Originally posted by Akka
True respect for someone is to respect his values.
I am respecting her values. If she values some else more, then I respect that value judgement.
Of course, it's just much more convenient to disguise cowardice, lazyness, egocentrism and egoticisme as "respect", as absurd and contradictary as it is.
I'll accept the charges of lazyness and egocentrism - guilty as charge my lord.
Not guilty to cowardice though.
Talk about red herring and straw man
I prefer my herring pickled
Bah, hypocrisy is the common tool used by people to justify how they can do their whims without bothering about others. Hardly anything new.
Just how am I being hypocritical? We play by the same rules. It would be hypocritical if I expect one rule for me and a different one for others.