CFC Picking Game - Survivor Playoffs 3


Mycro Junkie
Mar 17, 2013
Hopefully we get an exciting last playoff game :)

With 10k new points for everybody, which brings us to:

Maybeyou: 10k
Eauxps: 17.400
Plains-cow: 18.300
Elite: 18.500
Saxo: 26.200
Keler: 35.425
Lymo: 39.225
My: 43.500
Chalybion: 48.700
Sittindown: 54.100
Kaitzilla: 55.400
Thrasy: 71.900
Gumbo: 85.000

Which AI will win?
Churchill: x4
Vicky: x4
Peri: x5
SB: x6
Mehmed: x9
Qin: x10

Who comes in second?
Churchill x5
SB x5
Vicky x6
Peri x6
Mehmed x7
Qin x9

First to die?
Mehmed x4
Qin x5
SB x6
Peri x6
Vicky x7
Churchill x10

Victory condition?
Space x2
Domi x4
Culture x5
Diplo x7

Facepalm - the always funny US switch after completing Pyramids: x5
Barbs capture or raze a city: x9
Either Mehmed or Qin get dogpiled (3vs1 or worse): x2.5
Peri techs AH first & Qin Fishing: x3
Vicky uses FIN power and wins Lib: x4

Catch-up specials:
5 wars or less: x45
400+ turns: x40
Only 1 AI dies: x35
Mehmed or SB win by :culture: x50
Sitting Bull wins 5000
Pericles come second 5000
Sitting Bull wins by culture but its okay if Mehmed wins by culture too 5000
Mehmed is FTD 5000
Diplomatic victory 5000
Only 1 AI dies 5000
Pericles techs animal husbandry, Qin Shi Huang techs fishing at turn one 5425
Even my supposed safe bid was unsuccessful. Le sigh...

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I'll put everything on a diplo victory and hope.
SB wins: 10,000
Pericles wins: 10,000

Vicky 2nd: 10,000

Pericles FTD: 10,000
SB FTD: 10,000

Domination: 10,000

Rampaging barbs: 5,000

5 Wars or less: 500
400+ turns: 500
Only 1 AI dies: 900
SB wins culture: 5,000

SB - 5000
Qin - 5225

Qin - 10k


Vicky - 4000


Diplo - 5000

My Specials

Barbs nab a city - 2000
Vicky Libs - 2000

Only One AI Croaks - 5000
Mehmed or SB go to the opera - 5000
Ya know what woulda made a good bet is Sullla's pick this game, as I don't think that is so clear on this map. No clear favorite.
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