Chinese capital?

What city location should the Chinese start at?

  • Beijing

    Votes: 55 44.4%
  • Nanjing

    Votes: 11 8.9%
  • Xi'an

    Votes: 33 26.6%
  • Chang'an

    Votes: 25 20.2%

  • Total voters
Just an idea: if the problem with China's capital being Luoyang or Xi'an is that AI China then doesn't settle the north, why not have Beijing spawn as an independent city called Yanjing or Zhongdu in 900 CE? (Representing the Liao and then the Jurchen, although it could theoretically spawn much earlier as Ji in 400 BCE.) The AI appears to be far more aggressive towards the independents in the new patch, so I imagine an AI China would pounce on the target if they hadn't settled up there yet, especially if their spawn area still covered the site.
Historically, Chang'an (Also known as Xi'an) should be the capitol. Especially the leader of choice is Qin ShiHuang.
Hi ,

nanjing or xi an with the forbidden palace in bejing ( !! )

having tested the idea of letting bejing be owned by the independent , the results of that are not at all promising , for the balance the start should stay at bejing or why not devide it over two locations , .... ??

Have a nice day
The Chinese capital should definitely be something other than Beijing. Xi'an sounds good, but would its culture somehow affect the birth of Lhasa?
Best solution is still Luoyang, because Xi'an(Chang'an) has too many mountains. Luoyang will allow the spawning of an independent Seoul more often. The only problem is that some of the resources up near Beijing need to be moved closer to Luoyang to allow them to be competitive in early game.
It was not, however, for long.

Washington was built to be the capital, Philadelphia was an extended provisional government.

First capital for US was actually in New York City, albeit VERY temporary. George Washington was sworn at Federal Hall near Wall Street. They then moved it to Philadelphia while they began planning the city of Washington for the permanent capital.

At the same time, Japan does start of with Kyoto (instead of Tokyo), since Tokyo wasn't made the capital under after the Meiji Restoration.

I'd still put Beijing as the capital at this point. Though several cities have served as capitals at some point, Beijing has still served as a significant capital for a large portion of Chinese history, including today as well.
Best solution is still Luoyang, because Xi'an(Chang'an) has too many mountains. Luoyang will allow the spawning of an independent Seoul more often. The only problem is that some of the resources up near Beijing need to be moved closer to Luoyang to allow them to be competitive in early game.

I was wondering about the map area for China. It seems that the mountains around Xi'an down to Chengdu seem a bit much. While there's a lot of mountains in the area, especially compared to the Himalayas to the west, would it make more sense to place hills there? It'd also just help to stimulate growth in these areas (as opposed to having just mountain spaces that provide no food or support).
I'm still sticking to Luoyang, which was the capital of Eastern Zhou. Anyang is closest to Ye, the Shang dynasty capital (first archaeologically documented Chinese dynasty), but for gameplay reasons Anyang is rather wasteful. Chang'an was simply too far west to be defensible, even though the Western Han dynasty and later dynasties tried it there again.

And as far as the Qin being the first to unite China and had the capital in Xianyang (south of Chang'an), one should read Wikipedia on the Qin in the Spring and Autumn period:

"Qin was in a rather backward condition compared to its rapidly transforming neighbours to the east. The demography of Qin consisted of a large proportion of Sinicized semi-barbarian people, believed to be descended from the Rong tribe of the steppes. This was a main factor that caused a distinct unease and discrimination amongst the other states in China toward Qin at the time."

Only later did their power grow to enable it to unite China, and the Qin dynasty did not last long, whereas the Han dynasty did (and again had Luoyang as the capital in the Eastern Han).

As for game play, even if some mountains were changed to hills, Xi'an cannot grow big until windmills (see Hattusas). Whereas Luoyang can be a monster site with lots of rivered plains and only 2 unusable tiles (mountains).
I wonder, does this thread have any effect on will the capital of China remain Beijing in the 3000 AD start? Will Rhye read this thread? Even if so, would he do anything to change it?
I have a solution: Edit it yourself. Get python, and in Assets, Python, there is a city name manager, and barabarian city founding thing. Mess with that, and you can change it to whatever you personally want.
I didn't mean that, just wanted to know what people are going after here. This could be discussed to death but the original modder still wouldn't do anything about it. I wondered if that was the collective objective here or do people want Rhye to really change it.
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