Chances of using all 36 city tiles...?

Maybe you could get a city to the population needed to work all tiles but it's more likely that specialists would be better than working weak tiles. It's also more likely that multiple cities with more useful tiles would be superior to just working a lot of weak farms for no other reason than to suppport a size 37 city. So, orchestrating such a city might be a fun excercise but it's most likely not very practical or useful.

In the live stream greg said, look a 17 city, thats huge. So looks like reaching 20 is already hard

Does seem that way but I don't think this is definitive. He was still fairly early in the game. I don't think I've seen a city of size 20+ in any late game screenshots or gameplay examples, but, most of those previewers/players are playing saved game files, not playing from start to finish, and there are probably other factors involved.

I do think cultivating high population cities will be more of a desicion than something that just happens due to the global happy cap and a greater need for empire-wide population management.
new cities have 6 tiles. What is that about suburbs?
Oh yeah! : D The new tile system!

I mean you can build cities to culturally occupy the tiles 3-tile away and switch their worked tiles over... and there you have a buffered metropolis having all its 36 tiles guaranteed. Okay, nothing like a suburb, but still.
You can get the 37 pop city, your main constraint is happiness, are you only going with 1 city, if you have an empire can you afford a 37 pop city worth of unhappiness, you have lots of other cities to cater for.

But as for food, farms give an additional +2 to +4 food depending on tech, maritime city states give extra food, social policies give extra food, social policies can make your population & specialist population eat less food, buildings can give food directly, basically theirs a whole lot of stuff you can do to increase your food in take, so can you build a city capable of working all of its tiles, and probably keep growing and have more specialists, yup.

Also don't forget the health mechanic no longer exists, so its even easier to keep a city growing and growing. I believe theirs even a social policy that allows your capital city (which you would assumeably be the first city you want maximised with 37 pop) to grow faster.
Indeed, it will be possible.
FWIW there's a screenshot in the strategy guide of a 37 pop city that has 31 growth left over so it's clearly possible.

Late game, if you get a hospital and a medical facility, your city will have 75% of it's food stores saved up growing each time. Combine that with multiple maritime allies and the numerous social policies that boost growth and you can easily reach and exceed the 36 pop cap with a high growth city.

I don't know how easy it will be outside your capital, but your capital gets double food from maritime allies, +2 food from tradition +50% growth from landed elite, -50% food consumption by specialists from civil service. (Numbers taken from strategy guide are in conflict with other numbers from game previews. Unknown which are accurate but general idea is the same)
Reading the manual (p. 71, bottom of the page):
Citizens can work tiles that are within
two tiles’ distance from the city and that are within your civilization’s borders.

So is it a radius of two tiles, or three? Looking at the screenshot on pg. 67, it looks like it's three tiles' radius.
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