China 600 AD start: 2 Confucian academies and 2 Taoist pagodas by 1000 AD - how?


May 20, 2012
In isolation
Hi guys,

Sorry about noob issues, but I'm really struggling with this thing. I already have tried it some 20 times and failed. My best result is to get the Confucian academies and Taoist pagodas built by 1030 AD. Most of the time I get these done by 1040 AD. I have tried different approaches, but none worked.

Has anyone ever done it? Could you share some strategy tips?

Here is an image to illustrate my choice of cities:

Guangzhou didn't fit in the image very well. It's visible beneath the blue bar at the bottom.

Is it possible to achieve the 1st UHV goal with this configuration of cities?

I usually build a few workers in Bejing after I start and in the other cities I usually train workers or build granaries. I need granaries, because slave-rushing does not work without them. In Qufu and Xi'an I then start training missionaries and try to get both religions in Bejing as soon as possible so I could train missionaries there as well.
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