Chance to Retreat?


Nov 19, 2001
I once remember seeing the statistics for the chance a fast unit has to retreat from battle, but I can't find them anymore. Can anyone tell me what the chances are? I remember it's based on the experience ranking (regular, veteran, etc) of the units fighting, but I can't remember the exact chances.

Anyone know what they are?

It goes from drafted units which has 33% up to elite that has 67%, regular and veteran are somewhere in between, check in the editor. Someplace called "Experience levels", or something like that.
I thought the experience level relative to the opposing unit was also relevant, not just your experience level. But I may be mistaken.
Yes, I believe the defender's experience level also counts. I'm not sure though. I do know that 33%, 50%, and 67% feature in there somewhere...

I haven't heard anything regarding the defender's / attacker's experience level influencing the retreat chances - I had always thought it depended solely on the relevant fast-mover's experience (whether it was the attacker or defender) and the "other rules." The editor (PTW 1.21f) identifies the retreat chances for conscript, regular, veteran, and elite as 34%, 50%, 58%, and 66%, respectively.

The "other rules" I mentioned were when retreat is not possible (no matter the experience of the unit); these instances are (IIRC): (1) when the fast-mover has only 1 HP left (at the beginning of the attack); (2) when both units are fast-movers; (3) when there is no available tile for retreat; and (4) when the fast-mover is fortified in a city (or colony?). Note that any "fast-mover" prevents another "fast-mover" from retreating -- a 3-move Rider doesn't get a chance to retreat from a 2-move knight. I can't remeber if a fortified unit in the open will retreat when attacked - I always thought the rule was "will not retreat when fortified" but I sure thought I'd seen fortified cavs on hills retreat when attacked.
Note that any "fast-mover" prevents another "fast-mover" from retreating -- a 3-move Rider doesn't get a chance to retreat from a 2-move knight. I can't remeber if a fortified unit in the open will retreat when attacked
Actually, Catt, I've seen both these happen. Cavalry has retreated from my attacking Knight; and my horsemen have retreated while fortified.

Thanks for the correction on the defender's experience.
cromagnon: I'm pretty sure cavalry cannot retreat from knights. I've never seen it happen.

Catt: also they can't retreat if the defender has 1 hitpoint. And thanks for the figures.

What if a fast unit is defending a defenseless unit, like artillery or a worker? Will it retreat then?

Originally posted by Sirp
What if a fast unit is defending a defenseless unit, like artillery or a worker? Will it retreat then?

I believe I have seen a fast unit abandon the worker it was "protecting," running away with its tail between its legs and leaving the poor worker to be enslaved. In the instance I recall, it was not fortified, for what that's worth.
I played few games with every unit having at least 2 movement points, except workers, settlers and artillery units in general. Never did any unit retreat. I actually forgot this cool feature existed.
i didnt know it mattered on experience i always though fast units always retreated vs not fast units
Originally posted by The Last Conformist
It only tries once to retreat.


Also, does anyone know if there is a combat calculator which takes retreat into account? I am looking at making one but I don't want to re-invent the wheel.
I think Kings should have a 100% chance to retreat if they have 2 movement points.....

:cry: The Memory of my Great King shall live eternally in my mind :cry:
Originally posted by The Last Conformist
It only tries once to retreat.

... and this is defined by the rule that a 1HP unit cannot retreat. A retreating unit has always only 1HP left.
For this reason, you can attack such a red-lined fast unit with a slow one, having a guarantee that it would not retreat.
Originally posted by Conditional Zenith


Also, does anyone know if there is a combat calculator which takes retreat into account? I am looking at making one but I don't want to re-invent the wheel.

I have one that calculates it...

Combat Calculator
Units can theoretically retreat multiple times (I think), but a unit never retreats when it already has 1 hp, and only retreats when it reaches 1 hp in battle. So the first battle will get the enemy to 1 hp and maybe make him retreat, the second one will be one he can't get away from.
Originally posted by Krayzeenbk
Units can theoretically retreat multiple times (I think), but a unit never retreats when it already has 1 hp, and only retreats when it reaches 1 hp in battle. So the first battle will get the enemy to 1 hp and maybe make him retreat, the second one will be one he can't get away from.

He can retreat multiple times as long as he heals at least 1HP between attempts... which requires more than one turn. Fast units are only capable of retreating once per turn, unless the rare exception of being attacked, retreating redlined, getting attacked again and surviving with a promotion, attacked again and retreating again. This is rare though, and would only be capable for veteran units or lower. But for all practical purposes, figure on only one retreat per unit per turn...
Originally posted by BomberEscort

He can retreat multiple times as long as he heals at least 1HP between attempts... which requires more than one turn. Fast units are only capable of retreating once per turn, unless the rare exception of being attacked, retreating redlined, getting attacked again and surviving with a promotion, attacked again and retreating again. This is rare though, and would only be capable for veteran units or lower. But for all practical purposes, figure on only one retreat per unit per turn...

That's the kind of situation I meant, it just didn't pop into my head because it's after practice :)
What I actually meant was, a unit which can retreat is down to 1 HP in a battle and the opponent has 3 HP left. The unit tries to retreat, but the RNG says no. The unit wins the next round, so it still has 1HP, and the opponent has 2 HP left. Does it try to retreat agian, or has it used its only chance?
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