CFC is giving away a founder edition: Modder's raffle

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Super Moderator
Oct 4, 2004
A chance for CFC modders to win a Civ7 Founders Edition

Hi CivFanatics Modders !

Thanks to Firaxis, who has given the CFC staff some keys, we are very happy to be able to share those with you and offer our modders a chance to win a Civilization VII Founders Edition.

Anyone who have created and posted mods on CFC Download Database can participate (cutoff date for posting in the database is the time of this post).

If you're eligible, to participate you simply need to reply to this thread with a small description of a mod you'd want to make for Civ7, based on what we know of the game at this point.

Please reply to this thread until January 31, at which the competition will be closed. At February 3 we will announce the winner of the competitions and will distribute the key.

If you're not a modder, you can still try to win a key with our CFC Banner contest or our Civ Story contest.
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The Middle-Earth Mod for Civ7, with different ages (First Age, Second Age, Third Age), though I might need some help!
Thank you for this lovely opportunity.

As a 20 years modder here in fanatics,
I would have liked to create a mod for civ7:

Empire of liberty
Which focuses on the extended american civil war period.

Other mods i dream of for civ7 (which i created before):
Dune wars
And or, civ7 extended with my take on things.

Thank you,
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I could perhaps provide a wonder building, eg byzantine cathedrals. I already have created a model of the Hagia Sophia, and keep that Blender 3d file:


Assuming that CivVII will be easy to mod with Blender-exported files, I don't see why not.
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I would probably make a mod that add white monster to the game. I think xerxes holding a white monster
A few I'm looking at bringing over from Civ6 given available capability:

Mappa Mundi

New ones I am looking at implementing:

PoliSci - adding additional effects to governments, maybe additional governments as well (long term plan might be to have mandatory government policy slots that can only be filled with unique government policies)

Deflation - rebalancing yields and costs ... will need to play a bunch first to see if this is necessary and if so what approach to take.

Critical Crises - make the crises more challenging (for the human), and if possible add additional crisis options.
Pretty simple, but I’d love to make some new Fog of War tilesets!

The default sets seem to be some sort of stone/metal material, which feels sort of industrial to me. I'm thinking a bunch of new options to chose from. A warm sandstone tileset with heiroglyphic decoration. a classy mahogany set with victorian/edwardian embellishments and occasional gold inlay. A rough basalt set reminiscent of the Giant's Causeway with runes carved and painted on. A ceramic with some light benjarong style touches. A Kumiko frame set made from Bamboo and paper. That sort of thing!

Good luck everyone, and as an avid mod user I'm really happy you guys can make such amazing mods with so much passion.

Thanks a bunch! :hug:
I think the most popular and most download mod would be "Unlock All Mementos".
Anyone who have created and posted mods on CFC Download Database can participate.

First, let me say thank you Gedemon. I've given you significant credit in my current Civ6 project, for your development of the restart button override. It is an essential feature of my modding-mod and I would not have solved it without you.

Yes, I do believe I am eligible. Good old SaveUtils for Civ5 still shows up in the downloads.

What will I make for Civ7 first? That's easy! I've been working on my current Civ6 project for the last 2 years, specifically with the intention of immediately porting it to Civ7 once released. It's a modding-mod that simplifies, streamlines, and enhances the Civ Lua modding environment, provides lightweight debugging tools, and allows seamless interoperability of mods. I've put together a tutorial that I will also be porting to Civ7 as well. I'll be releasing the Civ6 files once I've finished porting it to Civ7. You can find the Civ6 version at the following link.

➡️ WhysMod Template VI

I am especially proud of the Pinky & The Brain portion of the tutorial and I can hardly wait to make it available to everyone. Cheers!
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First, let me say thank you Gedemon. I've given you significant credit in my current Civ6 project, for your development of the restart button override. It is an essential feature of my modding-mod and I would not have solved it without you.

Yes, I do believe I am eligible. Good old SaveUtils for Civ5 still shows up in the downloads.

What will I make for Civ7 first? That's easy! I've been working on my current Civ6 project for the last 2 years, specifically with the intention of immediately porting it to Civ7 once released. It's a modding-mod that simplifies, streamlines, and enhances the Civ Lua modding environment, provides lightweight debugging tools, and allows seamless interoperability of mods. I've put together a tutorial that I will also be porting to Civ7 as well. I'll be releasing the Civ6 files once I've finished porting it to Civ7. You can find the Civ6 version at the following link.

➡️ WhysMod Template VI

I am especially proud of the Pinky & The Brain portion of the tutorial and I can hardly wait to make it available to everyone. Cheers!
Very curious to read feedback from modders about your mod. Curious if it does what you intended it to do, and if it takes off well. Hope it does, and wish you best of luck!
I'm not exactly eligible according to the rules as written, as I've joined CivFan only recently, but maybe the fact that I have years of general modding experience and two hundreds thousands downloads of my mods on Nexus is worth something?

Anyway, I'm currently planning to make an overhaul of the Antiquity Age for civ 7. The idea is to make it last longer, with more gradual technological and cultural progress, fitting the fact that it represents the longest time period in human history and turn it into a full blown 500 turns standalone game.

I'll be adjusting my ambitions based on what functionality will be available for modders, but currently I'm thinking about restructuring the tech and civic trees, doubling the number of researchables in them, including the civ specific trees, adding some buildings and units from exploration (how comes no pottery workshop and catapults in antiquity?), as well as new ones, new resources (copper, tin) and modifying some mechanics.

Another, less ambitious project is reworking crisises to be more immersive, so that the crisis policy choice worked through narrative events correlated with players actions. And, if possible, to make crisises more challenging for stronger players and more of an opportunity for weaker ones.
I'm not exactly eligible according to the rules as written, as I've joined CivFan only recently, but maybe the fact that I have years of general modding experience and two hundreds thousands downloads of my mods on Nexus is worth something?
I would have loved to have more time to use this occasion to promote CFC and invite outside modders to add links to their civ creations in our DB, but time was short and that would have required additional checks to verify the identity of the new modder, and also would have required a separate entry with a separate key to win, as we want to be sure one of our members would get one, to thank them for the time they've taken posting and updating their mods here.

Because, yes, Firaxis has given those keys to the CFC staff, and we are happy to share them with our members, but (as sometime people think otherwise) we are an independent fan site, not an official forum linked to 2K or Firaxis.
I plan to remake my modern Earth scenario for Civ 7, but since it seems the base game might end before the present I might wait until they expand the game to begin work on that. In the meantime I'll probably make a scenario that fits within the game's current time frame to familiarize myself with the modding process for VII. Haven't decided on the subject of that yet though.
I've been thinking of making an ancient mediterranean mod.
The four ages would be:
4000 BC to 2200 BC: Early Bronze Age
2200 BC to 1200 BC: Late Bronze Age
1200 BC to 323 BC: Iron Age
323 BC - ...: Classical Age, or perhaps Age of Empires

Historically the early bronze age ended because of climate change. I prefer that end date of the first age, and not for instance a date only covering the copper age, because up to 2200 BC covers the Old Kingdom of Egypt, and the Akkadian Empire. That way you can have the traditional civ gameplay of expanding into several cities.

The Late Bronze Age ended with the invasion of the sea peoples. Hopefully the age ending crises will be moddable enough, so that the direction the barbarians come from can differ. One game or age it's an invasion of the sea peoples, another time invasion of the steppe nomads, or of the mountain tribes...

323 BC is a good reference point to end the Iron Age, as it ends with a big conquest, but then a dissolution of Alexander's empire by the Diadochi.

Religion-wise each city in the early Bronze Age could choose one patron God, and build it's temple. For instance temple of the Sea God, Temple of the Fertiliity Godess, etcetera... As you can probably guess, one would benefit coastal cities, the other would boost farms. Only in the late Bronze Age would you choose one god to place at the head of your newfound pantheon, whose effects would then apply to all your cities on top of the patron god's. Universalist religions would start in the Classical Age, with Zoroastrianism as the earliest example.

Water power / water mills in the roman world had applications in many sectors of the economy, and can probably provide many of the effects the industrial era would provide in the base game.

As each Age is kinda its own game in Civ7, development of the mod can be in stages, and the early Bronze Age can be perfected before moving on to the next age.
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Premodern cities are too sprawly for my taste, I'd like to condense them by turning some buildings into special quarters, effectively making them three-building districts to save space.

My current draft involves giving buildings one pairing from each adjacency type it does not have. I.e. the Library, a resource adjacency building, has a special pairing with a building from the water adjacency group and a pairing with a building from the mountain adjacency group. This way, these quarters don't become no-brainers. Instead, they become a bit more situational and simply matching two buildings of the same adjacency type to maximize the adjacency would still be an option.

Here's a draft for the Antiquity Age:

(Fishing Wharf and Lighthouse would be their only combo and the Monument would combo with the Palace / City Hall)

Some other small things I want to look into:
- overbuilding "warehouse" buildings so that one doesn't end up with ancient granaries in modern cities. They way it would work is that Warehouses don't expire, but are made redundant by their next level. A Gristmill would grant the Granary's bonus on top of everything else if the city has no Granary, allowing the latter to be safely overbuilt.
- "Challenge" mementos which add penalties for the player instead.
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