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Chop forests?


Jul 31, 2003
Is it possible to chop down forests?

It have started a game where my main food-producing city has a few squares with forest. It would be nice to convert them to grassland to further improve the food-production, but is it possible?

Your pioneer can make short work of any forest tiles that may be hindering your growth.

One note of warning however. . . don't cut down all the forest around your city (until you can import lumber from other cities)

I suggest leaving one 'FOREST' tile and cutting down all the 'LIGHT FOREST'
Ok, thanks... do you know if cutting down the forest add lumber to the warehouse (something similar to how chopping works in CivIV)
Yes . . . I think a light forest is on the order of 15 to 20 lumber for the warehouse

Another note . . . this is one of the few activities (maybe the only one??) that doesn't cost any money.

Roads and mines cost 20 gold. . . I think lodges do too.
Everything but clearing forests cost money. On Normal speed it's usually 20g per. As for forest squares, yeah you want to slap lodges on them. The tundra ones (grey pine trees) will usually fetch 6 lumber normally. Slap in a lodge, a road and a master lumberjack and you stand to get 14 - 18 lumber per turn out of a single square.

Of course I usually try to make a lumber yard colony that'll dish out lumber wholesale. Trucking in massive loads of lumber into a colony with master carpenters means you'll build stuff at ridiculous speeds.
Apologies for the necro; I didn't want to start a new thread about chopping when there are probably others.

Question for the vets:

I have a city with 2 Coast, and 6 tundra forests. Two of those forests have deer, one on a hill, the other flat by a river.
This city has a potential to be a massive source of furs and/or lumber; I want to keep the forests. Potentially, I wouldn't need to worry about getting true forests on my new colonies.
With an expert fisherman on each coast, and an expert farmer on each deer, I can get 2*6+8+6 food, +3 more for city tile, =29 food total, supporting 10 additional colonists.
Should I leave the forests on the deer, so I can boost fur/lumber production when I don't need the food (for example, when my carpenters migrate to a less-developed city), or should I chop them to get the +2*2=+4 food, for two more colonists?

I'm pretty earlier in the game, so I haven't decided what my other colonies will do. What would the vets here do?
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