CFC: Fastest STANDARD SETTINGS Deity Science Victory


Jun 21, 2019
The Netherlands
Civ Fanatics Competition: Fastest STANDARD SETTINGS Deity Science Victory

Welcome to the Civ Fanatics Competition (CFC) where we will find out who can pull off the fastest deity science victory on a game with ALL STANDARD SETTINGS!

Everyone plays Civ with their own 'standard' I know, but the game gives some 'standard' settings to us and many of us will regularly play them. This competition is meant to see who can achieve the fastest victory on those 'standard' settings.


Start conditions

To participate, start and play a game that matches the following conditions:

  • #players: 8
  • Leader: Any
  • AI Leaders: Random
  • Ruleset: Gathering Storm
  • Version : September update or higher
  • Difficulty: Deity
  • Start Era: Ancient Era
  • Game Speed: Standard
  • #City States: 12
  • Disaster Intensity: 2
  • Map: Any map that is randomly generated (NOT: Earth, East Asia, Europe or any of the TSL variants of those three. Also: no custom build maps!)
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Resources: Standard
  • World Age: Standard
  • Start Position Standard
  • Temperature: Standard
  • Rainfall: Standard
  • Sea Level: Standard
  • Victory Conditions: All enabled
  • Advanced Options: All default
  • Mods: UI (only!) mods allowed, no other
  • Special conditions: Any random seed / map can only enter the competition once. Any player can join the competition multiple times, but always with a different map seed.
  • Modes: no modes on.


To make sure it’s a fair competition, make sure to:

  • Not cheat and/or use exploits (you know when you have, it’s that subtle feeling of shame when you post a score you did not earn fairly ). This off course includes using any cheat codes, restarting maps or playing maps you have seen others play, reloading previous saves after mistakes (not crashes, but even then you shouldn’t replay more than one turn exactly as you did before).
  • Follow the GOTM rules, especially the ‘what should we consider as exploits’ (see
  • If you participate and anyone shows you accidentally or purposely violated the conditions or rules of the competition, your name will be crossed from the top 10.

Participate in the contest

To be eligible for a ‘top position’, post a reply to this thread where you:

  • Mention the number of turns it took you to win the intended victory.
  • Claim your position in the ‘top 10’.
    • End your post with the new ‘top 10’ with you in it (see below).
  • Add the first turn save game and the last turn save game (post victory).
  • Mention the game seeds.
  • For flavor: post screenshots of interesting parts of your game, or even make a video.
  • Describe (the more flavor the better) what your strategy was and how the game went.

Current Top 10

Copy and paste, and enter yourself into the top 10 list if your score is worthy!

  • 1st place: [player] - [number of turns] - [leader/country]
  • 2nd place:
  • 3rd place:
  • 4th place:
  • 5th place:
  • 6th place:
  • 7th place:
  • 8th place:
  • 9th place:
  • 10th place:

Have fun!
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Science Victory standard settings turn 236 with Trajan, score 1156


I didn't originally aim to go for a fast science victory, was just trying to fill my HoF. But i had good land and i quickly conquered 3 cities from Inca, and with Trajan's road got a huge empire super early, so i thought it would be nice to try.
Very likely super easy to do better than this, i missed / ignored multiple ways to go faster (Kilwa, Colosseum). Had a bad culture mid and late game (no culture CS). I had a few good production cities though so the end of the space projects went smoothly.
Standard in my opinion is harder for science victory as the lack of good city states or the non-new world can be in the way, but in this case it was mostly fine.

A couple of screenshots. victory screen, last turn screen and the seeds. Attached the last turn save (i don't have first turn, because i didn't plan to go for this challenge).


  • 1st place: Ceydezed - 236 SV - Rome/Trajan
  • 2nd place:
  • 3rd place:
  • 4th place:
  • 5th place:
  • 6th place:
  • 7th place:
  • 8th place:
  • 9th place:
  • 10th place:




This is exactly what I was looking for, the Gathering Storm christmas sale cannot come soon enough :D
T191 Kupe science victory standard settings, 11 cities entirely peaceful apart from recovery of Nan Madol from Eleanor in the last few turns.

1/1 save settings no replays GOTM rules followed. Entire game played in one sitting today (power cut on T160 :cringe:)
Certainly can be done shorter.
  • 1st place: Victoria - 191 - Maori/Kupe
  • 2nd place: Ceydezed - 236 SV - Rome/Trajan
  • 3rd place: ....


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What was your strategy to reach this fast a victory?
So Kupe starts in the water on Terra, all civs are on one island and all the CS are on the other island
So find the CS's and settle there, spam settlers, push harbours for 2-3 cities but you also need a CH relatively early and a few other things for the eurekas and inspirations.
Find a good chopping city and settler before T80 and get a theater going so it spreads nicely.
manage your golden ages so only build a Toa when you need +4 and get the toa to make a Pa (fort) only when you need +4
Get a quad out early for the naval tradition inspiration as it doubles both science and gold on your harbours.
Getting slingers and warriors out for the exploration is just awesome because everything moves 4+ in the water and those slingers and warriors also helped for eurekas/inspirations.
I got most but stupidly did not do some things right so certainly I think it can be shaved down to around 160

It really is an easy game, simpler than playing prince in many ways but it is a great learning exercise for getting things fast for an SV.
I did have a go being violent first, so grew till T80 then attacked the main civs which was fairly easy apart from they then suzerained all of my CS and pretty much wrecked my fast game and gold supplies.
With only 10-11 cities you have to be quite efficient. I could have been much more so but the micro bores me, hence I played the game in one sitting.

One big caution if you have not played a lot of kupe.... the worst thing about Kupe is not being able to lace districts on resources. So a +5 science mountain adjacency is useless if there is stone there. Also do not forget about +2 science for reefs, using a search on reefs makes it much clearer.
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I'm certainly not HOF material, but since no one is posting I guess I could claim the 3rd place for now.

Turn 244 win with Korea.

  • 1st place: Victoria - 191 - Maori/Kupe
  • 2nd place: Ceydezed - 236 SV - Rome/Trajan
  • 3rd place: Rittmeyer - 244 - Seondeok/Korea
  • 4th place: ...

Nothing too special, a peacefull game with Korea. The only city I took was Stavanger when it rebelled after Monty took it from Norway. 13 Cities total by the end.
I don't do a lot of micro. There was only 1 Science CS.
The interesting thing for me is noting that even surrounded by Monty, Alex and Norway I managed to never be DOWned. In previous Civs that was almost impossible. Of course I did keep some units up to date and close to Monty's borders all the time, even built and fully developed an encampment there.


The latest GOTM has a T181 SV on standard deity
Oh man, what a spoiler. ;) Playing it at the moment and I will NOT get anything like that.

@Rittmeyer : nice to see you join in! Haven't played very focused games myself in a while (working abroad, jetlags, busy schedule...), and unfortunately it hasn't been real 'competitive' in here for a while. Hope to see some of the top players show us their best games some time this year! :)
I consider pre-250 solid science game, so I would post one. The date is not impressive, I had better, but the list is so empty and I would like to ilustrate, that:
- you can roll flat unforested land with possible expansions into flat unforested land, tundra or desert
- you can enter medieval era with 4 cities only, classical with 2 due to barbs
- play generally science unfriendly mapscript like lakes
- have no civ bonus to neither science nor culture
- not experience better campus adj than 4 and even this rather late
- watch city states die early like crazy and having most of them far away
and still get a decent date

Only 3 wonders through the game (Artemis, Petra, Amundssen). I didn't have a chance to use crazy Cree+Sangkore trades :( or have 5 or more pasture/camps city so only a part of Cree potential was used.
The key is strong Cree rationalism growth, even arctic cities went quickly to over 10 pop
A lot of mistakes during the game, also it was not meant to be a science oriented game from the beginning, but simply somehow happened

I am pretty sure top players can do this map at least 20 turns earlier, but I am not a speedrunner at all. BTW it would be probably 20 turns earlier if there was no Mansa in game, stealing two +1 trade route merchants :(
cree end.png

  • 1st place: Victoria - 191 - Maori/Kupe
  • 2nd place: Ceydezed - 236 SV - Rome/Trajan
  • 3rd place: Rittmeyer - 244 - Seondeok/Korea
  • 4th place: enKage - 247 Poundmaker/Cree


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After a brake for playing non-standard, I took a standard deity game again.

And i am really very very angry, because at turn 217, after launching exoplanetray expedition, I found that I forgot to promote Pingala to space initiative. I also stupidly skipped GE, so I blocked earning others for ages, so no Amundssen on time. It should be easily pre 210 victory, for top players maybe pre190 but is only t222 :(

I had a chance to take religious settlement, but hey, this is cree, improved camps instead please :)
A lot of okichictaw early madness, average mekewap friendly map, but very favorable trades friendly (capital 6 pastures/camps).
Not to many incredible adjecencies, but it is not what Poundmaker mainly benefits.

I killed Persia and Germany only, Egypt was killed by Dido

Constant golden age in my usual order
classical: for culture, to get to civil service before medieval
medieval free inquiry, as CHs were already set up
renessaince: faithbuying and settling whatever possible
later heartbeat of steam

If you don't love Cree yet, this is the map you should play to fall in love.



  • 1st place: Victoria - 191 - Maori/Kupe
  • 2nd place: enKage - 222 - Cree/Poundmaker
  • 3nd place: Ceydezed - 236 SV - Rome/Trajan
  • 4rd place: Rittmeyer - 244 - Seondeok/Korea
  • 5th place: enKage - 247 Poundmaker/Cree

And I still cannot believe how it is possible that in elimination games:
- Cree finish 23 out of 46 in SV thread
- Poundmaker's favorable terms finish 32 out of 45 (!!!)
- Okihtcitaw finish 40 out of 48 (!!!)
and mekewap at 11 only


Japan: T177 science victory.

Very nice start next to 2 geothermal fissures. Started with holy sites in most of my cities for massive settler/builder spam during the next 3 monumentality golden ages. Since I found Kandy early on I went with reliquaries instead of my usual choral music. With some aggressive forward settling I was able to secure a good chunk of land early on and settled a total of 19 cities. It was basically a peaceful game and I didn’t conquer a single enemy city, but I did pillage what little Teddy had, after he declared a second surprise war in the mid game.

With Palenque and Fez I didn’t have the most useful science city states, but at least there were 2 of them for the +15% science from Kilwa. Other than that Kandy and Kumasi were the only other real useful ones, but having only a single culture city state did slow down my civics progress.

Wonders I built: ToA, Colosseum, Pyramids, Colossus (was still available after T150), Kilwa, Forbidden City, Mausoleum and Oxford

I tried to get as many eurekas and inspirations as possible, but there is still room for improvement and I feel like a better player could have probably finished 10-15 turns earlier, with how good this starting position was.

  • 1st place: Civ Chemist - 177 - Japan/Hojo Tokimune
  • 2nd place: Victoria - 191 - Maori/Kupe
  • 3rd place: enKage - 222 - Cree/Poundmaker
  • 4th place: Ceydezed - 236 SV - Rome/Trajan
  • 5th place: Rittmeyer - 244 - Seondeok/Korea
  • 6th place: enKage - 247 Poundmaker/Cree
  • 7th place: ...


Inca: Turn 218 SV.

Inspired by the recent science elimination thread I wanted to try and beat my personal record for Science Victory. I wanted to play the Inca again after a while, one of my personal favorites, so I thought to combine the two and I got a very nice first map roll and went for it:

Spoiler starting location :

I wanted to try some of the SV techniques that I have sometimes (but not always) used before and have seen others use in the GOTM and HOF, like:
- dedicate one or more cities with a lot of forests/jungle as a 'chop in the spaceport' city [I did create one, and got my first spaceport and first two projects in there, worked very well]
- gold buy a second spaceport [I have done this often before, but had a lousy gold economy in this game and never got the gold to do this, so the second and third spaceport were hard build in cities with high production]
- take over culture and/or science rich AI's [I think I started warring too late, but managed to conquer Pericles, the strongest AI with both the highest culture and science]

My strategy was about the following:
- Holy sites first, campuses second
- Expand and develop using Monumentality golden ages
- Choral Music (extra culture) and religious colonization for a religion
- Get an insane Inca capital, with many terrace farms, place Pingala for huge science and culture output (Qusqu ended as a 27 pop city)
- Suzerain the right city states [this went crazy bad this game, I got no cultural and only (late game, other side of the world) one science CS, and the AI was fierce about taking my suzerainty away all the time, I didn't get half the benefits of Kilwa that I normally get]
- Conquer AI that are strong in culture and science [should have started this earlier and conquered two or three AI's]

Spoiler end game :

Overall I'm quite satisfied, a slightly better map (especially better CS) and some better gameplay by me and I see that sub 200 SV in sight. :)


New ranking:

  • 1st place: Civ Chemist - 177 - Japan/Hojo Tokimune
  • 2nd place: Victoria - 191 - Maori/Kupe
  • 3rd place: Bangau - 218 - Inca/Pachacuti
  • 4th place: enKage - 222 - Cree/Poundmaker
  • 5th place: Ceydezed - 236 SV - Rome/Trajan
  • 6th place: Rittmeyer - 244 - Seondeok/Korea
  • 7th place: enKage - 247 Poundmaker/Cree
  • 8th place: ...


@Bangau I see that you didn't take earth goddess. Was it already taken or did you chose a different pantheon. I think for Incas earth goddess is superior to religious settlement or other pantheons (all moutains are always automatically breathaking and so are a lot of your terrace farms). And with the terrance farm and the qhapaq nan you are almost quarenteed a classical monumentality golden age. In general I think for a holy site start strategies you should aim to get to at least 200 faith/turn to fully take advantage of your faith economy and make up for the slower start. And instead of Reyna I would have invested into Moksha to purchase space ports with faith. In my Japan game for example I didn't hard build a single one and purchased all 3 space ports with Moksha.
Was it already taken or did you chose a different pantheon
It was already taken. Would have given loads of extra faith if I could have grabbed it. I failed to foresee that my gold income would be so mediocre, you're right that investing in Moksha would have been superior.
Grrrrr, my main Spaceport city got Magnus kicked out twice and my Spaceport pillaged once. With a defending Spy in place! Turn 235 SV, 1875 score.

Missed Oxford by 1 turn so eventually I had 2 dead Turns waiting to be able to make Laser Stations; timing just ever so slightly off. Basic Lautaro tactics of attack whichever neighbor is having a Golden Age. I had several good Production cities but no GREAT one; my key Projects were taking 20 turns, sped along by Builder charges. I gave into weakness and made a big, goofy Petra city just for the sake of making a big, goofy Petra city.

Spoiler :


I gave into weakness and made a big, goofy Petra city
:lol: Recognizable for most I think!

Interesting choice for a fast SV, Lautaro. Even though you might not be totally happy with the results, you still earn fifth place!

New ranking:

  • 1st place: Civ Chemist - 177 - Japan/Hojo Tokimune
  • 2nd place: Victoria - 191 - Maori/Kupe
  • 3rd place: Bangau - 218 - Inca/Pachacuti
  • 4th place: enKage - 222 - Cree/Poundmaker
  • 5th place: Casualty of war - 235 - Lautaro/Mapuche
  • 6th place: Ceydezed - 236 SV - Rome/Trajan
  • 7th place: Rittmeyer - 244 - Seondeok/Korea
  • 8th place: enKage - 247 Poundmaker/Cree
  • 9th place: ...
SV elimination thread lies :) Ranking Mapuche 37/46 is a joke. Lautaro is great leader for fast SV. Mountain bias + early culture benefitting from mountain bias + very easy classical era warfare with bonus against golden age.
And sincerely, every pre250 date is very solid
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