Many would bash religion and believe me I've heard all the arguments both ways, and I'm not here to change anyone's opinions. Religion isn't necessarily about blind devotion to God, although I do rely on Him, but the first thing I noticed that rainy Sunday afternoon about a month or so back was how everyone would come together regardless of anything else. I was invited by a person I really never associated with at school, and there were several people that I had never considered to be my friends, but they all knew who I was and were greeting me with open arms. That's what it's about, it's about boundaries such as race, social status, and other irrelevant differences disappearing as people are united by their faith in God. While I do not agree with many of the people in my congregation on some issues that we discuss every Friday night, just the sight of people singing and dancing together warms the heart and touches the soul, and it is at that moment that I knew He had touched me. This may sound overly corny, but it's just the way it's happened. And you know, since I began to rely on Him, things have gone surprisingly well. My submission to the military was accepted, I joined a volunteer organization and quickly made my way through the ranks and am now only second to the President, and my grades have begun to climb. All this happened because I worship and praise Him, because I take fifteen minutes out of my day every day to pray, because I've accepted Him.
I don't expect to change anyone's opinions, but I thought I'd at least share my perspective on the whole religion vs athiesm issue.
I don't expect to change anyone's opinions, but I thought I'd at least share my perspective on the whole religion vs athiesm issue.