (blade)
Armour: Carapace armour, cloth pants, leather boots, Commissar's greatcoat, Commissar's peaked cap, the righteous hatred of the enemies of the Emperor
Spoiler :

Alexander Withington/MoreEpicThanYou
Spoiler :
TL-1420, 2006, British Socialist Union, People's Association of Believers, Mage
STR=60, PER=70, END=60, CHA=50, INT=75, AGI=65, LCK=70
HP=189/190, MP= 16/23, CP= 15
Abilities: Magic (Staff) Lvl 1, Alchemy Lvl 1, Trickster Lvl 1
Disabilities: Physical Weakness, Xenophobia (Americans)
Weapons: Knife, Staff of Magic
Armor: Leather Jacket, Jeans, Lesser Ring of Protection
Other Items: Book of Incantations, Book of Alchemy
Injuries: None
Spoiler :

Sergeant Marcus Blackstone/SamSniped
Spoiler :
Origin: TL-1956, 2016, United States of America (Boston, MA), ex-Navy SEAL Colonel, Sergeant in the Special Services Division
STR=65, PER=80, END=70, CHA=75, INT=65, AGI=70, LCK=50
HP=202/202, MP=0/25, CP=10
Abilities: Firearms Lvl 1, Extreme Training Lvl 1, Jury-rigging Lvl 1
Disabilities: Disciplined, Pessimistic
Weapons: Rifle G36c (4*30+27), Combat Knife
Armor: Kevlar-padded camo pants and jacket, Kevlar camo helmet with interactive HUD screen, leather boots with Kevlar padding in the soles, Kevlar combat gloves
Other Items: Duct Tape, Swiss Army Knife
Injuries: None

Neil Morriss/merciary
Spoiler :
Origin: TL-4253, Date: 5 years after Vault, Pandora, Vault Hunter, Ex-Crimson Lancer
STR=60, PER=75, END=70, CHA=45, INT=50, AGI=70, LCK=80
HP=195/195, MP=0/20, CP=21
Abilities: Firearms Lvl 1, Looter Lvl 1, Bandit Killer Lvl 1
Disabilities: Greedy, Self-Preservation
Weapons: Dahl Defender (5*21), Combat Knife
Armor: Badly Damaged Lance Armor, Civilian Clothing
Other Items: Basic Tediore Shield, 3 grenades
Injuries: None

Ky Miller/Gem_Hound
Spoiler :
Origin: TL-843, Earth, Kaalgan Union, Rogue
STR=60, PER=70, END=70, CHA=50, INT=60, AGI=75, LCK=65
HP=200/200, MP=0/22, CP=14
Abilities: Jury-rigging Lvl 1, Looter Lvl 1, Pistol Usage Lvl 1
Disabilities: Self-Preservation, Xenophobe (Insect-like Aliens)
Weapons: Suppressed Colt M1991A1 Pistol (5*7), Machete
Armor: Black Leather custom trenchcoat, vest, pants, boots, gloves, and mask.
Other Items: Burnt doll, 4 chaff grenades
Injuries: Laser burn on the back of his right arm
Spoiler :

The Hermit of Morpeth/Optical
Spoiler :
Origin: TL-285, 1603, just outside Morpeth, Northumberland, Commoners' Republic of England, a solitary old friar of the Observant Franciscans, healer
STR=45, PER=40, END=95, CHA=55, INT=95, AGI=50, LCK=70
HP=217/217, MP=26/29, CP=19
Abilities: Magic Lvl 1 (orb pendant, via left hand), Trickster Lvl 1, Jury-Rigging Level 1
Disabilities: Fanatic (the Hippocratic Oath), Short-sighted
Weapons: Blade (hand-and-a-half sword), Rifle (5*40)
Armor: Chain mail from head down to knees and leather jerkin (all under monk habit), thick leather broad-brimmed hat, spectacles (the best Italian ones)
Other Items: Medical kit (bandages, various poultices, needles and thread, herbs), Bible, 2 0.2l bottles of beer
Injuries: None
Spoiler :

Arco Nerras/Popcornlord
Spoiler :
Origin: TL-91822, 24 AF, Livingston Castle, Mad Scientist/Survivor
STR=55, PER=75, END=65, CHA=45, INT=90, AGI=60, LCK=60
HP=192/192, MP=0/28, CP=17
Abilities: Jury-Rigging Lvl 1, Looter Lvl 1, Extreme Training Lvl 1
Disabilities: Pessimistic, Solitary
Weapons: Homemade E-Rifle (5*16), Small Knife (part of a Swiss Army Knife Style all purpose tool)
Armor: Gas mask, Muddy Lab Coat that was once white, Black Gloves, Rubber Boots
Other Items: Swiss Army Knife Style all purpose tool, Field Equipment for basic geology and dissection
Injuries: None
Spoiler :

John T.H. Crompton aka Honda Takashi/JoanK
Spoiler :
Origin: TL-0491, 1876, Meiji Japan (Shizuoka)
STR=60, PER=75, END=70, CHA=40, INT=65, AGI=75, LCK=65
HP=200/200, MP=0/25, CP=14
Abilities: Bandit Killer Lvl 1, Pistol Usage Lvl 1, Blademaster Lvl 1
Disabilities: Solitary, Daredevil (he often puts himself in danger, trying to honour his parents' memories)
Weapons: Katana, Colt M1861 Navy (5*6)
Armour: Kimono, kusari gusoku (mail)
Other Items: Bottle of sake, wazikashi sheath
Injuries: None
Spoiler :

Major Nicholas Carson Strongnovitch/NinjaCow64
Spoiler :
Origin: TL-3339, 1964, Global United Soviet Socialist Republics (GUSSR), Member of the United Vodkarist Front
STR=55, PER=65, END=100, CHA=70, INT=50, AGI=50, LCK=50
HP=227/227, MP=0/20, CP=15
Abilities: Rifle Usage Lvl 1, Regenerating Liver Lvl 1, Command Lvl 1
Disabilities: Alcoholic, Eccentric
Weapons: AK-47 (4*30+20), Broken Vodka Bottle
Armor: Cool longcoat and basic clothing.
Other Items: 2 1L Vodka Bottles, 1 0.5L Vodka Bottle, 2 1L Whisky Bottles, 2 empty bottles
Injuries: Steel liver
Spoiler :

Captain Jade Byrne/KaiserElectric
Spoiler :
Origin: TL-926, 1952, Irish Air Brigade, Fighter Pilot
STR=45, PER=90, END=50, CHA=65, INT=60, AGI=80, LCK=60
HP=172/172, MP=0/22, CP=17
Abilities: Piloting Lvl 1, Scouting Lvl 1, Firearms Lvl 1
Disabilities: Green, Physically Weak
Weapons: Wilson-Clarke L3 Semiautomatic Rifle (5*10), Combat Knife
Armor: Leather Flight Jacket, Cloth Trousers, Leather Gloves, Combat Boots, Flight Goggles, Wool Scarf
Other Items: Compass, Binoculars
Injuries: None
Spoiler :

Spoiler :
Origins: TL-50, 2004, Silent Hill, Maine, United States of America
STR=60, PER=70, END=60, CHA=60, INT=70, AGI=55, LCK=75
HP=190/190, MP=16/24, CP=20
Abilities: Magic Lvl 1, Psychology Lvl 1, Close Quarters Combat 1
Disabilities: Eccentric, Psychotic
Weapons: Sawn off Shotgun (5*8), Knife
Armor: Trench coat with multiple deep pockets
Items: Kitten, deck of Tarot cards
Spoiler :

Abilities (This list is NOT complete, and you are not obligated to have only those abilities in the list)
Alchemy: the person can combine different ingredients to make potions.
Bandit Killer: the person is better at fighting undisciplined troops.
Blademaster: the person is trained at using blade melée weapons.
Close Quarter Combat: the person is proficient at using firearms and melee weapons at point blank range.
Command: the person knows how to command an unit in battle.
Extreme Training: the person is trained on doing great physical effort.
Firearms: the person has ability in using all kinds of firearms.
Jury-rigging: the person can improvise objects and weapons out of simple components.
Kung Fu: the person knows how to fight using Kung Fu.
Looter: the person is better at finding objects.
Magic: the person can use magic through a certain mean.
Piloting: the person is trained to handle vehicles.
Pistol Usage: the person has trained in the use of pistols.
Psychology: the person can understand hidden intentions and emotions of other characters
Rhetoric: the person knows how to make speeches to encourage others to act.
Regenerating Liver: the person has a liver that can heal itself from the ravages of alcohol, and helps to heal.
Rifle Usage: the person is well acquainted with the use of rifles.
Rope Usage: the person is able to use ropes in many different ways.
Scouting: the person is able to track enemies and spot other things.
Sniper: the person can use a rifle to shoot at long distances.
Trickster: the person is able to cheat and deceive others.

Disabilities (This list is NOT complete, and you are not obligated to have only those disabilities in the list)
Alcoholic: the person is addicted to alcohol, and cannot pass the day without drinking a bottle.
Disciplined: the person obeys orders from anyone he considers a superior.
Eccentric: the person has unconventional and slightly strange views and/or behaviour.
Fanatic: the person is devoted to a cause of person against all reason.
Greedy: the person is worse at acting if there is no direct payoff.
Green: the person is not used to combat.
Pessimistic: the person tends to find the bad side in every situation.
Physical Weakness: the person finds it difficult to carry out tasks that require him a physical effort.
Psycothic: the person is specially prone to devastating mental breakdowns.
Self-Preservation: the person finds it difficult to act if it puts him/her at high risk.
Silent: the person does not speak unless completely necessary.
Solitary: the person tends to prefer to be alone.
Xenophobe: the person hates a certain type of beings that is different from themselves.
TL-0 (Hub)
TL-50 (Jack's Homeline)
TL-285 (The Hermit's Homeline)
TL-491 (John T.H. Crompton's Homeline)
TL-843 (Ky Miller's Homeline)
TL-926 (Captain Jade Byrne's Homeline)
TL-1420 (Alexander Withington's Homeline)
TL-2016 (Sergeant Marcus Blackstone's Homeline)
TL-2345 (Christos Palaiologos' Homeline)
TL-3339 (Major Nicholas Carson Strongnovitch's Homeline)
TL-4253 (Neil Morriss' Homeline)
TL-40000 (Commissar Severus Hark's Homeline)
TL-91822 (Arco Nerras' Homeline)

0 - Welcome!, Day 1

TL-630254 Part 1

Subscription post, I'm making my character and I'll post it here. But what's that Timeline thing, how does one know what that means or how to establish that? :confused:
Name: Christos Palaiologos/Christos200
Origin: 2345, Neo- Byzantine Empire, Imperial Brigade, Sniper and Kung Fu expert
STR=65, PER=70, END=65, CHA=50, INT=65, AGI=70, LCK=65
HP=150/197, MP=0/23, CP=18
Abilities: Sniper Lvl 1, Rope Usage Lvl 1, Kung Fu expert Lvl1
Disabilities: Solitary, Silent
Weapons: Sniper Rifle (80), Axe
Armor: Steel Helmet, Leather Vest, Cloth Pants, Leather Boots
Other Items: 30m long rope, 3 Smoke Grenades
Injuries: None
Just a few questions before I make my character:

1. Is there a minimum/maximum limit for how many points we can invest in one primary stat?
2. Can we make any ability we want (within reason, of course)?
@christos200: despite the cheapness of your entry (don't think I didn't notice that the only thing you changed was the name, the origin and the weapon name) I'm accepting Palaiologos as part of the team.

Just a few questions before I make my character:

1. Is there a minimum/maximum limit for how many points we can invest in one primary stat?
2. Can we make any ability we want (within reason, of course)?

1. Top is 100, minimum is 0. Of course, I would not recommend you to do any min/maxing, because then I might decide to put your character into situations where that tactic may run against him.
2. Yes. I said it before, if it is within reason I can accept it.
Thanks, I'll get my character up sometime tomorrow probably. Are we still going with the idea that a mysterious man pulls them away just before they die?

One more thing: Is there a limit to the amount and level of abilities I can have at the begining of the game?
In addition to the question I edited in (sorry), what would the limit of ammo be on a rifile? Say an AK-47? Any ideas on that?
I edited my post.
In addition to the question I edited in (sorry), what would the limit of ammo be on a rifile? Say an AK-47? Any ideas on that?

I do not understand this question. Do you mean "how much ammo you could carry", "how much ammo you can have at the beginning" or "how much ammo can a clip have"?

If it is the third, then the RL limit. If it is the second, about 5 clips. If it is the first, then 10 clips (which would be more than enough).

Also, the E-clips can be recharged, so that is something you have to keep into account.

I edited my post.
Not acceptable. Please, before making edits, read the rules. Also, your Sniper ability should be at Lvl 1.
Just one more thing, sorry if I am pushy I just don't want to get anything wrong.

Is there a limit to the amount and level of abilities I can have at the begining of the game? Also, can I post some background information and do some RP before the game starts? Thanks for all your help. :goodjob:
Just one more thing, sorry if I am pushy I just don't want to get anything wrong.

Is there a limit to the amount and level of abilities I can have at the begining of the game? Also, can I post some background information and do some RP before the game starts? Thanks for all your help. :goodjob:

3 abilities at Lvl 1, and yes, you can write some BG information. In fact, I would love it if everyone puts a short BG story, so that I can write their parts more efficiently.
Name: Commissar Severus Hark
Origin: TL-40 000, 40 999, Parthion IV, Calixis Sector, the Imperium, Schola Progenium Commissar
Primary Stats: STR: 55, PER: 60, END: 50, CHA: 95, INT: 95, AGI: 50, LCK: 45
Abilities: Command Lvl1: Commissars of the Imperium are well trained in the arts of military command, and can command a unit in battle to some effect.
Rhetoric Lvl1: Commissars of the Imperium frequently are called upon to make inspiring speeches to the companies they command, to better encourage them to sacrifice their lives for the Emperor. Commissars are well trained in the arts of rhetoric.
Pistol Training Lvl1: Commissars are well trained in the use of their boltpistols.
Fanatic: Commissars are devoted to the Emperor at all costs and against all reason.
Xenophobe: Citizens of the Imperium are taught from birth to slaughter the Xenos and anything that is not human with extreme prejudice. Severus is no exception.
Weapons: Garm Pattern Boltpistol (pistol), Mark XI Hell's Teeth Pattern Chainsword (blade)
Armour: Carapace armour, cloth pants, leather boots, Commissar's greatcoat, the righteous hatred of the enemies of the Emperor
Items: Commissar's peaked cap.

I'll get started on writing Severus' introduction in a bit.
I edited again my post.
Name: Alexander Withington/Christos200
Origin: TL-1420, 2006, British Socialist Union, People's Association of Believers (Magic exists in this universe, but only a small amount. Few can use it and even fewer believe in it. However, magical sensitivity is high, and they could be powerful wizards in other dimensions.), Mage
STR=60, PER=70, END=60, CHA=50, INT=75, AGI=65, LCK=70
HP=110/110, MP= 17/17, CP= 15
Abilities: Magic Lvl 1, Alchemy Lvl 1, Trickster Lvl 1
Disabilities: Physical weakness, Pathological hatered towards Americans of any type
Weapons: Knife, Staff of Magic
Armor: Steel Helmet, Leather Vest, Cloth Pants, Leather Boots
Other Items: Book of Incantations, Book of Alchemy, 3x stun grenades
Injuries: None

OOC: I did the math, and even though I did the math correctly, I still have less mana than your example character even though I raised Intelligence.
What does 5*10 mean in reference to the boltpistol?

@Morepicthanyou, your Mana points should be 25. You work out division first, remember? So your MP would be 10+(75/5)=25, not (10+75)/5=17.
Name: Sergeant Marcus Blackstone
Origin: 2016, United States of America (Boston, MA), ex-Navy SEAL Colonel, Sergeant in the Special Services Division.
STR=65, PER=80, END=70, CHA=75, INT=65, AGI=70, LCK=50
HP=202, MP=23, CP=10
  • Firearms I: A master with all guns, as long as it shoots, Marcus gets a bonus with it
  • Jury-rigging I: He has a MacGyver-like ability to create things (especially explosives) out of simple components and whatever he can find around him.
  • Extreme Training I: Having been a Navy SEAL and involved in other military activities for years, he gains experience easier than most and can work through hard situations in a millisecond.
  • Disciplined: Despite his outgoing appearence, he happens to adhere strictly to military ranking, and dislikes people below him disobeying orders. A lot. Also still thinks of himself as a colonel, which doesn't help.
  • Pessimistic: Happens to find the bad side of everything, as he lacks good luck.
    Weapons: G36c (Rifle), Combat Knife (Knife)
Armor: Kevlar-padded camo pants and jacket which change color depending on the location (buildings it is a grey digital camo, in forests it is a basic camo pattern, in deserts it is get the point), Kevlar helmet with an interactive HUD screen covering his face (same camo ability), leather boots with Kevlar padding in the soles, Kevlar combat gloves, and pinned to his jacket are the SEAL Trident, SSD Insignia, and an American flag. The camouflage blends in perfectly with its surroundings in most cases, rendering Marcus invisible to any non-physical inspection.
Other Items: Swiss Army Knife, and Duct Tape
Injuries: None
Background later.

OOC: my abilities may seem OP, but I never specified the exact numerical bonuses, which are up to the GM.
What do AC and CPS mean by the way?
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