Tis the season!
Does the forum have a Christmas Theme, or perhaps switch out the regular smiles for Christmas ones?

Does the forum have a Christmas Theme, or perhaps switch out the regular smiles for Christmas ones?

Honestly, I'd forgotten how horrible it looked. That's a really busy, eye-hurting color combination.There isn't a Christmas theme anymore. I would say that the Grinch stole it, but in truth, CFC used to have a vBulletin Christmas theme, but it was lost in the move to XenForo.
It looked like this:
Spoiler :
I have no idea what's involved in making a XenForo theme, but we've been on XenForo for... five years already? So it must not be super simple. Still, I archived a few pages for offline reference in previous Decembers, so I'd be happy to provide reference screenshots/materials, and see if I can extract some images/CSS, if someone wants to take on the endeavour.
They probably are already. If you clear your cache, they should disappear.
Time to turn these off now
They probably are already. If you clear your cache, they should disappear.
Or just clear your cookies. You can do those individually, though it takes awhile if you have a lot. But yeah, you'd be logged out (so make sure you remember your password first, finish whatever posts you're composing, and bookmark anything important.If i do that will I lose all my log ins?