CFC is thinking about giving away a founders edition...

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Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008
... but we don't know how yet :think:.
Suggestions so far have been to make a competition for a new forum banner, a poetry contest or a writing competition.
We did something like the 2 latter already, so could do it again. For the former, there are probably not many members with skills around.
So, instead, we're now trying to ask for creative ideas ^^. If you have seen a nice competition recently somewhere, then let us know please :).
How about a program?
1. It has to function to make sense
2. It can be in any language
3. The best program wins
Maybe the next time :D.
Ahah, all things considered dagriggstar's idea seems pretty sound. It's accessible, encourages participation, easy to judge, and helps the devs get more ideas on what the community is into.

Though there's a whole category in the forums for this, having a competition about this could be pretty fun. Adds some extra stakes you know? haha
You know in hindsight, trying to build up an entire playable civilization from the ground up is pretty challenging.

I wish I could offer some decent suggestions but so far the old noggin is running a bit dry right now. Best I got is a trivia contest.

It might be a bit of work for the moderators but it's an idea I suppose. I'm going to humbly bow out from giving suggestions on giveaway contests. Surprisingly hard to think of new ideas for this one, haha.
Instead of a full "Civilization" title, it could be a single "Civilization" concept for VII. Simpler matter, and a contest to theorycraft something with the mechanics of Civ VII makes sense for a competition to win access to Civ VII.
I vote poetry contest. Hooray!
I may be underpowered, but hey,
Every one has some perks.
You can judge by my works.
Writing verse is my single UA.
Instead of a full "Civilization" title, it could be a single "Civilization" concept for VII. Simpler matter, and a contest to theorycraft something with the mechanics of Civ VII makes sense for a competition to win access to Civ VII.
Like the thread made by Haig? That works better. Maybe to prevent people from just reusing ideas from the thread, it should be exclusively Civs that have never been in Civilization history.

I vote poetry contest. Hooray!
I may be underpowered, but hey,
Every one has some perks.
You can judge by my works.
Writing verse is my single UA.
Rehearse those lines.
Plan for some rhymes.
Check those notes.
Quote some dreck.
Cast your vote.
Who gets the shine?
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Maybe to prevent people from just reusing ideas from the thread, it should be exclusively Civs that have never been in Civilization history.

Or also introducing some sorta design constraint you have to work around (eg. has to be suited to a specific biome/attribute combo/era) could be interesting?
I would gladly try my hand at making a forum banner without any incentive (after all, I have a Founders Edition already :p). I'm mediocre at digital painting so it wouldn't be the most creative thing in the world, but good enough at graphic design to process some official assets into a passable banner.

All I'd need is to find old banners for reference, find the promotional assets in high resolution, and return home from a misadventurous stay at a health recovery facility to my computer, and then I'd procure some versions! :)

Also, I support the civ design idea for the contest, it's challenging in VII, but people here have already been doing it without the prize on the horizon.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Denuvo is garbage
How do you do?
What about a photography and/or story contest of places in Civilization series that inspired your travels. Like wonders or natural wonders or cities and civilizations.
Like the thread made by Haig? That works better. Maybe to prevent people from just reusing ideas from the thread, it should be exclusively Civs that have never been in Civilization history.
That is honestly the best way to balance it as for civs that have been in a Civ game before their previous appearance can be used to create a Civ7 design such as for the Ottomans or Byzantines.

Having to make emblems for these would be cool too.
Edit: Text deleted after the clarification in post 20 of this thread.
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Is this a thread for blaming Civ 7?
There once was a leader named Ben
Who failed to make any friends
From his UA divorced
He said “bring me a horse!”
Now Mongolia suited his ends
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