Changing back to site-provided avatar

Gori the Grey

The Poster
Jan 5, 2009
I don't know if this is a Forum problem or just a Gori problem. And I don't know if I should be starting this thread or post this question in the Frequently Asked Questions thread.

For years I had one of the site avatars. Then I changed to a custom avatar. I'd like temporarily to be able to change back to the previous avatar. The account page lets me de-select my custom avatar. It puts a (beautiful) lavender G in its place. But I don't see any way to get back to the site-provided avatars. What looks like the way to do it is to deselect the Custom Avatar button, but when I click it nothing happens. It stays checked.
If memory serves, they didn't make it through the latest migration.
I see so many people with them, though. Maybe they had one from before the migration, it carried over (as a kind of custom avatar) and they've never changed it. Anyway, I guess if I can track the image itself down somewhere, I can just make it a new custom avatar.

It's @Valka D'Ur who found me that avatar @Buster's Uncle! Jester-Shakespeare will probably come back before terribly long.
If memory serves, they didn't make it through the latest migration.

@The_J, can you confirm or clarify?
Xenforo has the option to have a custom avatar gallery, but it is not turned on, and only TF can. I have reminded him already once, but he must have forgotten. I would hope that we still have them all here on the server.
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