Change Options middlegame?


Feb 3, 2014
Hi, is there any possible way to change map options middlegame? I mean I just forgot to turn off Realistic Corporations at start, and now I reached corporations era, collected great persons and... cannot do anything(
I searched bug options, but it is not there...
Any help?
Try switching to HotSeat if you need to adjust something different, you can use WB there and save still works for MP after that.
Good to know! Actually I did it a bit complicated... Loaded an SP game, activated console, exited to menu without closing the console, and then loaded MP game, and the console was active, so I entered the cheat code and saved in MP. But you cannot close the console in MP too lol So I exited again, loaded SP game, closed the console, and then turned back to my MP game.

Also after turning off realistic corporations, I started receiving a lot of python errors when corporate executives are built in cities. Nothing game-breaking, just pressed ok several times. But then I realised it is related to advanced naming. So I just turned off advanced naming in BUG menu, and now everything is working like a charm ;)

Thank you for advises good man :)
Just came to say that enabling worldbuilder is not working in HotSeat for me. Console is not activating too.
Just came to say that enabling worldbuilder is not working in HotSeat for me.
Did you check Lock Modified Assets? Or maybe you actually need chipotle for WB too, it was always on for me since razing was disabled.
Did you check Lock Modified Assets? Or maybe you actually need chipotle for WB too, it was always on for me since razing was disabled.
Razing is not disabled, unless you choose so from options. You only need to pillage the city while it's in revolt after you conquer it. The bigger the city, the longer it takes to raze it.
Razing is not disabled, unless you choose so from options. You only need to pillage the city while it's in revolt after you conquer it. The bigger the city, the longer it takes to raze it.
BTW, is the AI aware of that? I don't remember the AI doing that ever, though it was a long time ago when I last used the dll of AND2.
FYI Inthegrave's dll changed City pillaging back to City razing with a bug and a bug like feature.
BTW, is the AI aware of that? I don't remember the AI doing that ever, though it was a long time ago when I last used the dll of AND2.
FYI Inthegrave's dll changed City pillaging back to City razing with a bug and a bug like feature.
As far as I remember it is. But AI usually razes only small CITIES, IIRC.
As far as I remember it is. But AI usually razes only small CITIES, IIRC.
Perhaps some testing would be good? I mean some AI autoplay where the game prints you some information about city razing. I mean anywhere, not just the visible cities.
Perhaps some testing would be good? I mean some AI autoplay where the game prints you some information about city razing. I mean anywhere, not just the visible cities.

Code for AI is there and it should work, I'll check to see if it still works when I have some time.
BTW, is the AI aware of that? I don't remember the AI doing that ever, though it was a long time ago when I last used the dll of AND2.
FYI Inthegrave's dll changed City pillaging back to City razing with a bug and a bug like feature.

yep, it does work. It happened multiple times during my latest test games. I'm testing a new dll to make AI more aggressive if Aggressive AI is selected but I didn't change anything about razing and it definitely works.


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