

Jun 10, 2007
United States
I'd like to start out by saying that I fully appreciate what Rhye has done. Despite that, I have failed to understand/ have fun. The stability system, with no historical context, seems erratic. Also, When I play on the second largest map most of the world tends to be empty for a long time, which leads to a very boring game with contact with only a few civs. for example, I recently tried to play as Spain, but my expansion stability went down a lot. I didn't know what I was doing wrong, did I expand to far? or am I not expanding enough? For those who have more experiance than me, what world size do you like? and how do you handle stability that would normally be used with historical context?
Don't use the second biggest map size then? People tend to think bigger = funner but I've found standard size is much better suited to RAND (though I would like to see more civs packed in).
my problems while playing is that during the colonization era, techs and everything all happens so fast compared to the movement of the units and the scale of the map. By the time I have a few galleons built and loaded with settlers and units to start colonizing, I have steam power and ready for industrialization, etc.

The pacing is what throws me off I guess. I mean I have cities producing buildings in 3 or 4 turns with techs taking the same time. If the techs into the industrial age were double though, you would have problems where civs slightly behind in the tech race would be even farther behind so I'm afraid I can't give any solutions. I'm just not good and balance and game design.
yeah, I just thought of using a standard map after I posted that. I tried it out, but I'm still unsure of how expansion works. If it is low, do I expand more, or did I expand too much?
well... If you have very few cities, it means you need to pump a few more out - if you pump one out and it goes way down, you overextended or built a city in someone elses "turf".

I am still learning how to master this expansion as well - im so proud i used that india start that is uploaded here - and i got 7 cities without flip or collapse! really, that was awesome.

There is no harm in placing cities 2 spaces apart, sometimes you have to do "inward building".

Likewise - the worse thing you can do is build cities at the VERY VERY end of the cultural borders (spreading out too far).
Usually what I try to do is build cities so that their fat crosses don't overlap, but not any further. Is that too far apart?
in RFC yes it is way far apart. In RAND you should still overlap IMO, but not as much due to less resources around.
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