CFC meet up Elta's end of the semester party


Oct 24, 2005
North Vegas
At the end of every semester I try to have as big a party as possible....... erm while still being able to move around easily. 30 - 50 people usually (my house only has two living rooms and an average back yard so I can't exactly invite the whole room like some people)

I am guessing it is may 25-30 something when class ends this year so I will be having it on that friday night when the last class is over.

I am not to concerned about a bunch of people coming to call it a success because, I've only meet two people from this site and when I did they were both pretty chill experiences. If one person comes out and has a good time at a real party then cool.

I am having this party either way so if one of you wanna roll thru you are invited. ......... If you are a major square though, I am down to chill when ever you are in town (with anyone on this site, I am not a hater ;) ) But not at one of my parties.

If you are down to party, You are welcome at my pad :)
At the end of every semester I try to have as big a party as possible....... erm while still being able to move around easily. 30 - 50 people usually (my house only has two living rooms and an average back yard so I can't exactly invite the whole room like some people)

I am guessing it is may 25-30 something when class ends this year so I will be having it on that friday night when the last class is over.

I am not to concerned about a bunch of people coming to call it a success because, I've only meet two people from this site and when I did they were both pretty chill experiences. If one person comes out and has a good time at a real party then cool.

I am having this party either way so if one of you wanna roll thru you are invited. ......... If you are a major square though, I am down to chill when ever you are in town (with anyone on this site, I am not a hater ;) ) But not at one of my parties.

If you are down to party, You are welcome at my pad :)

Have a good time at your party hopefully its a success. Au Revoir
you pay the ticket, i come.
Pretty much what he said. I haven't been within a thousand miles of Vegas in years. Would love to be able to have fun with CFCers in RL but not for that kind of money. :dunno: :( Have fun, though; not like you particularly need me to tell you that, because you will. :p
Cant see it, but to my mind they all look like

and there is no good reason for anyone to tell me otherwise
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?

Too bad you don't live in Florida. Good luck with your party.
I'll be headed west sometime around then, unfortunately Vegas would be pretty far out of the way. Doesn't sound like my kind of scene though but have fun anyway.

And remember what I told you about passing out and blocking access to the bathroom...
I'll be headed west sometime around then, unfortunately Vegas would be pretty far out of the way. Doesn't sound like my kind of scene though but have fun anyway.

And remember what I told you about passing out and blocking access to the bathroom...


That was St. Pattys day and there were only 8 people at the house. It was more of a kickback then a party, ....... though yeah it was a party foul. I did something I hadn't done before which caused that, Nothing illegal, but I'd rather not say on a public forum. ....... I don't pass out normally, I don't drink that much. If you gag a little bit when you take a shot it's time to stop ;)
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