the green Napoleon
Please join our CFC Steam Group, everyone is invited 
If there is a CFC and/or Civilization and/or other game related announcement or event you would like to be posted or think we missed feel free to contact one of the officers via Steam or by the CFC forums.
Steam [Forum name- Steam nickname]
Listed in alphabetical order to current or last known nickname (as you can change your nickname whenever you want) or username (not changeable, you use it to log in) name. If you want to change the name you are listed as or are not on the list here please post in this thread or PM me or one of the other Officers.
Group Officers::
Bigfoot3814- BULLET BiLL
CivGeneral - CnB|Gen. Jill|๖ۜ |S.T.A.R.S.
Kan' Sharuminar- hinden_gor
Maniacal- CnB| eh Maniacal ๖ۣۜEskimo [33e]
Rub'rum - Rubrum
CFC Members- Steam nickname:
Abaddon- Aiken_Drumn
Arexander- dal_zeklend
Azzaman333- Azza
bestrfcplayer- bestrfcplayer
carmen510- Coolio [NGC]
Captain2- Captain2
Captain Carnage- jkcov
cardgame- card_game
choxorn & kill fire- Gein
CivCube- palaner - Ciergan
CyberTyrant- CyberTyrant
Dachs - CnB|Aniketos {BRO}
D'Artagnan59- dartagnan59
Darth Pugwash - aero3000
Dell19- mattbradley19
d.highland- Exile
electric926- Baron Oddsbodkins
emu- Kingemu
f35acepilot- Desigos
FriendlyFire- WMD
Furiey- Furiey
Genocidicbunny- Genocidicbunny
Gerurun- Eru
Hammurabi II- ender0316
Harbringer - esperharbringer
Hitti-Litti - Sampsukka
i_imperator - Imperator
Izipo- izipo
Joecoolyo- carwrex
JtheJackal- Mechanized_Timber
LightFang- March Hare
LightSpectra- LightSpectra
Lord Iggy- kayo_lord_iggy
Luckymoose- Luckymoose
Matt0088- Matt
madviking- madviking15step
Metromonkey - [SC]Metromonkey
mythmonster2- mythmonster2
Mulholland- mul=HKC=
Nuclearkid- Warheadisgod
Oishi- ^3Derp ^5McEric
PeteAtoms - PeteAtoms
philippe- You will pay for your sacrilege.
PieceOfMind- PieceOfMind
pichuchiu- pichuchiu
PromeZeus- ƒ=PromeReZZu ®©
ProPain- ProPain
Rheinmetall- Rheinmetall
Rub'Rum - Rubrum
SamSniped- SamSniped
Seon- Jacknife's
SikcFak- SickFak
sirtommygunn- tomgunn
Skwink- Skwink- Naruto
Sneerk - snerk
Speedo- Speedo
SuperBeaverInc. - CnB|Groucho Marxist
Taliseian- Taliseian
thomas.berubeg- Thomasberubeg
Thrawn- Soan
Tykinruoka- Kaaostonttu
Typhlomence- Typhlomence
And let it be known to all that Azzaman33, Izipo, and philippe were members of the old group, and are hereby OGMs (original group members).
Original CFC Steam Group thread by Bigfoot3814.
Thanks to Knight-Dragon for stickying and Methos.

If there is a CFC and/or Civilization and/or other game related announcement or event you would like to be posted or think we missed feel free to contact one of the officers via Steam or by the CFC forums.
Steam [Forum name- Steam nickname]
Listed in alphabetical order to current or last known nickname (as you can change your nickname whenever you want) or username (not changeable, you use it to log in) name. If you want to change the name you are listed as or are not on the list here please post in this thread or PM me or one of the other Officers.
Group Officers::
Bigfoot3814- BULLET BiLL
CivGeneral - CnB|Gen. Jill|๖ۜ |S.T.A.R.S.
Kan' Sharuminar- hinden_gor
Maniacal- CnB| eh Maniacal ๖ۣۜEskimo [33e]
Rub'rum - Rubrum
CFC Members- Steam nickname:
Abaddon- Aiken_Drumn
Arexander- dal_zeklend
Azzaman333- Azza
bestrfcplayer- bestrfcplayer
carmen510- Coolio [NGC]
Captain2- Captain2
Captain Carnage- jkcov
cardgame- card_game
choxorn & kill fire- Gein
CivCube- palaner - Ciergan
CyberTyrant- CyberTyrant
Dachs - CnB|Aniketos {BRO}
D'Artagnan59- dartagnan59
Darth Pugwash - aero3000
Dell19- mattbradley19
d.highland- Exile
electric926- Baron Oddsbodkins
emu- Kingemu
f35acepilot- Desigos
FriendlyFire- WMD
Furiey- Furiey
Genocidicbunny- Genocidicbunny
Gerurun- Eru
Hammurabi II- ender0316
Harbringer - esperharbringer
Hitti-Litti - Sampsukka
i_imperator - Imperator
Izipo- izipo
Joecoolyo- carwrex
JtheJackal- Mechanized_Timber
LightFang- March Hare
LightSpectra- LightSpectra
Lord Iggy- kayo_lord_iggy
Luckymoose- Luckymoose
Matt0088- Matt
madviking- madviking15step
Metromonkey - [SC]Metromonkey
mythmonster2- mythmonster2
Mulholland- mul=HKC=
Nuclearkid- Warheadisgod
Oishi- ^3Derp ^5McEric
PeteAtoms - PeteAtoms
philippe- You will pay for your sacrilege.
PieceOfMind- PieceOfMind
pichuchiu- pichuchiu
PromeZeus- ƒ=PromeReZZu ®©
ProPain- ProPain
Rheinmetall- Rheinmetall
Rub'Rum - Rubrum
SamSniped- SamSniped
Seon- Jacknife's
SikcFak- SickFak
sirtommygunn- tomgunn
Skwink- Skwink- Naruto
Sneerk - snerk
Speedo- Speedo
SuperBeaverInc. - CnB|Groucho Marxist
Taliseian- Taliseian
thomas.berubeg- Thomasberubeg
Thrawn- Soan
Tykinruoka- Kaaostonttu
Typhlomence- Typhlomence
And let it be known to all that Azzaman33, Izipo, and philippe were members of the old group, and are hereby OGMs (original group members).
Original CFC Steam Group thread by Bigfoot3814.
Thanks to Knight-Dragon for stickying and Methos.