Charlie Crist will run as independent,

Given the fact that he's (Crist) already having to give money back, I'm curious how you think the candidate with the bigger bank balance (Rubio) is going to have a tough road?
Crist is the governor, he already has name recognition. Plus the combined capital of Crist and the Dem will be on attacking Rubio. He'll get the tea partiers, but beyond that, he has to make his case in the face of two candidates painting him as a far right loon.
Crist is the governor,
He's a lame duck on his way out the door and has already proven that any pledges he makes for support have a supprising short shelf life.
he already has name recognition.
RCP Average has Rubio up by 2.7% and if his name recognition mattered, he wouldn't be in this situation.
Jesus guys, the election is in August. Rubio can still be caught getting a hummer in an airport bathroom stall yet!!!

Seriously though, the election is months from now, anyone remember what Scott Brown was polling months away from the Mass. sen election?
Isn't the election in November? I thought the primary was in August, but none of these guys are running in a primary against each other.
Isn't the election in November? I thought the primary was in August, but none of these guys are running in a primary against each other.

Oops, I meant November. :(
I say, awesome! I have no idea who I will vote for since I haven't lived in Florida for very long, but I was kinda bummed when I learned that Florida is a closed primary state. Now, I can vote for any of them without having to register with a political party I despise. Problem solved.
Why, incidentally? I like moderates and have a funny little fetish for blatantly opportunistic politicians, but Crist's popularity as governor seems mostly to have come from his luck to be governing in the boom years (until recently of course) then any achievements of his own.
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