CFC: Fastest Deity Diplomatic Victory


Jun 21, 2019
The Netherlands
Civ Fanatics Competition: Fastest Deity Diplomatic Victory

Welcome to the Civ Fanatics Competition (CFC) where we will find out who can pull off the fastest deity diplomatic victory!


Start conditions

To participate, start and play a game that matches the following conditions:

  • #players: Any
  • Leader: Any
  • AI Leaders: Any
  • Ruleset: Gathering Storm
  • Version : June update or higher
  • Difficulty: Deity
  • Start Era: Ancient Era
  • Game Speed: Standard
  • #City States: Any
  • Disaster Intensity: Any
  • Map: Any
  • Map Size: Any
  • Resources: Any
  • World Age: Any
  • Start Position Any
  • Temperature: Any
  • Rainfall: Any
  • Sea Level: Any
  • Victory Conditions: All enabled
  • Advanced Options: All default
  • Mods: UI (only) mods allowed, no other
  • Special conditions: Any random seed / map can only enter the competition once. Any player can join the competition multiple times, but always with a different map seed.


To make sure it’s a fair competition, make sure to:

  • Not cheat and/or use exploits (you know when you have, it’s that subtle feeling of shame when you post a score you did not earn fairly ). This off course includes using any in game cheat codes, restarting maps or playing maps you have seen others play, reloading previous saves after mistakes (not crashes, but even then you shouldn’t replay more than one turn).
  • Follow the GOTM rules, especially the ‘what should we consider as exploits’ (see
  • If you participate and anyone shows you accidentally or purposely violated the conditions or rules of the competition, your name will be crossed from the top 10.

Participate in the contest

To be eligible for a ‘top position’, post a reply to this thread where you:

  • Mention the number of turns it took you to win a diplomatic victory.
  • Claim your position in the ‘top 10’.
    • End your post with the new ‘top 10’ with you in it (see below).
  • Add the first turn save game and the last turn save game (post victory).
  • Mention the game seeds.
  • For flavor: post screenshots of interesting parts of your game, or even make a video.
  • Describe (the more flavor the better) what your strategy was and how the game went.

Current Top 10

Copy and paste, and enter yourself into the top 10 list if your score is worthy!

  • 1st place: [player] - [number of turns] - [leader/country]
  • 2nd place:
  • 3rd place:
  • 4th place:
  • 5th place:
  • 6th place:
  • 7th place:
  • 8th place:
  • 9th place:
  • 10th place:

Have fun!
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Me again!
Diplo Victory turn 237 with Kupe. A bit disappointed, really thought i would have got it around 205, but then there was the first vote for diplo point (i thought it was later), and i lost three points there.
Lucky with the emergencies, with 3 popping out at the exact same time on turn 180 - i had so much gold and production that it was very easy to win them. But had to wait 30 more turns for another emergencies in order to win.

  • #players: 12
  • Leader: Kupe
  • Ruleset: Gathering Storm
  • Version : June update or higher
  • Difficulty: Deity
  • Start Era: Ancient Era
  • Game Speed: Standard
  • #City States: 20 (added 2 to increase # of favour via envoys)
  • Disaster Intensity: 4 (to get more emergencies)
  • Map: Continents & Islands
  • Map Size: Huge
  • Resources: Abundant (for more water resources)
  • World Age: New (i just like hills and mountains)
  • Start Position: Standard
  • Temperature: Standard
  • Rainfall: Wet (a bit useless here as i almost didn't chop)
  • Sea Level: Normal
  • Victory Conditions: All enabled
  • Advanced Options: All default
  • Mods: UI (only) mods allowed, no other
  • Special conditions: None.
My strategy was to 1) found a religion and rush the temple that gives you 2 points, select the religion with the belief giving you 1 envoy when you convert a city state (2 with the policy that double the first envoy). By meeting some CS early on i could get an great # of envoys at the end of the game. I forgot to build the monument that double the amount of favour you get from city states, though, not sure it would have changed something.
Kupe is - so strong - on this kind of maps. Each trade routes are worth a lot of money, i had around 1k / turn at turn 150 or so, so i was streamrolling a lot. I also was lucky with my little island, had some nice campus spots and a lot of water resources. Really enjoy building some nice wonders (including a great one-tile Petra that you can see below - bottom right - , my version of the opposite-yield-porn).

Hi @Ceydezed again! Nice to see your contribution to the fastest diplo victory here. I'm really curious to see how fast a diplo can be done, although at the moment I think the diplo victory path still needs some remodeling to make it more fun. T237 seems like a very nice first score here, hope to see a next contender to challenge it! :)

(ps.: @Ceydezed : can you post your save games and the game seed? Thanks)


Current Top 10
  • 1st place: [Ceydezed] - [237] - [Kupe of the Maori]
  • 2nd place:
  • 3rd place:
  • 4th place:
  • 5th place:
  • 6th place:
  • 7th place:
  • 8th place:
  • 9th place:
  • 10th place:
I just recently finished a Diplomatic Victory on turn 265 with Canada. Don’t want to submit it for the Top 10 since I probably reloaded more often than I should have, but still wanted to share my experience with Diplomatic Victory since the September 2019 update.
  • #players: 8
  • Leader: Wilfrid Laurier
  • Ruleset: Gathering Storm
  • Version : September update
  • Difficulty: Deity
  • Start Era: Ancient Era
  • Game Speed: Standard
  • #City States: 12
  • Disaster Intensity: 4
  • Map: Primordial
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Resources: Standard
  • World Age: Standard
  • Start Position Standard
  • Temperature: Standard
  • Rainfall: Standard
  • Sea Level: Standard
  • Victory Conditions: All enabled
  • Advanced Options: All default
  • Mods: UI mods only
I wanted to try a Diplomatic Victory on the new Primordial map with max disaster intensity because I figured it would give me plenty of chances for aid emergencies. Over the course of 265 turns, however, there only ended up being three aid emergencies (four if you count the one I could have asked for myself but declined).

One thing that seems to be different in the September 2019 update is that the AI is willing to sell you diplomatic favor for a longer period of time. Once my economy was stable, I started buying small chunks of favor off of the AI every several turns. I don’t think they started to refuse to sell favor until the Modern era.

Over the course of the game I built the Mahabodhi Temple, Potala Palace, Statute of Liberty, and Országház (Apadana was gone by turn 40 something). I had a decent lead with city-states in the beginning, but around the mid-game I was losing suzerainty left and right (the religious conversion quests were a big pain). I focused on spies for fabricate scandal missions, but a bunch of them got killed early on which slowed me down a lot. I finally regained control of the city-states once I reached the Cold War civic via a big envoy blitz with the containment policy.

Even with suzerainty over all 12 city-states, max alliances, buying favor from the AI, and Canada’s unique ability, I still handily lost the first Diplomatic Victory vote. But I also got lucky, with two back-to-back aid emergencies and the world’s fair competition, all of them finishing with plenty of time before the second Diplomatic Victory vote. After winning all three competitions, I spent the rest of the game spamming the carbon recapture project for diplomatic favor. By the second Diplomatic Victory vote, I had nearly 6,000 diplomatic favor. I won the final vote 34-16, winning points for the other three votes as well.

Overall a fun game, although Diplomatic Victory definitely needs work.
Nice to see you join @attorneyatlol ! Looks like a fun diplo game overall, haven't played one since the june update myself, it seemed so broken with the votes against you and the diplo favour selling. Maybe I'll gove it a try with the latest adjustments in the september update.

Hope to see more of your games around here!
Reporting a turn 236 Diplomatic Victory with the Netherlands. I played on Continents and Islands with low sea levels to try to generate more polder spots:
  • #players: 8
  • Leader: Wilhelmina
  • Ruleset: Gathering Storm
  • Version : September update
  • Difficulty: Deity
  • Start Era: Ancient Era
  • Game Speed: Standard
  • #City States: 12
  • Disaster Intensity: 4
  • Map: Continents and Islands
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Resources: Standard
  • World Age: Standard
  • Start Position Standard
  • Temperature: Standard
  • Rainfall: Standard
  • Sea Level: Low
  • Victory Conditions: All enabled
  • Advanced Options: All default
  • Mods: UI mods only
I employed the same overall strategy as I did with Canada, with some notable differences. I did not go for a religion so as to avoid difficult religious conversion city-state quests, which also meant I did not build the Mahabodhi Temple. Instead, I spent the early game focused on maximizing my gold income and trade routes. In the mid game, I tried to push my culture generation to climb the civics tree ASAP, which was greatly assisted by suzerainity of Nan Madol, Antananarivo, and Kumasi. Maintaining suzerainity over all of the city-states was much easier this time around.

I was also able to eliminate Australia from the game without incurring any penalty to my favor generation (he had all the good lakes and my polder lust needed to be sated); I paid as many AI as possible to join my Colonial War against him and waited for his last city to flip via loyalty pressure before capturing it. Not only did this increase my gold and culture income (and give me a bunch of good polder spots), it also meant one less AI to vote against me when the time came. Kind of ironic for a "diplomatic" victory, but, well, here we are.

I shaved ~30 turns off my victory time by making more of an effort to buy diplomatic favor from the AI on a regular basis in the mid-game. By the time we reached the first Diplomatic Victory vote, none of the AIs had more than 30 favor banked. I then calculated exactly how many votes I would need to win if every AI voted against me and won 5 victory points without spending one more favor than necessary. After that, it was just a matter of spamming carbon recapture projects for 30 turns while I passively won the world's fair. In the end, I had 8,343 diplomatic favor. I won the second Diplomatic Victory vote 40 - 6, bringing me to 22/20 victory points.

Despite max disaster intensity, there was only one aid emergency the entire game and I was the target. So no victory points from emergencies (but it did help me drain favor from the AI). All of my victory points but one were from wonders and World Congress votes.

Again, a fun game, although waiting 30 turns for the second Diplomatic Victory vote was a real slog since it was clear I was going to win as soon as it happened (and there was nothing I could do to make it happen faster).

Netherlands Points.png
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Hey @attorneyatlol ! Nice to see you again, looks like a solid strategy you employed there. You beat @Ceydezed with exactly one turn, close one. Could you add the screenshots, saves and seed in order to apply for the first place in the competition?
Maybe next time -- I didn't make a turn 1 save or take any screenshots for that game. So far I've just been posting to share my experiences and see what other folks' strategies are. Sorry if this is the wrong place for that.
Maybe next time -- I didn't make a turn 1 save or take any screenshots for that game. So far I've just been posting to share my experiences and see what other folks' strategies are. Sorry if this is the wrong place for that.
You probably still have the 'near the end' save though? You could perhaps use that to get a victory screenshot, get the map seed and the final save game? If not, no problem. The main part is having fun and learning from how others play their games. For the competition part some people feared there would be people cheating their way into the top, therefore we ask for the saves. Also, people sometimes like to 'replay' other peoples games if they know it will be a cool one. The game seed, and most easily the first turn save can be used for that. So it enhances the fun factor a bit.

And no, if you wanna post without the saves and screenshots, just to mention a cool victory you got, that's fine by me. Would love to get the participation of more and more Civ Fanatics members!
I always keep the victory turn save for my games, so maybe I'll take some screenshots from that and maybe even recreate the turn 1 save from the seed. I also have two other games to report on, so stay posted!
Diplomatic Victory on turn 239 with Mansa Musa:
  • #players: 8
  • Leader: Mansa Musa
  • Ruleset: Gathering Storm
  • Version : September update
  • Difficulty: Deity
  • Start Era: Ancient Era
  • Game Speed: Standard
  • #City States: 12
  • Disaster Intensity: 4
  • Map: Continents and Islands
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Resources: Standard
  • World Age: Standard
  • Start Position Standard
  • Temperature: Hot
  • Rainfall: Standard
  • Sea Level: Standard
  • Victory Conditions: All enabled
  • Advanced Options: All default
  • Mods: UI mods only
Same general strategy as with the Netherlands, but I got a religion and built the Mahabodhi Temple again. This may have ended up hurting me, however, as I crossed the 10 VP threshold too early and wasn't able to buy favor from the AI leading up to the first DV vote. I also didn't reach carbon recapture before the first DV vote, so I had to vote against myself to break even on VPs. On the other hand, I won one aid emergency plus the World's Fair. By the second DV vote, I had enough favor for the win. Ended up with 24/20 VPs.

Mali Points.png
Mali Vote.jpg

One side-story: between the first and second DV vote a massive hurricane popped up just outside of my amazing coastal city and absolutely crushed it, losing 7 population and dozens of pillaged districts/improvements. I attached the save in case you wanted to experience it yourself.

Mali Hurricane.jpg

Anyway, this will be my first entry to the Top Ten:
  • 1st place: [Ceydezed] - [237] - [Kupe of the Maori]
  • 2nd place: [attorneyatlol] - [239] - [Mansa Musa of Mali]
  • 3rd place:
  • 4th place:
  • 5th place:
  • 6th place:
  • 7th place:
  • 8th place:
  • 9th place:
  • 10th place:


Reporting a Diplomatic Victory on turn 235 with Dido on a standard Continents & Islands map!
  • #players: 8
  • Leader: Dido
  • Ruleset: Gathering Storm
  • Version : September update
  • Difficulty: Deity
  • Start Era: Ancient Era
  • Game Speed: Standard
  • #City States: 12
  • Disaster Intensity: 4
  • Map: Continents and Islands
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Resources: Standard
  • World Age: Standard
  • Start Position Standard
  • Temperature: Standard
  • Rainfall: Standard
  • Sea Level: Standard
  • Victory Conditions: All enabled
  • Advanced Options: All default
  • Mods: UI mods only
This time around was a little different. I took note of what happened in my Mali game and decided to hold back somewhat on VPs until I was in spitting distance of the first DV vote. I don't remember if I intentionally skipped the Mahabodhi Temple, but I intentionally built the Statue of Liberty down to 1 turn and held it while keeping an eye on gossip and searching the map for any other civs that might be building it. That served me well, as I was able to drain every last point of favor from the AI leading up to the first DV vote. I won the first DV vote with minimal expenditure, and as it turns out didn't even need to reach the second. The last point I needed came from the World's Fair, which ended the turn before the second DV vote.

Phoenicia Points.png
Phoenicia Vote.jpg

I'm still trying to figure out the best timings of the first DV vote and how to influence it, but it seems clear that the best victory times will want to win at the first DV vote. You could get lucky and get a bunch of aid emergencies before then, but that seems unlikely considering how few aid emergencies I've been able to benefit from thus far. I didn't get a single aid emergency this game.

Updated Top Ten:
  • 1st place: [attorneyatlol] - [235] - [Dido of Phoenicia]
  • 2nd place: [Ceydezed] - [237] - [Kupe of the Maori]
  • 3rd place: [attorneyatlol] - [239] - [Mansa Musa of Mali]
  • 4th place:
  • 5th place:
  • 6th place:
  • 7th place:
  • 8th place:
  • 9th place:
  • 10th place:


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Great! I'd love to hear more about other peoples' strategies and insights for diplomatic victory. I'm sure there's plenty of stuff to it I'm not even thinking about.

One thing I want to explore is whether it's better to focus on gold for buying diplomatic favor, or to just focus on culture to get to carbon recapture ASAP.
Gold is better early on, but becomes useless for acquiring favor once the AI stops selling it. On the other hand, carbon recapture projects generate an absurd amount of favor but don't kick in until you reach the end of the civics tree.

There are other things to consider too, like if it's possible to manipulate how quickly the world proceeds through the eras, or if you can do anything to give the AIs negative favor/turn modifiers by encouraging them to pollute or generate grievances.
Me again, this time with a turn 236 Diplomatic Victory as Rome.
  • #players: 8
  • Leader: Trajan
  • Ruleset: Gathering Storm
  • Version : September update
  • Difficulty: Deity
  • Start Era: Ancient Era
  • Game Speed: Standard
  • #City States: 12
  • Disaster Intensity: 4
  • Map: Continents and Islands
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Resources: Standard
  • World Age: Standard
  • Start Position Standard
  • Temperature: Standard
  • Rainfall: Standard
  • Sea Level: Standard
  • Victory Conditions: All enabled
  • Advanced Options: All default
  • Mods: UI mods only
Same general strategy as with Phoenicia (minus the religion), except for the first time I was able to win on the same turn as the first DV vote. I don't know exactly why it worked out the way it did, but it seems like the timing just happened to allow for one more World Congress session than usual before the Modern era. Even so, the victory turn was still within one turn of my Phoenicia game! Very weird.

One other weird thing about this game: all of the AI were generating negative favor per turn and had zero favor remaining at the time of the first DV vote. So I didn't really need to spend ~9,000 favor to win that one, but what else was I going to do with it at that point? Anyway, I'm not sure why the AI were all so deep in the red, since none of them were major polluters. I guess they all had a ton of grievances piled up with each other? Not sure.

Rome Points.jpg
Rome Vote.jpg

Updated Top Ten:
  • 1st place: [attorneyatlol] - [235] - [Dido of Phoenicia]
  • 2nd place: [attorneyatlol] - [236] - [Trajan of Rome]
  • 3rd place: [Ceydezed] - [237] - [Kupe of the Maori]
  • 4th place: [attorneyatlol] - [239] - [Mansa Musa of Mali]
  • 5th place:
  • 6th place:
  • 7th place:
  • 8th place:
  • 9th place:
  • 10th place:
Edit: One more thing. No aid emergency this game despite disaster intensity 4. Might just be my luck, but seems to be the least reliable source of VPs for me.


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Hey, neat, right in there with attorneyatlol's results. Teddy crushed the election at the end of Turn 235, 2737 score.

I was having one of those games where everything just fell into place, looked around and realized I had built all the right Wonders, pried Apadana from Dido's grasp, took the tech lead and never let go. Gorgo and I were Friends and Allied almost the entire game, and for a really long time she was selling me Great Works for excellent prices. Probably could have picked any victory condition

Kristina and Dido being on the same starting continent meant they had to be absorbed. Teddy's bonus plus Crusade made it something of a steamrolling. Kristina went quickly, depleted by warring with Dido. Dido was about to crumple early too, when we both found ourselves on the same side of liberating Jerusalem. No! I don't want to be at peace with you! It was a good excuse to incapacitate Eleanor though. Gorgo beat Jerusalem to shreds then stared at it, not knowing how to capture it, and I couldn't get a melee unit there in time. I would have kicked myself if that had been the 2 points I needed forever to win.

I got a little bored waiting for that final election so I started Indie Band-bombing Gorgo, thinking I might unite North and South America,

  • #players: 8
  • Leader: Theodore Roosevelt
  • Ruleset: Gathering Storm
  • Version : September update
  • Difficulty: Deity
  • Start Era: Ancient Era
  • Game Speed: Standard
  • #City States: 12
  • Disaster Intensity: 2
  • Map: Continents
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Resources: Standard
  • World Age: Standard
  • Start Position Standard
  • Temperature: Standard
  • Rainfall: Standard
  • Sea Level: Standard
  • Victory Conditions: All enabled
  • Advanced Options: All default
  • Mods: UI mods only




Congrats @Casualty_of_war! Nice game. I do have a dilemma now, if two people reach the same finishing time, who gets to be in first place? I'll do the olympic solution: both in first place, next one is third place:

Updated Top Ten:
  • 1st place: [attorneyatlol] - [235] - [Dido of Phoenicia]
  • 1st place: [Casualty_of_war] - [235] - [Teddy Roosevelt of America]
  • 3rd place: [attorneyatlol] - [236] - [Trajan of Rome]
  • 4th place: [Ceydezed] - [237] - [Kupe of the Maori]
  • 5th place: [attorneyatlol] - [239] - [Mansa Musa of Mali]
  • 6th place:
  • 7th place:
  • 8th place:
  • 9th place:
  • 10th place:
I finally played a diplo victory myself recently, inspired by you guys out here of course. Was a trial run for me to get a feeling for the diplo victory. Got it around turn 265, but hoped for it at turn 205 and turn 235 as well, but missed it twice. Also cheated in the beginning and reloaded a couple of turns because I miscalculated getting my religion. It was rage quit or reload, and since it was just for practice I thought I'd continue. Couldn't place in in here unfortunately. Might try again some time soon and see if I can manage the 235 or even the 205 turn diplo victory. :)

Happy to see five entries now, getting some momentum! :)
That was actually the first Diplo Victory I could stand to finish. Got my Achievement and everything. I've played ones before where the whole world just votes you down and you stand there staring helplessly at the 20 point threshold. This one I went from 18 to 23 with one United Nations session! I only had one Diplomatic Point-earning disaster or I could potentially have smashed this one real early, because I had 18 points for an entire election cycle.

I think attorneyatlol still has the best speed with his 234/235 Diplo V. This victory triggers immediately when you hit the threshold and votes happen at the end of turn, then you get to save the Just One More Turn; his save was effectively Turn 234.
Hey, I have a question and I hope it's ok to ask here. I've tried for the Diplomacy Victory on diety a few times with my main man Qin Shi Huang, but I can't ever get emergencies to happen even with disasters set at 4. Is there a way to make emergencies happen more?
Hey, I have a question and I hope it's ok to ask here. I've tried for the Diplomacy Victory on diety a few times with my main man Qin Shi Huang, but I can't ever get emergencies to happen even with disasters set at 4. Is there a way to make emergencies happen more?
In most games I see them a few times per game, sometimes only once or twice, sometimes five or more. You can't always join in though, e.g. when it's against an ally that captured a city state. For the diplo victory think you should see emergencies as lucky extra's, they are not necessary to win, but can help you win a lot faster of course.
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